Court of the Spires ∙ Plots

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Post by The Realm on Aug 19, 2024 3:01:24 GMT

Court of the Spires Plots
Last Updated: 09.15.2024

This is the spot to come to check all of the current plots for the Court of the Spires as an individual group. You can also read more about the specific High Rank Opinions, which is more specific to who is ruling rather than the outlook as a whole group which can be found in the respective group info thread. Check back often for any updates.

Current Group Outlook
→ 🌲 The Court of the Spires is currently neutral toward TimberClan, they have no real negative feelings toward them but that doesn't mean they enjoy their presence either.

→ 🗻 The Court of the Spires immensely dislikes SummitClan, and would have rather they not met to begin with. Although the Court would never admit to having sent a spy to assassinate Goldenstar, they certainly won't deny it either. It is to their benefit to remain elusive and mysterious, and the less SummitClan knows of their going-ons, the better.

👑 High Rank Opinions
Sovereign Kestrel of Redspire


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]→ VIEWS ON OUTSIDERS: Outsiders must prove themselves worthy of the Court through completing a great act for Sovereign Kestrel to view them as anything other than a waste of the Court's resources. An exception is made for younger cats, which she will readily take in if they are open to learning their traditions and they can help support the Court through joining their ranks. All new bloods are given the namesake 'the Spire' to denote that they have not yet gained their own namesake.

VIEWS ON FORBIDDEN ROMANCES: The Court of the Spires has survived as long as it has by keeping true to their traditions. While Sovereign Kestrel doesn't necessarily look down upon a cat that decides to have kits with another group, she will demand that the kit is raised within the Court and on the traditions of the Court. She urges caution with her Courtmates though, because all interactions with the Clans will always end in war.

VIEWS ON RELIGION: As the embodiment of the Sovereigns that came before her, Kestrel is firm in her belief that an afterlife exists for those who have become Graceful. But, she does not believe that they can impact today in any real way that matters, other than telling their stories and learning from their mistakes. As such, she is a firm believer in the sacred retelling of their stories and on occasion has been known to call for the entire Court of the Spires to gather for storytelling. She believes StarClan to be a blasphemy, and although it may exist, it must be filled with the ungraceful, and therefore useless.

Heir Urchin of Redspire


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]DESCRIPTION GOES HERE WIP

Cleric Lancer of Sealroar


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]DESCRIPTION GOES HERE WIP

Cleric Squire Rain of Skyborn


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]DESCRIPTION GOES HERE WIP

✨ Active Harbingers

→ Each historic family has its own harbinger - an influential character that fills a role within our grand story. These are the foundation for which the rest of their namesake is built around. Use your adopts wisely! There are also a few harbingers scattered amongst the younger namesakes of the Court, which will be announced at a later date.

Harbinger of ChangePENDING

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]The firstborn of Sovereign Kestrel of Redspire wants nothing more than to be different from their heritage. Change strives to make their own mark on the world and is willing to go to great lengths to do so. They will make a new name for themselves, even if it drives a wedge between themselves and their family.


Harbinger of Confidence: Sealroar — PENDING

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]Known for their boisterousness, the Sealroar’s have always been a proud namesake. Confidence seems to have an aura about them that melts away people’s walls and encourages them to open up. It is both a blessing and a curse, as they have to sometimes learn things they would rather not know. They are content in the role they play within the Court, so long as no one outshines them in their specialty.


Harbinger of Nostalgia: Rosebristle — CHICORY

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]As one of the oldest namesakes to still walk the halls of the Court, the Rosebristles live within their history. Nostalgia serves as a constant reminder of what was and how things used to be, and speaks often in stories. They are a constant gossiper, and feed into the organizing of love as if it is their true role within the Court. To Nostalgia, things were definitely easier, better, and more romantic in the past - it’s just a simple fact.


Harbinger of Grudges: Skyborn — RAIN

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]The Skyborn are well known for their beauty and grace, and the Harbinger of Grudges is no exception. Their mind is as sharp as their wit, and they never forget a slight against them. They similarly remember those who gain their good graces as well, but those are harder won. No one is above Grudge's ire, but they remain ever steadfastly loyal to the Sovereign.


Harbinger of Friction: Wolfsbane — PENDING

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]Although generally an upstanding Knight namesake, Friction is here to cause chaos. A snide remark tossed over the border, claws shown at the Realm’s Bounty, you name it - they’re instigating it. Luckily the whole of the namesake isn’t this way, but it is certainly becoming a trend, especially given the Sovereign’s lackadaisy attitude toward it.


Harbinger of Judgement: Ravenspell — SPARROW

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]Historically, the family of Ravenspell has been quiet and reserved, protective of their own and their knowledge, and masterful in their espionage. Judgement seeks to be the antithesis to their family namesake, and they oppose the foundation that has thus far been built. With a critical eye, they observe all - but they must be careful. The wrong accusation could be their demise.


Harbinger of Guidance: Icebreak — CASCADE

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]Amongst the chaos of the Realm, one namesake strives consistently to bring order and peace - Icebreak. Guidance believes that they know the way things should be - especially when it comes to blossoming love. With a heavy paw, they guide others together in an effort to bring prosperity to the Court. Guidance cannot help but let their helpfulness be known, even when their thoughts aren’t appreciated.


Harbinger of Justice: Silvershark — PENDING

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]The Silversharks have a strong sense of what is right or wrong, and they detest the morally bankrupt. Their goal is peace and prosperity, and whatever keeps the greatest number of cats from harm. Justice is firm in their beliefs and it is challenging to disagree with them. They openly oppose senseless acts of violence and aggression, and this may seem to blur the lines on their loyalty.


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Last Edit: Sept 15, 2024 4:39:11 GMT by Artemis
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