Welcome to Code and Crown

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Code and Crown is a one account per member, literate medieval warrior cats roleplay inspired by the american northwest. In the heart of our realm, SummitClan and TimberClan have lived in relative peace for generations. However, 150 moons ago, they realized they're not alone - the Court of the Spires, rulers of the sea thriving in their historic castle, evaded the notice of the Clans for as long as they could. Now, uncertainty hovers in the air as traditions clash and a flimsy peace is stretched thin. How long will it be before the Realm's Bounty runs red?


YR 0 Leaffall - Suspicions & Rumors At present, our Realm is in Leaf-fall. Prey is starting to hunker down for leafbare, but salmon are rather plentiful. Herbs are still in decent supply. Overall, the season is going well. Tensions are mounting on the borders, but there is no active turmoil at present. At Greenleaf's Realm's Bounty, Elkstar was announced as SummitClan's new leader after the mysterious death of Goldenstar. At the mention of the lost leader, eyes turned toward the Court, but they have neither denied nor confirmed the allegations that they were responsible. With tensions mounting, TimberClan draws their attention inward and cautiously guards their borders, trusting neither of their neighbors completely.

The Beginning

Welcome, travellers. This will be your first stop here on Code and Crown. Inside this guidebook, you'll find all of the rules and guidelines to our site. There's also other handy dandy information such as lore, setting, and even more.

All of the important updates, announcements and events will be made and posted here. Check back regularly so as not to miss anything!

SummitClanTimberClanCourt of the Spires

This is where you'll find detailed threads about our storyline, references, guides, group allegiances, accepted characters, guides, and any current site-wide or group-wide plots! Come here to brush up on the lore of the Realm, and to learn more about each group of cats that inhabit this land and their beliefs.

The Character Center

After you have read through all of the rules and references it is time to make your character! Please use the application template provided and make sure to check out the important threads stickied in this board prior to posting your character's biography up! Accepted characters can be found under their group's Realm Information subboard.

TrackersAdoptsPlottersLitter Requests

Inside this board you will find everything to do with developing your character broken up into subboards. There is a spot to post a plotter, to track your threads, post wanted ads, request a litter roll from the Keepers of the Realm, and more!

Out of Character


Welcome to our Realm! Inside of these boards are many different ways to connect with your fellow members outside of roleplaying. We love to get to know everyone, and encourage you to make friends outside of your characters!

Retired CharactersIn Character ArchivesOut of Character Archives

This is where the finished or forgotten things of the site end up. You can read back through these to catch up on some history of the site if you'd like! Any archived characters or threads can be requested to be moved out by a Keeper of the Realm.

The Shula Region - AU Pokemon RP
by Nixeon Sept 16, 2024 16:35:24 GMT

First LinksLink BacksAffiliate

Are you looking to drop a line to your own site? Affiliate with us? This is the place to do it! Please make sure to read our advertising and affiliation rules and post in the correct board to avoid any confusion. This board is guest friendly!

The Sacred Territories

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The Neutral Territories

The Borders

Between the two long-standing traditional clans is a clearing where the forest starts to yield to the plains and low-lying plant life of the mountains. In the center is the ancient remains of a wide cedar tree, torn from the ground by a long-ago blizzard. Though it lies on its side, it represents the perfect marker between SummitClan and TimberClan territories. Basking here in the sun on warmer days is lovely, but do your best not to jump off on the wrong side. The neighbors will not take too kindly to any threat and may not see it for the simple mistake you claim it to be.

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Though much of the Court’s land lies along the coastline, venturing far enough in will bring you to the beginnings of the rainforest where TimberClan makes its home. Splitting the two lands is a winding river, its waters fed by runoff from the snow of the peaks looming over them all. Though the riverbed is never completely dry, the water level can get low or freeze over in the coldest months, making for an easy passage from one territory to the other - should you have interest in disrupting the peace, as any passing patrol might catch you trespassing.

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If you wander far enough from the cold of SummitClan, the sound of the howling wind swirling around rock and ice will be replaced with the roar of crashing waves against the stalwart cliffsides. Where the range yields to the unforgiving ocean is a large expanse of exposed rock and sparse vegetation, with a few boulders marking a faint border between The Court of Spires and SummitClan lands. Tread carefully here - You don’t want your pawsteps to be the reason for conflict between the sea and the mountains.

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Last Updated: Court of the Spires ∙ Allegiances
by safi Sept 16, 2024 18:47:37 GMT

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