Code & Crown Guidebook

Welcome to the Realm

an advanced literate wcrp set in medieval times

Welcome travelers, we know the road has been long and hard. We are a literate medieval warrior cats roleplay inspired by the american northwest. In the heart of our realm, SummitClan and TimberClan have lived in relative peace for generations. However, 150 moons ago, they realized they're not alone - the Court of the Spires, rulers of the sea thriving in their historic castle, evaded the notice of the Clans for as long as they could. Now, uncertainty hovers in the air as traditions clash and a flimsy peace is stretched thin. How long will it be before the Realm's Bounty runs red?

Our site is a one account per member, which means all of your characters must be roleplayed on the same account.


  1. We use Discord to communicate with our members in a multitude of ways! It is required that you join our Discord.
  2. We have channels for plotting with other members, suggesting improvements to the site, introducing yourself to others, and even pinging another member for a reply. Our discord is also where all dice rolling for threads occurs.
  3. We also use Discord to communicate as a Keeper team together, and for our High Ranks to communicate with each other!

Rules & Regulations

1. Content & Requirements

  1. Age Requirement We are an 18+ forum. This means that darker themes will be present, including blood and gore. But let’s keep the server clean! If you think something could be considered mature, graphic, or too extreme in nature for a teenager, spoiler it and tag it appropriately. A lot of us, as older adults, have children who can see the screen at times! Please give everyone the option to opt-in to your 18+ content.
  2. Respecting OthersTreat all members with respect. Any behavior that targets another member in a cruel or unjust way will not be tolerated. We are a safe space for everyone! We are 100% LGBT+, disability, and mental illness friendly. As such, no bigotry of any kind is tolerated, not even in character.
  3. Banned TopicsMentions, descriptions, and images of sexual activities, abuse, suicide, racism, pedophilia, LGBTphobia, and other closely related topics are strictly banned.
  4. Accessibility FriendlyKeep accessibility in mind when writing! Please include a SFW description next to content that has a spoiler.
  5. Contacting OthersPlease no spamming - if you need to get the attention of staff or another member, please either use the tag function, contact them on Discord, or send them a private message.

2. Roleplay Conduct

  1. Word MinimumThere is an in-character word minimum of 100 words for every post.
  2. Thread StarterBefore starting a thread, please discuss the following information with your threadmates, and include this in the first post:
    1. Auto Skip Timer — At what rate will you skip over a member if they fail to post? We usually recommend 48 hours for fast replies, 72 hours for regular threads, and 120 hours/5 days for more casual threads.
    2. Synopsis — A brief run down of where the thread is happening, what the time of day is, and what the general theme or goal of the thread is. You don't need to know the ending!
    3. Content Warnings — Any warnings that people should be aware of going into the thread.
    4. Realm Events — A simple yes or no! Do you want the Keepers of the Realm to potentially drop a random event into your thread like an encounter with another animal, and enviornmental hazard, or something entirely unexpected? Select yes here!
    5. Posting Order — This is not required, but strongly suggested to keep track of the order people reply in.
  3. Liquid TimeWe operate with liquid time here. This means your character can be in as many threads and as many different places as you’d like. Threads start chronologically though, so if a thread starts after another, it occurs after it. Please be realistic about the number of threads you can handle, and we encourage creating a “Tracker Thread” to keep notes on your current threads, but that’s not mandatory.
  4. No Godmodding, Powerplaying, etcDon't murder or seriously harm another character unless given explicit permission from both the other player and staff. This includes no godmodding, powerplaying, etc.
  5. Becoming CanonThreads are considered canon after a majority of the thread's participants have reached 3 posts each.
  6. Prophecies & The AfterlifeProphecies and interactions with the deceased are heavily monitored by the Keepers. These interactions will only happen when the staff team sets up an event for them to happen - you cannot create your own prophecy or interact with the dead on your own! However, we are always open to suggestions. If you have an idea for a prophecy or for an interaction with the deceased, please contact the Keepers.

3. Story Foundations

  1. Shaping the StoryPlease view the tab called Shaping the Story for more information about how we progress time forward, how we build our story's plots, and how you can get involved!
  2. Story ExpectationsWe expect Code and Crown to be a long term roleplay that will last for years. We hope that the foundations we build today can last well into the future, and encourage others to donate their creativity to our Realm. It is through the continued growth of our community and our collaboration that truly amazing stories can be told!
  3. Dice MechanicsPlease check out our Gameplay tab for more information on the C.A.T.S rpg system that we use. Our gameplay mechanics are built in-house, so if you have any critiques or suggestions, we encourage you to voice them so that we can improve!

4. Activity

  1. Expected ActivityWe require you to post at least once per season with each of your characters to keep them active. We also have separate activity requirements for High Ranks.
  2. Inactivity ConsequencesWe allow you to miss two activity checks before we begin to archive your characters. Archived characters will have the action you pre-selected when making the character performed on them. Your options are NPC, Death, or Group Departure for characters that are archived. They will be removed from the allegiances and character stats when this happens.
  3. Activity ChecksThese happen once a season at the very start of it. The length of a season is dependent on the current speed of the roleplay, but is expected to last at least three IRL months.

5. Moderation

  1. 3 Strike PolictyFailure to comply with these rules will generally result in a strike as part of our three strike policy, with the exception of rules #1-a, and #1-c which will result in an immediate ban if broken.
  2. Questions & ConcernsIf you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

Creating Characters

1. Character Creation

  1. Creating A CharacterIn the Realm, we have a set Character Biography Template you must use when you are creating your character.
  2. Character AppearancesWe allow members to use real life pictures of cats for their character's reference or drawn images, so long as all colors and markings immitate what is naturally occuring.
  3. Character Shop ItemsThere is a Shop in our Realm which allows you to have a few different character traits that are otherwise unable to be created from scratch. You can earn Coins from posting and interacting with members on the site.
  4. Character LimitWe have a total character limit of six and a further four slots can be purchased. A member can only play a single High Rank, and only a single Outsider at any given time. Outsider characters must be purchased from the shop. Elder (or Sage characters in the Court of Spires) do not count towards your character limit.
    1. You may not create kits from scratch. These can only be created through the litter adoption system.
    2. You are permitted to create apprentices/squires from scratch, but these must be at 6 moons to allow time for them to be played and fleshed out. The exception to the 6 moon rule is if your character is an adopt of a sibling of another apprentice/squire, in which case they start at the same age and with the same completed requirements. Only one of your slots may be taken up by an apprentice/squire created in this manner at a time. Once they become a warrior/knight/ranger/cleric, you may adopt or create a new apprentice/squire. Apprentices aging up organically from kithood do not count towards this.
  5. AdoptablesWe have a limit of three adoptables per created character to keep name claims / plots moving at a good pace. Any further adoptables are subject to Keeper approval. Adopted characters must be identified as such somewhere on their character application, and are only allowed one adoptable of their own. This is to keep the size of expanding families smaller. In the case of a custom created character's member leaving, the group of adoptables will be handled at Keeper discretion, with preference going to the member with the longest held adopt from that family. We also ask that you please do not create adoptables for characters that have not been approved as this may cause issues with continuity. Please wait until your character is approved to adopt out from it.
  6. Naming CharactersAll names must be derived from naturally occurring things. This RP takes place in a place geologically similar to the Olympic National Park, and any creature or plant found within that region is acceptable to be used as a name. The exceptions to this are Star-, Timber-, and Summit-, as these names are seen as sacred. No meme names will be accepted, and we do not allow cats to be named after injuries/disabilities that they have. We have a Naming Guide & Conventions thread if you are in need of some suggestions, and we also have a Name Claim to keep track of what has been used so as not to get repetitive.
  7. Court Name ExceptionThe Court of the Spires has a separate naming system, which can be found in Naming Guide & Conventions as well.
  8. Disfigurement & DisabilitiesCharacters with historic disfigurement, disabilities, or neurodivergence are permitted, though staff will intervene if you do not handle the condition with respect.
  9. Bans & EncouragementsWe have a Bans & Encouragements list that should be reviewed each time before creating a character.
  10. Character HistoriesWith respect to each group's origins, we encourage you to explore interesting background stories for your characters. Please take into consideration the full history of your group before deciding on an origin for your character. For instance, a Clan that is heavily against outsiders would likely not allow any to join! Although it is preferred that character histories do not get incredibly dark, some darker topics that are not allowed to be roleplayed (i.e: suicide, LGBTphobia, abuse) are allowed within backstories only. Any LGBTphobic cats must be framed in a negative light and any abusive cats must have received punishment for their actions and/or be deceased or not present within the roleplay and not play a part in the future. These topics should be resolved within your character's history before present day. Topics such as these are seen as restricted and will be under heavy moderation and review by the Keepers. Despite this, the following topics are not allowed to be mentioned whatsoever within our server: incest, pedophilia, sexual assault, slavery, or anything of similar bigotry.
  11. Harbinger CharactersEach member is only allowed a single Harbinger.

2. High Rank Rules & Expectations

  1. High Rank MinimumYou may have no more than a total of one High Rank per account (if your High Rank dies, you may audition for another High Rank). This rule is to keep things fair and allow everyone a chance at having a High Rank!
  2. AuditionsAll High Ranks will be determined by staff, with a say from the current leader if there is one. For the leader role: if the rank opens up for any reason (death, member leaving, etc.) it will be filled by the deputy/second in command of the group when applicable. If that is not able to happen, staff will hold an audition and appoint the leader.
  3. Activity ChecksHigh Rank activity checks are performed once a month, and are done through a dedicated Discord forum. Each High Rank is required to at minimum post an IC post 4 times per month, with the posts being on different days. Two posts minimum must directly relate to their clan duties (such as meetings, patrols, etc.). Medicine cats should have at least one of these posts be a training thread with their apprentice, should they have one. On top of the minimum activity, High Ranks have a number of other duties that are required in a season:
    1. Leaders / Sovereign:
      1. Participate in the Realm's Bounty when it happens (one entry post to bring the group in, one announcement post, one post to leave to help conclude the festival)
      2. Host any ceremonial threads as needed
      3. Help develop plotting amongst your group
    2. Deputy / Heir / Regent:
      1. Check on apprentice/squire training and ensure they are being consistently, actively trained. Keep track of any assessments that are needed, and give these when applicable
      2. Aid in the posting of "State of the Clan" if needed
      3. Post at least once in the Realm's Bounty
    3. Medicine Cat / Cleric:
      1. Participate in the Herb Exchange when it happens, at least three posts each
      2. Participate in your group's religious ceremonies where appropriate
      3. Go to the Starlight Cave / Tidalcrown once per season to meet with the ancestors
    4. Medicine Cat Apprentice / Cleric Squire:
      1. Go to the Starlight Cave / Tidalcrown once per season to meet with the ancestors
      2. Participate in the Herb Exchange when it happens, at least one post
  4. Missed ActivityEach missed activity check (monthly or seasonally) will result in a strike. After three strikes, you will lose your HR position. Every two completed activity checks will remove a single strike from your record.

3. Character Progression

  1. Aging Up CharactersCharacters age up as the roleplay progresses, at a pace set by the number of Catalyst threads the forum is able to complete. For more information, see our Shaping the Story tab! The intention with this system is to allow the forum to pick up and slow down it's pace to naturally fit the current activity level of the forum.
  2. Ability ProgressionProgression details for the C.A.T.S RPG system are outlined under the C.A.T.S Gameplay tab.
  3. Rank ProgressionInformation about how to progress your character through the ranks is outlined under the Rank Progression tab.
  4. Romance & KitsInformation about what age is appropriate for character romances to start, how to try for kits, and how to officiate a marriage is all outlined under the Romance & Kits tab.

Shaping the Story

"alone we can do so little; together we can do so much" - helen keller

The Keepers of the Realm work together with each member to create a unified story that has the potential to impact every cat in the Realm. We move time forward only when special Keeper-ran threads called Catalyst Threads are completed. Any member can sign up to participate in Catalyst threads when they are posted at the beginning of each Season, in our Seasonal Arc Thread, found in the Announcements board. The Seasonal Arc Thread also outlines that Season's Arc Focuses, which are suggested views your character can have on the most relevant plots of the roleplay. Every character impacts our stories, but occasionally, the Keepers of the Realm will need characters to fill a specific need or role. These are called Harbingers, and members can only fill one Harbinger at a time. Let's go into more detail on all of this, starting with Seasonal Arc Threads.

Seasonal Arc Threads

  1. Each SeasonA thread is created for members to sign up for Catalyst Threads and choose their Arc Focus. You can find this thread under the Announcements board.
  2. Slowly Unveiled InformationAs each moon progresses, the Seasonal Arc Thread will update with new information. It's best to check it often!

Catalyst Threads

  1. Guided ExperiencesEach Catalyst Thread is ran by our Keeper team and requires the participating characters to use their abilities to see how successful they are. This means that The Realm account is included in the thread's posting order. Catalyst Threads also require a Pacekeeper, which is a member who signs up keep the Thread's pace. They notify members when it is their turn to post, and skip members when it is past the auto skip timer.
  2. Rewards & ConsequencesCompletion of Catalyst Threads will earn your character and your group rewards. Failure to complete the Catalyst Threads before their expiration will result in consequences to the group as a whole.
  3. Help us Pace the Forum's Time Each moon has a specific number of Catalyst Threads that must be completed or past their expiration date for the forum to move forward one moon.
  4. Expiration DatesWhen a new moon begins, each Catalyst Thread is given an expiration date. If the Catalyst Thread remains unstarted after the expiration date, it will be considered expired.
  5. EX: Newleaf Catalyst Thread: Spring showers bring ... bees? After a particularly productive stormy season early on in newleaf, a vast amount of wildflowers opened their petals to the sky and invited some particularly harmful friends. A bees nest has moved into one of the Clan's best herb gathering area, and has proved to be nothing short of a menace. The Clan Medicine Cat finally convinced the Deputy to send a patrol out to deal with the pesky buzzers, and you're unfortunately on the list.
    1. ✨ Rewards — Hopefully some tasty honey! But certainly, fresh herb stores going into greenleaf and the appreciation of the Clan's Medicine Cat.
    2. 💀 Consequences — The bees will make this a more permanent home, and the herb stores going into greenleaf will be subpar.
    3. 🐾 Participants — At least 2 warriors and an apprentice, though 3 warriors would also suffice.

Arc Focus

  1. Entirely OptionalThese are a list of suggested views your character can hold about the most relevant plot(s) that are shaping the roleplay.
  2. Steering the RoleplayThe Keeper team keeps tabs on what characters have chosen which Arc Focuses over the seasons. We use this information to help guide the direction our groups want to go in for their plots.
  3. EX: Court of the Spires Leafbare Arc Focuses
    1. Recluse FocusYou believe that the Court of the Spires should withhold all information and remain singularly focused on its own success. It doesn’t matter what the other groups are doing, because they are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the Court, and its citizens. Especially given the time of year, it is imperitive that the Court thinks only of itself.
    2. Extrovert FocusYou see benefit in forging long lasting friendships with the other groups, and you think the Court should forge ahead and be the first to extend a helping paw. With all of the weath in knowledge and supplies that the Court has, why not share? Leafbare is hard on cats regardless of where they come from, and even if the other groups aren't as sophisticated as the Court, you do think they're deserving of charity.


  1. Fill a RoleHarbingers are not specific plot adoptables, but rather specific roles that a character can fill for the story. Usually a Harbinger title is held by only one character, but occasionally we will open a Harbinger that can be held by multiple characters. Each member is only allowed to fill a one Harbinger at a time.
  2. AuditionsWhen a new Harbinger is announced, we will hold an audition for the role where people can apply with current or new characters.
  3. EX: Harbinger of ContemptThere is always one among us who is not satisfied with life and has found another to blame. Contempt detests the Leader and each action they take, regardless of how it helps the Clan. They seethe with anger at the mere sight of the Leader, but have managed to avoid being ousted as a hater just yet. Contempt keeps its thoughts to itself, though readers be warned: this does not mean they will sit idly by.


Curiosity . Actions . Titles . Stamina

built by Curioseatea.


In addition to the regular character sheet, characters are required to have four things:

  1. Curiosity
  2. Abilities
  3. Title(s)
  4. Stamina Points (SP)

Writers, we must have a healthy curiosity! Engaging in the written world relies heavily on improvisation and collaboration from all parties to create a unique and interesting story! Be curious about what could happen, and dream up wonderful stories together!

C.A.T.S is ran in conjunction with a role known as Keepers that help guide the narrative and ensure cohesion throughout the story. These Keepers help writers create characters, help develop plots that can be woven into the existing arcs, and run exciting in-world events.


  1. To use an ability, roll 3d6 in discord using: /r command: cats

Each character has a set of abilities that they can use within the RP to add chance to their story. Abilities are verbs like Hunting, Presenting, or Foraging, that characters can be amateur, competent, or expert at. Character can use one ability per post, known as their action.

Based on their Title, characters start with a number of abilities that they are amateur, competent, or expert in. The writer of the character and a Storyteller will work together to determine a set of abilities that accurately reflects the character. When creating a character, select the free competent abilities for their current title and all previously held titles. Abilities earned in this way do not count against your "Starting Abilities".

To use an ability, choose one that your character has that most closely fits what your character wants to do, and roll 3d6. Experts in their ability take the highest result. If your character is competent, take the middle roll, and if they are an amateur at it, take the lowest result. You can roll one ability per post, unless a Title says otherwise. You can use the same ability multiple times in a row. There is no limit to the number of abilities you can use in a thread.

Click to view Ability examples:

Ambushing, Bargaining, Building, Burrowing, Climbing, Defending, Delegating, Disguising, Dodging, Exploring, Fishing, Foraging, Hunting, Intimidating, Leading, Mediating, Memorizing, Mentoring, Negotiating, Persuading, Presenting, Protecting, Running, Sneaking, Soothing, Spelunking, Stalking, Strategizing, Storytelling, Swimming, Tracking

Special Cases

  1. For checking your character’s five senses (sight, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling), use the middle result unless you’re an expert in a related action
  2. If you roll three 6s in a single roll, your character gains a more specific ability that they are an expert at based on the roll's original intent.
  3. If you roll three 1s in a single roll, your character gains a more specific ability that they are amateur at based on the roll’s original intent.

Action Roll Results Explained

  1. Failure, and a complicationNot only have you failed to accomplish what you set out to do, but a negative consequence also befalls your character. For example, if you were using the Searching ability to look through a berry bush for another herb, you may have injured your nose on a thorn, or gotten momentarily stuck and covered in sticky berry juice.
  2. FailureWhatever your character was trying to do, they do not succeed at it. For example, if you were trying to scare off an elephant seal using the Intimidating or Brawling ability, the seal would be completely unbothered.
  3. Success, but a complicationWhile you may have done what you set out to do, it doesn't go perfectly. For example, if you were trying to swim across a river by using the Swimming ability, you would get across but perhaps get a foot covered in moss that causes you to slip as you exit the water.
  4. Success!Your character does exactly what you were aiming for! For example, if you were trying to hunt a squirrel using the Hunting or Sneaking ability, it would be a nice clean kill.
  5. Great success!Your character has great success in what they set out to do! For example, if you were trying to Mentor your apprentice, they get the concept on the first explanation!
  6. Extraordinary success!This is the best result you can possibly get! Your character performs a particularly impressive feat when they get this outcome. For example, if you were trying to sneak up on an enemy using the Stalking ability, you would go completely unheard and unseen by the enemy!

Action Examples

  1. Hunting PreyWhile we do not require you to use this system while hunting in a normal, not-catalyst thread, it is recommended! The difficulty number on the Prey and Predator thread is representative of how hard it is to catch. We translate that into the number of consecutive successful related abilities you've used in the thread. Remember, you can only use one ability per post, but you can re-use the same ability as many times as you'd like. We encourage abilities like hunting or fishing for a 1 difficulty, and tracking, stalking, and hunting for more difficult catches. Prey of a difficulty of 4 or more is considered an event, and is something you can opt into when creating a thread. We ask that you inform us on discord when you want to opt into an event. Predators will always be considered events, and will always be roleplayed by the Realm.
  2. Foraging for HerbsOnce again, you are not required to use this system in every thread, but it is recommended! There is no difficulty for gathering herbs, but we recommend using abilities like tracking, searching, foraging, or even burrowing.


When characters are made they are given a specific title based on the group they are part of and their age. Some characters will have Crucial Story titles like Leader, Deputy, Medicine Cat, or something more plot-specific, that grant them additional abilities and/or features. When creating a character, select the free competent abilities for their current title and all previously held titles. Abilities earned in this way do not count against your "Starting Abilities".

Title SP Free Competent Ability Starting Abilities Feature
Kit 1 Climbing, Sneaking, or Swimming 1 Amateur
1 Competent
Stocky Apprentice
4 Protecting or Battling
Amateur at Hunting or Fishing
1 Amateur
2 Competent
Lean Apprentice
3 Hunting or Fishing
Amateur at Protecting or Attacking
1 Amateur
2 Competent
Stocky Warrior
5 Ambushing or Dodging 1 Amateur
3 Competent
1 Expert
+1 to attacks
can willingly take damage that would defeat an ally
Lean Warrior
4 Foraging or Tracking 1 Amateur
3 Competent
1 Expert
attack twice per turn
Senior Stocky Warrior
6 Teaching 1 Amateur
3 Competent
2 Expert
+2 to attacks
can willingly take damage that would hurt an ally
Senior Lean Warrior
5 Teaching 1 Amateur
3 Competent
2 Expert
attack twice per turn
+1 to reaction rolls
Elder or Sage 4 Storytelling 3 Amateur
2 Competent
1 Expert
can forgo an action to inspire someone else
High Rank Title SP Free Competent Ability Abilities Feature
7 Strategizing or Mediating 1 Amateur
4 Competent
3 Expert
can inspire someone else once per post for
free and increase that cat's skill in an ability
Heir / Regent
6 Negotiating or Delegating 1 Amateur
3 Competent
2 Expert
can forgo an action to inspire someone
else and increase their skill in an ability
Medicine Cat
4 Mediating or Memorizing 1 Amateur
3 Competent
2 Expert
+2 to healing
expert at healing
Medicine Cat App
Cleric Squire
3 Soothing or Foraging 1 Amateur
2 Competent
+1 to healing
competent at healing

Stamnia Points

Stamina Points (SP) are used to describe how much energy or effort a character can give before they have to retreat. Reaching zero stamina does not mean your character dies, but it does mean that they must retreat back to camp from wherever they are, and that they must see a medicine cat before participating in another thread. Some sicknesses will permanently reduce your Stamina until you have been healed by a Medicine Cat.


In combat, writers should only describe the damage done to their own character, and write all attacks as attempts. For each post, there should be a reaction to the previous post, and an action.

  1. Reactions are used to defend against an attack
  2. Actions are used to use an ability or to attack

Combat follows this pattern:

  1. The attacker will choose an ability that’s applicable and roll it. (Ex: Attacking, Wrestling)
    — If the result is a 1, it is an automatic failure and the writer should include the failure at the end of their post.
    — If it’s above a 1, leave the result at the end of your post for the defendant to view.
  2. The defendant then picks an ability to roll for their reaction (ex: Protecting, Defending)
    — If they roll LOWER than the attacker, the damage done is the difference of the two rolls.
    — If the defendant rolls HIGHER, the attack misses!
    — Then the defendant attacks using their action
  3. The characters repeat back and forth until a winner is determined


Those special few who have been chosen to stand outside of politics and help those in need can use the Healing ability to improve the Stamina Points of others. Other cats can still use the Healing ability, but they are amateur at it. When Healing, the character it is used on will heal the same number of Stamina Points as the number of the roll. It is assumed that characters healing others will use herbs and other helpful things in doing so.


During the changing of seasons, writers will reflect on what their character has experienced. You can choose to either better your character’s skill in an ability by improving it from amateur ➜ competent, or competent ➜ expert, OR they can gain a new ability they are competent at. At these reflection points, a writer can also choose to forgo improvement for replacing an ability with another that better reflects their character.


If it makes narrative sense to have your character regress, reach out to a Keeper to discuss how we can ensure your character’s abilities properly reflect what has happened to them. Regression is always optional.

Realm's Timeline

Readers Beware: The further you go back in our history, the more muddied the truth.
Click to expand each Era.
  • Before the Crown

    1. 2500 moons ago — Before the Realm was called home by Code or Crown, a Twoleg lord ruled over his settlers in a mighty keep, the Spires, overlooking the ocean. Over the years, the Twolegs faced numerous trials and tribulations, from famine to storm to war. One of the most heinous, however, was the arrival of the vile boilfever. This plague was devastating, wiping out uncountable lives.
    2. 1100 moons ago — The keep along the rocky cliffs began to crumble. In order to save what remained of his court, the lord moved his keep and family further inland, though the many mousers who called the keep home remained.
    3. 1095 moons ago — Shunned by her community, a herbalist named Grace moved into the crumbling castle with her own cats, merging the two communities together
      1. The cats of Grace became the first Healers and those who formed the first bridge of trust between the new and the old. These first cautious talks of peace would become known as the first herb exchange.
      2. Thriving under the care of Grace, all cats began accepting the names this strange Twoleg gave them, often boasting that they were now known as Mousecatcher or Rabbitchaser.
  • Rise of the Crown

    1. 1001 moons ago — Alas, all good things must come to an end, and Grace passed from the world. Her death angered the land itself, the sea rising to swallow the Spires whole in a storm that howled and screamed for three days.
      1. In terror, the cats Grace had cared for fled to the trees, returning only when the rains subsided. They found their beloved Spires now conquered by the waves and a fearsome beast, the dreaded octopus known only as Redtendril.
      2. Though the clowder attempted to settle near the sea, Redtendril would not abide their invasion. He took the life of a young kit known only as Dandelion in retaliation.
      3. Unable to sit by idly any longer, a brave she-cat known as Wave swam into the sea, dragging Redtendril from the stones he clung to, and brought him to the sands where he found no mercy. He was slain there, just as the seas began retreating. With their falling came her rise.
    2. 1000 moons ago — In honor of her heroic deeds, Wave took her place as the first Sovereign, Sovereign Wave of Redspire.
      1. She modeled her command after the previous Lord’s court, creating the Court of Spires.
      2. In honor of their fallen, the Virtues of Grace are established by the Court of the Spires as a set of tennents to hold true to in order to uphold their way of life
      3. Through trial and error, various members are sorted into their respective ranks - Knights, Rangers, Squires
  • Rise of the Code

    1. 1090 moons ago — The surviving Twolegs learned from their time in the first keep, noticing that the more cats they brought in to hunt the rats raiding the kitchen, the less sickness spread. The news spread like wildfire, and many in the new keep and village below began to bring felines into their homes as mousers to ward off the illness.
    2. Whether they were kept by the Twolegs of the keep or roamed the streets as loners, the cats of the valley began to pass their histories down as their population grew and grew
      1. These “tall tails” were passed from Elder to kit, whispers of ancestors with stars in their paws
      2. These stories eventually grew from legend to belief as certain cats, later known as medicine cats, began to dream and share tongues with the cats of long ago
    3. 500 moons ago — As more and more cats left the keep to make their own way, they found survival to be a struggle in the harsh elements. United by their belief in what was now known as StarClan, the first group agreed to follow the Code
  • Era of the Code and Crown

    1. Emboldened by their victory, the cats of the Court began to more thoroughly explore their territory and expand their influence. They developed ceremonies to bring new cats into their way of life and strengthened their numbers.
    2. Peace was only temporary, however, for those who chose the Code. They too were growing, though their territory was much smaller.
    3. 300 moons ago — Scarce resources and arguments drove wedges in the group, and 300 moons ago, half the felines cut ties and traveled to the mountains in search of new territory.
      1. Once the newly named SummitClan claimed the peaks, TimberClan took their own name in honor of the forest they refused to abandoned
    4. Tensions were high between the two Clans for many moons. Whispers of war took to the winds, and it looked as if there would be no other option.
      1. However, during an argument at an ancient log that served as a border, a new smell caught the attention of the warriors. It was a squire, Shell of Windrunner, from the Court who had wandered too far during his Trial.
    5. At long last, the Clans the Court realized they were not alone in this Realm.
    6. To avoid the tensions that already existed between the Clans, the three leaders of the group cautiously agreed to meet at the heart of their three territories under truce.
    7. 150 moons ago — This meeting took place, and the first festival created as a celebration of the hopefully everlasting peace.
      1. This festival became a seasonal tradition, where cats came together to compete in competitions, play games, and hear the latest news from their neighbors. Each festival ended with a feast of salmon, and it was this that gave their meeting grounds their name - The Realm’s Bounty
    8. The last 50 moons have been filled with their fair share of trials and tribulations, though peace has been a reigning theme amongst the groups that share this land by the sea. However, danger prowls around every corner - Border disputes, an attempted assassination, and the ever-present Twolegs create new tensions across the Realm and threaten to break this fragile state.

Realm's Setting

Our setting and climate are based roughly on the Olympic National Park, set in medieval times.

From glacier-capped mountains,to old-growth temperate rain forests, and even wild untamed coasts, the Realm hosts a wide diversity of ecosystems within it's reaches. Untouched by most of humanity, the Realm is dense with foliage and fauna alike, in incredibly varying sizes. One uniting feature that runs through most of their land is the annual migration of the salmon that impacts each group uniquely.

Northern Adaptations

From generations upon generations within the same lands - a selection of traits have begun to blossom in the cats of the Realm to help them better adapt to the harsh winters and large mountain ranges that they live within. While not all cats have each of these, a good majority of them showcase at least some of the traits. Their coats change seasonally, shifting in the winter months to be more dull and muted in color as their coats thicken. In the summer months, their coats are more vibrant and higher in contrast. Their paws are larger, fluffier, and have extra toes to help with traversing the snow, the sharp mountain sides, and the steep ocean cliffs. They are on the larger end of the spectrum in both weight and height, to aid in keeping warm in the longer winter months. They have thick tufts of fur on the tips of their ears, to help with frostbitten ear tips.

Current Era

Our roleplay takes place in Medieval times, in roughly the early 1400s. Twolegs generally exist in small settlements overruled by a larger keep, and the ones closest to the cats of the Realm are mostly farmers. They transport goods using carts and wagons pulled by horses, and generally build houses from stone with thatch roofs cemented with mud. A recent invention is the use of hydraulic power for milling, and the movable type printing press. Most standard cat breeds do not exist yet - but some families still breed and keep cats for different uses, most commonly as a mouser for barns and crops.

Reference Material

  1. iNaturalist — Olympic National Park
  2. Olympic National Park Service Website

Rank Progression

Becoming an Apprentice / Squire

  1. Once your character reaches 6 moons old, this will happen automatically. It is optional to have a ceremony held in roleplay by your Leader/Sovereign to celebrate the occasion. We require apprentice roleplayers to find their mentors using our apprentice request channel in our discord.

Being a Mentor

  1. Any character of the warrior, ranger, knight role, or higher can put their name up for consideration to become a mentor.
  2. To apply to have your character be a mentor, please do so in your group's info board under their "Education Tracking" thread.
  3. Once your character has become a mentor, please help your apprentice/squire reach their full potential by roleplaying with them often and helping them accomplish their requirements. Failure to do so for more than two seasons will result in the apprentice/squire being given a new mentor.

Becoming a Warrior / Ranger / Knight

  1. In order for a thread to count as training, an cat who is older than 16 moons must write how their cat is instructing the apprentice/squire in at least one of the thread's posts.
  2. A total of at least six threads with your apprentice character are required to meet the minimum.
  3. Cats that make it to 24 moons, regardless of the requirements met, will be promoted to their Warrior / Ranger / Knight rank.
  4. Requirements:
    1. Attend at least one Realm's Bounty
    2. Visit the Starlight Cave (Clans) or the Tidalcrown (Court of the Spires) with your group's Leader/Sovereign
    3. Participate in at least one thread at the borders where training occurs
    4. Participate in at least two threads with members of your aspiring rank (Warriors for Warriors, Rangers for Rangers, etc) where training occurs
    5. Complete a Final Assessment thread with the group's Leader/Sovereign or Deputy/Heir/Regent
    6. Be at least 16 moons old
  5. Once all requirements have been complete, your Leader/Sovereign will host a thread in celebration and complete any necessary traditions. For Clan warrior suffixes, the member is allowed to either choose it, or let the leader pick the final name.

Becoming a Senior

  1. Characters who have been within their rank for at least 45 moons can append "Senior" to the front of their title.

Becoming an Elder / Sage

  1. Any character who will no longer be able to perform the tasks of their rank will be required to retire to the rank of Elder for the Clans, and Sage for the Court of the Spires.
  2. Characters over the age of 120 moons may choose to retire whenever they wish.
  3. Characters over the age of 180 moons will be required to retire.
  4. Beginning at 200 moons, cats will rapidly deteriorate from old age and will loose 1 SP per moon until their death at 204.

Romance & Kits

Getting into a Relationship

  1. Cats must be within 20 moons of each other to be in a romantic relationship with each other.
  2. Cats must be at least 20 moons old to try for kits, but crushes can form as early as 16 moons old.
  3. We recommend at least 3 threads as an appropriate benchmark for a group to become official, though longer-lasting slow burns are welcomed and encouraged.

Formalizing the Relationship

  1. Cats become eligible for a relationship at 5 threads completed with each other.
  2. In the case of polyamorous groupings, all cats involved must have 2 threads in pairs and 2 threads all together.
  3. Each faction has a different celebration of love, and it must be completed in a canon thread for the individuals to be considered mated. If you need to coordinate with your group's HRs but have trouble doing so, please reach out to the Keepers! We're happy to help.

Forbidden Relationships

  1. In order for a forbidden relationship to produce kits, one member of the relationship must purchase the Forbidden Relationship item in the shop.
  2. Forbidden relationships include any relationship across groups, as well as any relationship with a Medicine Cat of the Clans.
  3. The first thread of a forbidden relationship is free and counts even if they are not formally romantically involved. So long as the intention plot-wise is for a relationship to form, it counts.
  4. At the start of the second thread and every thread thereafter, they must begin with a steath or equivalent ability roll to see if they have been caught. The number associated with the roll is used to determine its success. If the number is higher than your thread count, then you are successful, but if it is equal to or lower, your characters leave their scent behind in the territory. This creates a chance for the characters in the next thread created in this area to discover them.

Having Kits

  1. As a flingFlings, in which a pair or more of cats have no interest in official romance or truly parenting together, are eligible for litter rolls after just 1 thread. However, the percentage of success in conception will begin at 10% for 1 thread and increase by 10% per thread. When a fling is ready to roll for a litter, they are required to complete the litter application and will need to submit a new application after every additional thread.
  2. As a mated groupAll groups are entitled to one 100% guaranteed litter after their celebration. They may have one litter per year after the first with no further thread requirements.
  3. Keep in mindThe age of the cats will begin to negatively impact each litter after 120 moons.
  4. Requesting the Litter
    1. If you already have a litter, you must have completed a thread with the entire family (litter and parent(s)) and waited until that litter is six moons old before you can request another litter. This is to ensure our litters have parents that are actively involved!
    2. Once you meet the requirements to apply for a litter, you can apply for one on our Litter Requests board.
    3. Cats will become pregnant for 2 moons before the kits are born! During this time, your cat can visit their Medicine Cat or Cleric for a chance to learn about how many kits they will be having.
    4. Parents will have up to 1 month after the kits' birth to find adopters for their kits or risk the parents' choice of either stillbirth or retconning the number of kits to a lower number for all unadopted kits.
    5. Once your litter is rolled and/or applied for, and conception is confirmed - you may apply any items you want to the litter request at this point. Once the litter is born, Keepers will post within your litter request thread with your litter's appearances and health (with stillbirth chances adjusted based on the season of birth).