SummitClan ∙ Info

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Post by The Realm on Aug 19, 2024 2:58:34 GMT

SummitClan Info
Last Updated: 08.28.2024

This is some general information about SummitClan. This thread outlines the Clan's ceremonies, including the traditionally spoken words for each one. It also explains the current political climate and clan outlook, as well as the history over the last 100 moons.

Traditions and Ceremonies
Leader Ceremonies

→ Leader Ceremony: A leadership ceremony takes place when a deputy receives their nine lives and their leader name with the suffix -star. During the leadership ceremony, nine lives are given to the new leader. Those lives are virtues or traits that the leader might lack in or need more of and aims towards making their leadership fair to all cats they lead. Each of the lives normally give the new leader a great deal of pain as a sign to ready them for the hard work it normally will be to lead their Clan. Getting nine lives does not necessarily mean that a leader will live longer, but they can survive certain accidents or injuries that would normally claim the life of a cat.

The new leader goes to the Starlight Cave with the Clan's medicine cat. After touching the glacial cave walls (or drinking from the water), the new leader cannot move for a short period of time, because their old life is being ripped away so they can receive nine new ones. Upon awakening, cats of StarClan come down from Silverpelt. Nine cats, normally ones who were significant during the new leader's life or the Clan's history, although this is not always the case, give them their nine lives with these words:

Life giver: (Touches nose to the top of the new leader's head) "With this life, I give you (gift). Use it well (to, in, as, for, etc.) (use of gift)."

When all of the lives have been given, normally the previous leader says these words:

Previous leader: "I hail you by your new name, [original prefix]star. Your old life is no more. You have now received the nine lives of a leader, and StarClan grants you the guardianship of [the Clan they lead]. Defend it well; care for young and old; honor your ancestors and the traditions of the warrior code; live each life with pride and dignity."

Just as the forest-cats would call a warrior by their new name, the StarClan cats acclaim the new leader. After the ceremony, the new leader is not allowed to tell any cat what happened during the ceremony, with the exception of the medicine cat.

If a leader no longer wishes to be the leader, they must go to the Starlight Cave to revoke all but one life, so their deputy may receive their full nine lives.

Deputy Ceremonies

→ Deputy Ceremony: A deputy ceremony is when a Clan leader names the Clan's new deputy. This happens when the previous deputy dies, retires, is exiled, or is promoted to leader. According to the warrior code, a new deputy must be appointed before moonhigh that day - this is tradition. The leader calls a Clan meeting, and performs the ceremony by announcing these words:

Leader: "I say these words before StarClan, so that the spirits of our warrior ancestors (or former deputy name) may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of (Clan) is (warrior's name)."

Apprentice Ceremonies

→ Apprentice Assessment: An assessment is a test for an apprentice given by their mentor. When a mentor assesses their apprentice, they watch in secret as their apprentice hunts and judges how well they did. If it is their final test and their mentor deems the assessment a success, then they will become a warrior.

→ Apprentice Ceremony: When a kit turns six moons old, they are ready to become an apprentice. After this ceremony, when a kit becomes an apprentice, their name is changed so that the suffix of their name becomes "-paw". The Clan leader calls a Clan meeting to appoint a new apprentice and assign a mentor to them.

The following words are used, by tradition, by the Leader: "(Kit), you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to be apprenticed. From this day on, until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as (new name, ending with the suffix "paw"). Your mentor will be (name of warrior or medicine cat). I hope (name of warrior or medicine cat) will pass down all they know on to you." The leader calls up the warrior they have chosen as a mentor. Leader: "(Warrior), you are ready to take on an apprentice. You have received excellent training from (former mentor), and you have shown yourself to be (quality) and (quality). You will be the mentor of (apprentice), and I expect you to pass on all you know to (apprentice)."

Next, the mentor touches noses with the apprentice, and the Clan greets the new apprentice by calling out their name. After this, the apprentice will usually go greet their family, or go see their mentor.

Medicine Cat Ceremonies

→ Medicine Cat Apprentice Ceremony: See: Apprentice Ceremony for how this ceremony begins, being announced to the Clan. Following that ceremony, a further one is embarked on upon by the Medicine Cat Apprentice. At the next half moon, the medicine cat goes with the apprentice to the Clans' sacred place (Starlight Cave) to present them to the warrior ancestors, where the apprentice confirms their wish to be a medicine cat.

The following words are used, by tradition: Medicine cat: "(Apprentice), is it your wish to enter the mysteries of StarClan as a medicine cat?" Apprentice: "It is." Medicine cat: "Then come forward. Warriors of StarClan, I present you with this apprentice. They have chosen the path of a medicine cat. Grant them your wisdom and insight so that they may understand your ways and heal their Clan in accordance with your will."

The medicine cat apprentice touches their nose to the glacial cave walls or drinks from the glacial pools in the Starlight Cave. Then the medicine cat and the apprentice lay down and have a dream from StarClan.

Warrior Ceremonies

→ Warrior Ceremony: A warrior ceremony is performed when an apprentice finally gets their warrior name and becomes a full fledged warrior of their respective Clan. Usually apprenticeship lasts six or more moons, and once the mentor, deputy and leader are satisfied with the progress of the apprentice they schedule their assessment (see: Apprentice Assessment). Upon successful completion, this ceremony happens. The ceremony is held after a leader calls a clan meeting and gives the apprentice their warrior name.

The traditional ceremony words are: "I, (Leader), leader of (Name)Clan, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. (Apprentice), do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life?" (Apprentice would respond: I do) "Then by the powers of StarClan, I give you your warrior name. (Apprentice), from this moment on you will be known as (new warrior name). StarClan honors your (virtues), and we welcome you as a full warrior of (Clan)."

After speaking the above words, the leader rests their muzzle on the apprentice's head, and the former apprentice licks the leader's shoulder. The rest of the Clan then greets the new warrior by calling them by their new name. Finally, the warrior will sit a silent vigil guarding the camp that night.

Elder Ceremonies

→ Elder Ceremony: An elder ceremony is performed when a Clan cat feels as if they cannot serve their Clan anymore, whether it's through aging, illness, or injury. An aging warrior, queen, or medicine cat may retire as an elder due to own initiative, when they feel they cannot help the Clan efficiently any more. A cat may also retire if they are hindered from serving their Clan through old age, illness or injury. They report this to the Clan leader, who calls a Clan meeting and addresses the warrior.

Leader: "...Is it your wish to give up the name of a warrior and go to join the elders?" Clan member: "It is." Leader: "Your Clan honors you and all the service you have given to us. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest."

The Clan will call out the retired warrior's name and then they will go to the elder's den. An elder may receive a completely different name rather than keeping their warrior name on some occasions (see: name changing ceremony).

Misc. Ceremonies

→ Name Changing Ceremony: A name changing ceremony is an event in which a Clan cat gets their name changed. This change can happen because of injury, a wrong choice by a previous leader, or an individual's dislike of their current name. A Clan leader is the cat to perform this ceremony, as warriors generally do not choose their own names. This process is not always welcome in the Clan, and given that warriors do not choose their name, it is considered disrespectful to ask for a new name and to reject what the Clan leader has chosen for you. While a leader can compromise with a request to change a name, they do ultimately have the final say in what a cat's name will be due to Clan tradition. If this ceremony is taking place, the leader calls for a Clan meeting, and can use the following words to rename a cat by speaking to StarClan:

"Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what [they are]. By my authority as Clan leader, and with the approval of our warrior ancestors, I give this cat a new name. From this moment on [they] will be known as (new name), for (description of the reason)."

→ Vigil: For a new warrior, a vigil is something that they must perform after having received their warrior name. This process consists of staying awake the entire night and guarding the camp in complete silence. This event is also used to honor a fallen Clanmate. In this instance, a cat stays up all night to honor the memory of their Clanmate.

→ 2 Moons Ago: Goldenstar was gentle, and kind to all. She believed in strengthening Summitclan by turning to her senior warriors to guide their clanmates longer than just their apprenticeships. Her compassion and kindness spread to those seeking sanctuary in Summitclan, welcoming the most outsiders the clan had seen in seasons. Goldenstar passes in her sleep, leaving Elkstar as SummitClan's newest Leader.

→ 3 Moons Ago: Juniperleap is killed during an assassination attempt on Goldenstar's life. Goldenstar promotes Elkthorn to deputy. It is assumed that the assassination attempt may have been from the Court of Spires, but this information was not confirmed.

→ 12 Moons Ago: An illness sweeps through the Realm and is cured by an herb that only SummitClan has access to.

→ 15 Moons Ago: Mallowfrost becomes Lead Medicine Cat of SummitClan.

→ 19 Moons Ago: Ragwortpaw steps down as Medicine Cat Apprentice. Mallowfrost becomes the new Medicine Cat's apprentice.

→ 25 Moons Ago: Ragwortpaw becomes Medicine Cat's Apprentice

→ 26 Moons Ago: Despite her sour namesake, Lemonstar was a steadfast leader who led Summitclan despite her rather unfortunate reign. She developed what modern twoleg medicine would describe as diabetes. After losing lives due to falls caused by neuropathy, predators due to loss of her vision, and drops in blood sugar after necessary fasts to feed her clan, the leader lost her final life and could only hope her deputy would carry Summitclan to new heights. Goldenstar steps up as leader after Lemonstar loses her last life. She promotes Juniperleap to be her deputy.

→ 33 Moons Ago: This leafbare is particularly harsh.

→ 44 Moons Ago: Lemonstar becomes Leader of SummitClan, after Pinestar dies. She promotes Goldenlily to be her deputy.

→ 53 Moons Ago: The Great War finally comes to an end.

→ 58 Moons Ago: An earthquake shakes the foundation of the Realm. Part of SummitClan's cave system collapses. Harestep dies and Pinestar promotes Lemonfrost to deputy.

→ 65 Moons Ago: A great war erupts between SummitClan and TimberClan as prey and herbs fail to bounce back.

→ 69 Moons Ago: An early winter blizzard causes prey shortages and decimates herb stores with greencough. Rueberry dies and Pinestar promotes Harestep to deputy.

→ 80 Moons Ago: Pinestar ascends as the leader of SummitClan after Badgerstar passes. He promotes Rueberry to be his deputy. Pinestar could be considered one of Summitclan's greatest leaders. Under his leadership, Summitclan were a proud group. Though his pride caused many to turn their noses up at half-blood clanmates and outsiders. His leadership pushed Summitclan's borders to their current locations with his iron claw.

→ 82 Moons Ago: Anemonpaw passes away to an unknown cause.

→ 88 Moons Ago: Anemonepaw becomes the Medicine Cat's Apprentice.

→ 97 Moons Ago: Sagepaw dies of an unknown illness.

→ 100 Moons Ago: SummitClan is led by BadgerStar. Sagepaw becomes the Medicine Cat's Apprentice.

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Last Edit: Aug 30, 2024 1:55:42 GMT by curioseatea
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