Heir Urchin of Redspire

nifty Avatar


Post by nifty on Aug 16, 2024 0:55:16 GMT

heir urchin of redspire
court of the spires ∙ heir ∙ she/her ∙ 16 moons

A slender, thick-furred dilute tortoiseshell she-cat with mossy-green eyes.

Urchin is a she-cat with a slight frame. Her fur is thicker and tufts out when she sits. Masked in dark gray, she blends in with the stones of the castle and the muted stony tones of the cobbled beaches. Her pelt is not uniform, as the gray is interrupted by hints of cream that bloom up her neck and face. Her chest is marked by the splatter of more cream-colored fur. Mossy green eyes and a dark nose frame her face. She is sure-footed and deceptively fast for her smaller size. Her tail plumes out behind her and is reminiscent of a fox's tail.

+ Driven | +/- Orderly | - entitled

There is seldom a cat as sure of herself as Urchin. Heir Urchin of Redspire has always known what she’s wanted in life. Her role ever since she was born was clear to her, and she picked up her duties and responsibilities quickly. Her bloodline is righteous and their decisions are just—Urchin lives and breathes this mantra. As the future Sovereign, her choices and her mother’s choices are law. The Redspire bloodline is absolute in her mind, and no one else comes close. As such, she is hardly capable of making a mistake. If she does, why would she have to apologize for it? Any mistake, any weakness, is something that could be exploited by her enemies. To avoid this, she goes to great lengths to show superiority over those less civilized than the Court; Urchin is decidedly firm on keeping outside influence away—as most diplomacy is smoke and mirrors.

With her royal upbringing comes all the benefits—the largest wing in the castle, a lavish lifestyle, prey whenever she’s wanted, and front-row attendance at all the Court’s festivals. She’s been educated on policy and strategy and war. Her upbringing has been so rich in education and culture that she feels like she could hold all of the Realm between her paws. In some aspects, though, this makes her almost naïve. She is book-smart and talented, but she has very little real-world experience to back it up. This sometimes leaves her struggling to empathize with or understand hardship. She cannot relate to it, and thus to her, the world is not challenging to survive in. It is only a matter of time before this reality of hers shatters. Urchin bares tenacity and ferocity to the world, but it is the Heir’s mask in Court politics. The mask has been worn for so long in her young life that she often fails to recognize it. It exhausts her enough that she must retreat to solitude to recover, and under the layers of pomposity and extravagance, exists a quiet, sensitive cat. Few see her inner world, and the swords remain crossed on who she feels she is. 

Her internal conflict reflects in her family’s recent history—the betrayal and disappearance of her mother’s first Heir left a black shadow on the Redspire name. She has worked tirelessly to distance herself from her sibling’s mistake and prove her value and worth as the true Heir. Loyalty and fealty to the Sovereign is crucial, and Urchin vows to seek revenge on her sibling, and all those who disobey the Sovereign’s law. Maintaining order in the Court of the Spires is a matter of life and death. Except… what happens when the Sovereign and Heir’s views cross? Perhaps it is best to never find out.

Title & Abilities
heir of the court of spires
sp: 6

•  Strategizing
•  Fishing
•  Fighting
•  Exploring
• Delegating
•  Swimming
•  Sneaking

Plotting, History, & Relations

Urchin is the Heir to the Court of the Spires. Her isolationist views tend to make her hostile to those outside of the Court. She is ready to defend the Court and her Redspire bloodline, no matter what is required of her, and with little regard for the consequences.
Mother: Sovereign Kestrel of Redspire, played by
Half-Sibling: Royal [Name] of Redspire
Grandmother: Royal Knight Surfperch of Redspire
Grandfather: Royal Ranger Hawk of Redspire
Great-Uncle: Sovereign Clover of Redspire
[0-5 moons] Under her mother's rather relaxed parenting, Urchin's curiosity flourished. She explored the castle without worry and she more than once found herself face to face with trouble. Urchin pushed the boundaries set by her mother as a kit, and given that she was an only kit, she gained independence quickly. Her number of questions also increased quickly—about Court life, and about her family. Information on the latter was surprisingly sparse, until she learned of her sibling's—the previous Heir's—betrayal.

[6 moons] Royal Urchin of Redspire takes the Plunge in her Trial of Waves ceremony, and is assigned a Knight mentor and a Ranger mentor.

[7-14 moons] After attaining the knowledge of the previous Heir, Royal Squire Urchin dedicates herself to her studies. There are whispers that she will become the next Heir, so all of her focus goes into being as strong and as knowledgeable as she can be. She is determined to live up to Sovereign Kestrel's expectations. Her training follows the Ranger path, and she grows her expertise in swimming and stealth. At her Crossroads ceremony, Urchin is officially named Sovereign Kestrel's Heir, Heir Squire Urchin.

[16 moons] Urchin finishes her training and officially becomes Heir Urchin of Redspire.

Other Notes
Staff discretion.
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Last Edit: Sept 18, 2024 19:52:37 GMT by nifty

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