Ranger Chicory of Rosebristle

Asteiri Avatar


Post by Asteiri on Sept 11, 2024 19:40:07 GMT

Ranger Chicory of Rosebristle
court of spires ∙ ranger ∙ she/her ∙ 52 moons

a small silver striped she-cat with green eyes

Chicory is small, sometimes mistaken for a squire by cats who lay their eyes on her for the first time. She stands about a tail-length shorter than most of her other clanmates her age. Her fur is short, soft, an almost whiteish grey in colour. Darker grey stripes make their way down her head, flank, and tail. Her grey coloration is contrasted by her pink nose and paw pads, although her back left paw has one black pad. She has pale green eyes, a trait that is shared among almost all of the Rosebristle bloodline. Her tail is long, sleek, with a darker tip.

+ eloquent | +/- persuasive | - natural gossip

Chicory is well-spoken, eloquent, and good at talking and collaborating with all cats of the court. She has a positive relationship with the current Sovereign, Kestrel, as well as being in good standing with the other Knights and Rangers of the court. She is able to get her thoughts and opinions on the table in a well-worded, easy to understand manner. She is also able to understand the opinions of others, but due to her own moral compass, she does often try to persuade others to see her points of view. She adheres to her own agenda, and she has her own ways of viewing court politics and disagreements.

While her family has always had a "hands on" approach to court relations in a sense, Chicory takes this a step further and encourages cats to follow their hearts. She believes that the court has strayed too far from the original goals, with most pairs now being for convenience or to further historical lineages. Chicory herself, is a bit of a romantic. Her views on cross clan/cross court romance aren't ones she would speak aloud, but she believes if a cat loved one from outside their homeland, it should be allowed.

Chicory is known to be talkative, as well as one of those cats that seems to know a lot about everyone, even if you do not know her that well. She's a keen listener, picking up on any gossip that floats her way as well as partaking in her fair share of gossip. She's aware of most cats friends, enemies, and if she can paw her way closer to you, perhaps even romantic interests. While she holds this information for her own use... she can be prone to spread it around if she feels like it furthers her own agenda.

Chicory values the traditions of the court, perhaps a bit too much. She reveres the old ways, often reminiscing about how Tournaments of Names and other ceremonies should become even more grandiose and celebratory, like they once were. She is one of the first to volunteer for most festivals as well, assisting her clan.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: lean ranger
SP: 4

•  Leaping
•  Tree Climbing
•  Persuasion
•  Storytelling
•  Swimming

Plotting, History, & Relations

Dignified and poised, Chicory is aware of her position in one of the oldest and most historic families within the court. The Rosebristle lineage goes far, being one of the oldest within the court and in Chicory's opinion, one of the most important. With a storied history, Chicory often finds herself dwelling on her own past, wondering if things are truly in the best place they could be right now. While she respects and reveres the traditions of the court, she wonders if there's more that the court could draw from the past... as well as teach her younger siblings what it truly means to be a Rosebristle.

Sage Chamomile of Rosebristle - Mother, 121 Moons
Sage Huckleberry of Rosebristle (Formerly of Silvershark) - Father, 110 Moons

Senior Ranger Clover of Rosebristle - Older Sister, 87 moons
Senior Knight Lichen of Rosebristle - Older Brother, 87 moons
Ranger Mallow of Rosebristle - Brother, 52 Moons [Adoptable]
Ranger Nectar of Rosebristle - Brother, 52 Moons
Ranger Laurel of Rosebristle - Sister, 52 Moons
(up to adopter) Squire Moss of Rosebristle - Younger Sibling, 12 moons[Adoptable]
(up to adopter) Squire Olive of Rosebristle - Younger Sister, 12 moons [Adoptable]
Kit Parsley of Rosebristle - Younger Brother, 4 moons, Deceased
Kit Phlox of Rosebristle - Younger Brother, 4 moons, Deceased

Senior Knight Plum of Silvershark - Uncle, 110 Moons
Sage Primrose of Rosebristle - Aunt, 121 Moons
Sage Marigold of Rosebristle - Maternal Grandmother, Deceased
Sage Sunflower of Rosebristle (Formerly of the Spires) - Great Grandmother, Deceased
Sage Sycamore of Rosebristle - Great Grandfather, Deceased

Within the walls of the Court of Spires, Rosebristle is one of the oldest families that still walks within the court. These cats are dignified, poised, and seem to live within their history. Names often repeat, trying to cling to the history that they have crafted for themselves. At 34 moons, Ranger Chamomile of Rosebristle gave birth to her first litter with her younger mate, Ranger Huckleberry of Silvershark --- now Rosebristle. While the pair weren't exactly in love, it was a pairing the was arranged by Marigold, the at the time matriarch of the Rosebristles. While the title had never been bestowed upon them, the Rosebristle had a quiet oath to organize strong pairings to pass on history as well as create stronger generations. While this didn't always involve romance, many of their pairings, especially within the family learned to love each other and flourish.

The first litter of Chamomile and Huckleberry produced two kits, Clover and Lichen. Lichen was brazen, driven by a desire to be the best, not befitting of the dignified nature of the Rosebristles. Clover was much more compassionate, although a bit shy. The second litter of the duo came a few years later, producing four offspring: Mallow, Nectar, Laurel, and Chicory. All four kits ended up following in their parent's footsteps, becoming ranger squires. The pressure of being from a prestigious family, as well as being the largest Rosebristle litter in generations thrust a lot of responsibility on the shoulders of these four squires.

Chicory, a spitting image of her mother, found herself at the center of these expectations. Looking like the current Matriatch, Chicory was thrust into the position that Marigold was in all those years prior. Her mother attuned her senses to the clan, ears poised and perked up for all murmurs of clan gossip. From a young age, Chicory knew most of her clanmates in and out, through the admission of their own mouths. She knew what to memorize, what to bank on for later. She knew who liked who, how cats felt about clan politics, and who hated each other. While most cats didn't tell her things as a squire, once she became a ranger, she was being told this gossip rather than learning it second hand.

Something that always seemed to bother Chicory was the views most cats in her clan had towards romance and mates. She saw it with her parents, and she often saw it within the other historic families. Courting was done for convenience, to pass on names rather than out of love. In a way, it bothered Chicory. Why should she have to court someone she had no interest in simply because they were from a historic family? Especially if she fell for someone with a lower caste of name. While it was something that Marigold also adhered to, her family's lineage was once much more positive about courting whoever you wished in the past. Marigold's mother was a found-kit, a small kitten found on the shores that was claimed by the spire. She fell in love with a Rosebristle, who also fell for her. It was romantic, the kind of stories that sages told to kits. That was what she desired most, the ability for cats to live as they wish.

The more she explored her lineage, the more Chicory began to realize that the current views of the court clashed with what her original ancestors wanted --- as well as how much her family's views clashed with them as well. Chicory grew a bit distant from her siblings after this revelation, with Nectar, Mallow, and Laurel all respecting the word of their mother and believing that in the Rosebristle name she was correct in her teachings.

When Chicory was 40 moons, her parents had their final litter. Another large litter. However, perhaps due to their age, only two of the kits properly made it to the squirehood, with Phlox and Parsley being sickly kits. Their deaths, even if her family deemed it the Will of Grace, made her parents finally move into the Sage's den, stricken by grief and finding it appropriate to retire.

Her two youngest surviving siblings, Moss and Olive, were made squires recently, and Chicory couldn't be more proud of her younger siblings. She just hopes that with her mother and father stepping down, she can teach them what it truly means to be a Rosebristle.

Other Notes
Up to the moderation team, I am fine with whatever suits the plot best.
jennybonner @ getty
Hoping to audition for Harbinger of Nostalgia <3

Last Edit: Sept 15, 2024 17:40:54 GMT by Asteiri
ᨒ Asterpaw . Ravenwatcher ᨒ
↟ Oriolebloom . Shinepaw ↟
༄ Chicory of Rosebristle . Stag of Irontooth ༄
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