
shelby Avatar


Post by shelby on Aug 13, 2024 0:46:53 GMT


summitclan ∙ deputy ∙ he/him ∙ fifty moons

A golden brown tabby with bright green eyes.

Copperclaw is a stocky-built tom, with broad shoulders, and a low-stooped tail. His fur is a mix of brown and golden hues, patterned with dark brown-black stripes. Copperclaw's face is much brighter than the rest of his body; especially the white patches of fur around his muzzle and ears. His eyes are a brilliant green, just as the grassy tree-tops that stretch across Timberclan's territory.

While many consider him a very handsome tom, Copperclaw cannot help but be a little embarrassed by his lame right ear. After the wounds had healed from a run-in with a coyote when he was just an apprentice, his ear never quite set right.

+ Loyal | +/- Oblivious | - Narrow-minded

Copperclaw is known for his honorable love for the Code and his clan. He is a strict mentor--- and even stricter deputy. Copperclaw has a rather dry personality, and often misses social cues, or when to relax and take a joke. The tom is by no means rude, but struggles to communicate in the most friendly of ways.

His leader bloodline, and rather deadpan personality, can make others feel like he is hard to approach. While Summitclanners know they are in good paws with Copperclaw, his mannerisms with his clanmates could use some work. He is fiercely loyal to his family, and will lay down his life without question for any Summitclan cat. He is a very proud tom, so much so that he can come off as arrogant. Copperclaw enjoys his looks and the sharpness of his claws and tongue. He isn't blind to the fact he is an asset to the clan.

Title & Abilities
Deputy of Summitclan
6/6 Stamina Points

• Hearing
• Delegating
• Climbing
• Tracking
• Strategizing
• Aerial Attacking
• Detail Recalling

Plotting, History, & Relations

It came as a shock that Elkstar, a pain in Copperclaw's tail, chose him as deputy after the passing of his mother, Goldenstar. Copperclaw always wondered, what was the catch? But, that hasn't stopped him from fully embracing his new title. He is an iron-clawed deputy, bent on shaping his clan into something deserving of the respect, and fear, of all the lands.

the mother - Goldenstar ★
the father - Adderflame, elder of Summitclan
the siblings
Twigthorn, she-cat warrior of Summitclan (adoptable)
Waspwing ★
Thundertuft ★
Bramblebrook ★
Starlingsong, she-cat warrior of Summitclan (adoptable)

the aunt - Morningfire, warrior of Summitclan
the nieces & nephews
Pinepoppy, warrior of Summitclan
Chipmunkchirp, warrior of Summitclan

the ex - Hollyspark, warrior of Summitclan (adoptable)


00-06 MOONS; Copperkit was born alongside his littermates, Bramblekit and Starlingkit. Goldenlily and Adderflame were delighted to welcome their second litter, especially after the devastation of the Great War. Twigpaw and Thunderpaw visited their siblings as much as the other nursing mothers would allow, but Wasp-paw was hesitant to join. She had always had a case of the middle-child, and didn't understand why her mother and father felt the need to bring more kits into their family.

Copperkit butted heads with Bramblekit; while she was the outgoing and adventurous sibling, Copperkit was always two steps behind, eager to tattle. Starlingkit often tagged along with Copperkit, fearful of joining Bramblekit in her mischievous tales, but too shy to squeal on her sister like Copperkit.

Pretty soon, Bramblekit took to her elder sisters more so than her littermates---leaving Copperkit and Starlingkit to fend for themselves in the nursery.

✧.* ✧.* ✧.*

06-10 MOONS; Within the same moon, the siblings watched their mother be chosen as deputy as they gained their apprentice names. Now deemed Copperpaw, the young tom set his sights on becoming the best warrior the clan had ever seen.

He had begged his mother and father to recall all the greatest battles, the history of each clan leader and medicine cat, all they knew about the mysterious cats of the Court, each stone and blade of grass on Summitclan's territory---by the first half-moon, Copperpaw could out school any apprentice, or warrior for that matter, on the clan's history. Many jest that, surely, Goldenlily and Adderflame were thrilled that their little Copperpaw was to be assigned to a mentor like Ginkoberry.

The older molly was a bizarre clanmate, who enjoyed sharing tongues more than patrolling or hunting. While Ginkoberry was friendly enough, her oddities and constant chatter were enough to drive someone squirrel-brained. No one but Copperpaw quite tapped into Ginkoberry's running mouth.

Copperpaw never was one to catch social cues, or understand the whispers about him and his mentor. To the young tom, Ginkoberry was like an untapped spring. She'd tell him endless stories about the clans and the cats that reside in them.

Two moons after they were named apprentices, Twigpaw, Wasp-paw, and Thunderpaw earned their warrior names. No one was prouder than Bramblepaw, who still idolized her older siblings. Goldenlily and Adderflame touched noses with their first litter; making Copperpaw wonder if his own mother would give him his warrior name.

✧.* ✧.* ✧.*

10-11 MOONS; Starlingpaw's screech in the dead of night was forever etched into Copperpaw's mind the day she and Bramblepaw had decided to sneak out of the apprentice den and hunt. Unknowingly followed by Waspwing, he and his older sister tracked down the yowling just outside of camp. A coyote clawed at Bramblepaw as Starlingpaw laid limp at his paws.

Before Copperpaw could formulate a plan, Waspwing leaped from the shadows and onto the coyote's back. Copperpaw quickly followed, scratching wildly at the predator's eyes as it flailed from both attackers.

As Copperpaw turned his head to make sure Bramblepaw was dragging Starlingpaw away, Waspwing slammed into his side. He felt the powerful claws of the coyote bare down on his left ear, and watched in horror as the claw continued its way into Waspwing's neck.

Distracted with his sister, Copperpaw went for its neck, splattering the ground with crimson. Frustrated, the coyote huffed and thrashed Copperpaw off its neck and fled---leaving behind Waspwing. Copperpaw nudged his sister, but she did not respond. Easily catching up with Bramblepaw, he helped her carry Starlingpaw the rest of the way to camp and alerted the warriors that Waspwing was still outside.

Waspwing was carried to camp, her eyes shut and her body still. Copperpaw couldn't tear his eyes away from the unsettling sight. Though Waspwing never showed her younger siblings the kindness of Thundertuft or Twigthorn, she did not hesitate to protect them.

As the sun crept across the mountains, Lemonstar gave a brief vigil for Waspwing, and named Copperpaw his newly minted warrior name; Copperclaw. Though she spoke of his valiant efforts to protect his siblings, the young tom felt empty and regretful. If only he had heard his sisters leave, then maybe he could've stopped Waspwing's death.

✧.* ✧.* ✧.*

12-16 MOONS; A moon after his naming and Waspwing's death, Bramblepaw was named Bramblebrook. Their third littermate, Starlingpaw, had finally rejoined the other apprentices in her daily duties. After her fight with the coyote, her hindleg had to be reset. It took an entire moon for her to be able to put pressure on it again, though the medicine cat feared it would be lame for the entirety of her life.

Copperclaw busied himself with warrior duties, watching carefully over his sisters, as well as their mother. Eventually, Starlingpaw was given her final assessment at the age of 14 moons, joining Bramblebrook, Thundertuft, and Twigthorn in the warriors den. Copperclaw stuck to Starlingsong, nipping any ridicule or harassment from their clanmates about his sister's limp or her speed.

✧.* ✧.* ✧.*

17 MOONS; The Leafbare was cruel and unforgiving. While the seasons of calluses on Copperclaw's paws were thick, they could not protect him from the frigidity of the frozen stone they called home. Copperclaw watched as many perished---including his sister, Thundertuft. Her mate, Morningfire, mourned with Thundertuft's family. She found solace in Copperclaw's quiet demeanor; though he never understood why. Surely Starlingsong was much more capable of emotion than he. Still---he appreciated having someone to share his meals with.

✧.* ✧.* ✧.*

18-23 MOONS; Copperclaw was given his first apprentice; his elder sister's daughter, Pinepaw. Copperclaw was extremely proud to become a mentor, but quickly discovered that the job wasn't as easy as he had imagined. Pinepaw was clumsy, and hadn't grown into her long limbs. She was noisy while hunting, and had a difficult time remembering anything Copperclaw said. For the first time since he was an apprentice, he asked his father, Adderflame, for help.

✧.* ✧.* ✧.*

24-37 MOONS; Lemonstar lost her final life, leaving Goldenlily to become the next leader. Copperclaw was incredibly happy for her, despite the pit in his stomach knowing that she'd have to lay her life down for Summitclan whenever she was called to action. One of her first acts as leader was to name Pinepaw, as well as their brother, Chipmunkpaw, warriors.

Without the responsibilities of his mentorship, Copperclaw began to volunteer for more patrols and hunting parties. After their third patrol together, a she-cat by the name of Hollyspark set her sights on Copperclaw. Without a clue on how to romance a molly, nor the particular interest to do so, he passively allowed Hollyspark to pursue him.

Hollyspark was interesting, a true light within the dark caverns of Summitclan. Many questioned why she had any interest in Copperclaw, since the two could be nothing more alike than a field mouse and grizzly bear. But, she enjoyed teasing Copperclaw and appreciated that he didn't approach her like the other toms.

The fling was very short-lived. When asked what Copperclaw wanted in a relationship, Copperclaw was shocked he was even in one. Completely clueless, he found himself as an ex-mate to a very scorned she-cat.

Perfecting timing landed Copperclaw another apprentice in the form of young Geraniumpaw. Unlike his first apprentice, Geraniumpaw was a lot like himself. She pushed herself, and sought validation in her successes as an apprentice. Copperclaw was a firm mentor, but held a lot of respect for the molly.

✧.* ✧.* ✧.*

38-47 MOONS; A strange sickness claimed the lives of many, including Bramblebrook. Copperclaw, Twigthorn, and Starlingsong mourned their sister's life, while Goldenstar lost one of her lives during the vigil. Copperclaw noticed a shift in Twigthorn, and watched as she separated herself from her family members. Copperclaw attempted to reconnect with her, but was stopped by their father and Goldenstar.

"Cats all mourn differently," they said, but Copperclaw didn't understand. Even Hollyspark offered her condolences, though she seemed frustrated by Copperclaw's lack of emotion towards her gesture. Instead, he sat with Morningfire and Starlingsong for most of that day, along with the other families who had lost loved ones before the cure was discovered within Summitclan's territory.

A few days later, he sat with Geraniumpaw. His apprentice had lost a brother, to which he could understand her pain, though struggled to show it. Copperclaw's paws pricked with awkwardness as he draped his tail over her shoulders.

✧.* ✧.* ✧.*

47 MOONS; Copperclaw had always had a mistrust in outsiders. He could never understand that any cat with outsider blood could protect and serve the clan like a pureblooded Summitclan cat could. But, his mother felt otherwise. Copperclaw thought of his mother's kindness as somewhat foolish. So, when she welcomed a group of loners into their ranks, he couldn't help but be wary. Even after his vocal concerns, he watched as the outsiders gathered moss for their new bedding in the warrior's den. Within a half-moon, an assassination attempt was made on Goldenstar.

Copperclaw fought the assailants, digging his claws readily into their traitorous pelts. While Goldenstar was safe, Copperclaw questioned her mental sanity as she named Elkthorn as her deputy. The kit was barely weaned, even his freshly named apprentice Geraniumclaw was more capable in his eyes.

✧.* ✧.* ✧.*

48 MOONS - CURRENT; Copperclaw awoke like any other morning, and found that his paws seemed to move on their own to check in on his mother. What he found, was her still form, still curled into her mate. Nosing his mother and father awake, Goldenstar did not stir. Dread and overwhelming sadness filled his belly as his father broke down, weeping into Goldenstar's fur.

Copperclaw, Starlingsong, and Adderflame buried the body, later joined reluctantly by his sister, Twigthorn. Before Elkthorn took his leave to receive his nine lives, he named Copperclaw as deputy. What should've been a proud moment in any cat's life, shattered Copperclaw's. The tom being named deputy only meant his mother was truly gone and never coming back.

The reality of being named deputy only hit Copperclaw as the clan came to him for answers after Elkthorn left with the medicine cat. Swarmed with questions, Copperclaw didn't notice his sister, Twigthorn sneak past him.

Now, Copperclaw must lead in hopes that his mother is watching over him in Silverpelt to make the right choices.

Other Notes
Give him a heroes death, some sort of rescue or defense against his clan



Last Edit: Sept 3, 2024 0:20:10 GMT by shelby