Cleric Squire Rain of Skyborn

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Post by io on Aug 15, 2024 2:57:22 GMT

the court of spires ∙ cleric squire ∙ he/him ∙ 12 moons

A skinny pale bengal tom with brown rosettes and blue eyes.

Rain stands an average height for a tom but appears on the smaller side due to his lithe stature. He has sepia-colored rosettes over his back and limbs which fade toward the belly and shoulders. While no cat can truly deem a Skyborn ugly, Rain is probably on the less fortunate end of appearances. Time will tell whether his frail appearance is due to a lack of confidence or a lack of good genetics. He sprouts legs which feel too long for his frame and ears that sit too big for his face. Despite being generally well-groomed, Rain’s pale pelt tends to appear dirty easily. In fact, his brown-colored spots give his back a muddied look. Rain himself is somewhat self-conscious of his physical appearance, but he tries his best not to dwell on it too long.

+ serene | +/- sentimental | - selfish

True to his name, Rain is everything one might expect of a rainy day - soft, serene, and sentimental. This peaceful tom can often be seen gazing into the distance with cloudy blue eyes, enjoying the petrichor with a sense of deep nostalgia. No one can be sure if he is watching the horizon out of admiration, rest, or simply burn out. Rain doesn’t stand out and tends to be quiet and shy, easily going unnoticed and unchallenged. He generally keeps to himself and avoids confrontation at all costs. Born as a frail kitten, Rain has grown into a rather cautious tom who believes one can never be too careful.

As such, Rain is a feline of observation and memorization. He sits silently at the edge of the table, watching and learning, until he is ready. He remembers a great deal of things, both good and bad. At times, his ability to memorize things can even come off a little creepy or uncanny, such as when he learns cats’ schedules and remembers their exact words. Nevertheless, his talent is a huge asset in his cleric duties. Recalling vast amounts of herbs, bugs, and plants is no problem for him. He is a devoted naturalist who cares deeply for nature, taking a particular interest in insects and may occasionally collect little critters he finds.

Rain is an emotional being. He is easily stirred by sentiment and pathos. Those who do good by him, alongside his friends and family, have his wholehearted support. In fact, he is known for having a particularly kind, genuine, and calming bedside manner despite his youth. He works extremely hard for his family and is a very dedicated healer for his patients. However, those who hurt or betray him, however, may be met with nasty and passive aggressive treatment. This tom neither forgives nor forgets. He may hold grudges to the point of being petty and superfluous.

His career isn’t shielded from his emotional vices, either. Despite his frailer physique, Rain’s opinions are strong and stubborn. Like many of his namesake, he is a deeply religious traditionalist who has only become more intolerant of differences over time. Non-believers of the Court and its religions may be treated like heretics. Some medicine cats might strive to help all cats no matter their allegiances, but Rain isn’t one of them. He is unlikely to help cats who are not of the Court and may even refuse to heal his personal enemies. Once he chooses not to help, Rain isn’t above watching a cat in pain and is certainly cruel enough to let them die.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Cleric Squire
SP: 3

•  Foraging
•  Soothing
• Memorizing
•  Storytelling
• None

Plotting, History, & Relations

Squire Rain of Skyborn is one of the historic namesakes in the Court. He wholeheartedly supports the current Sovereign and always will be a loyal subject. In the future, he may clash with other more outgoing personalities in his family or even cause rifts with Clan medicine cats due to his stubborn beliefs.


Blizzard - mother †
Hemlock - father [npc]

Aurora - sister [ADOPTABLE]
Storm - brother [ADOPTABLE]
Puddle - brother †

Dawn - grandmother [npc]
Goose - grandfather †
Tempest - uncle [npc]
Thunder - uncle [npc]
Lightning - aunt [ADOPTABLE]
Hurricane - uncle †

00: Rain, Storm, Aurora, and Puddle are born.
01: A plague rages through the territories that only SummitClan has the cure to.
02: Blizzard passes from illness. Rain repeatedly falls ill.
06: Storm, Aurora, and Puddle become Ranger Squires. Rain chooses to become a Cleric Squire.
10: Puddle falls out of a tree and break his spine.
11: Puddle dies after a moon of holding on.
12: Present day [IC play begins].

Four small, pale kittens were born during a quiet Fall Moon. Their mother and father were Ranger Blizzard of Skyborn and Knight Hemlock of Skyborn (formerly Ravenspell), respectively. The kittens were named Storm, Aurora, and Rain. For roughly one peaceful moon, they grew up sheltered in the confines of the nursery. But it was also around this time that their mother fell ill.
As such, Rain’s earliest memories were of his mother's suffering. It is said that Blizzard held out for her kittens as much as she could. Not long after they were weaned, she succumbed to the illness before a cure could be found.

A great illness plagued the forest, and only SummitClan had the cure.
This simple fact lodged itself into little Rain’s impressionable kitten mind. Between an early weaning and his naturally frailer health, Rain himself repeatedly fell ill, landing him an almost permanent spot in the Apothecary. There, he watched with amazement as Cleric Lancer comforted and healed the sick. He also grew a deep and unshakeable resentment for the Clans.

Meanwhile, Knight Hemlock was never the same after his mate’s death; he refused to rise from his bed despite the begging mewls of his children. There was nothing anyone could say to get him to help in the nursery or even help with anything at all. In the face of their father’s absence and their mother’s death, the burden of kit-rearing soon presented itself as a problem for the extended family. Their experienced grandmother and their pedantic aunt, Dawn and Lightning respectively, stepped up to watch over the kits.
With this arrangement, however, came the expectations and influences of the Skyborn family. Lightning, quite the career-oriented feline, was a shining example to which the kits were always compared. The kits were told that the Court was the best group in the forest and that they must excel dutifully in their careers, no matter what.

At six moons old, Aurora, Puddle, and Storm chose to become Rangers, as per the Skyborn traditions. Rain chose to become a Cleric, which was met with some opposition from the older members of his namesake. However, he completes the Cleric ceremony successfully and begins training under Cleric Lancer.
As soon as they started their training, the new Squires became the talk of the family and began to feel the pressure of high expectations. It is said that Rain got all the brains, Aurora got all the fire, and Storm got all the looks of the family. And Puddle... well, he held the siblings together with his charisma and humor. For a while, it seemed training was going well for the feisty group despite their differing personalities.

However, this all changed the day Puddle and Storm had a hunting competition with each other. The duo got a little too competitive, and during a small argument, Storm pushed Puddle. Puddle lost his footing, fell from a high tree, and broke his spine.
Rain did his best to heal and support Puddle’s recovery in the Apothecary. But despite a moon of best efforts, Rain watched his brother pass slowly and agonizingly in front of him. He internalized this as his own failure, especially when Storm was quick to blame him for his ineptitude as a Cleric. Frustrated, Rain chose to blame Storm for roughhousing and causing Puddle’s accident in the first place. Aurora, torn between her brothers’ arguing, ultimately distanced herself from both of them.

Without Puddle to hold them together, no amount of consoling from their aunt or grandmother could mend the rift between the siblings. Rain instead turned away and chose to focus on his work, feeling immense pressure to do better. Maybe one day, he might be impressive enough for his father to return to them. Maybe one day, he could be close enough to the stars to see his mother again. He had to memorize herbs and take care of those like Puddle. He had to make his grandmother proud.
And above all else, like all the rest of the Skyborn, he had to be exceptional.

Other Notes
faceclaim - LUMI
Last Edit: Sept 5, 2024 2:23:07 GMT by io