TimberClan ∙ Plots

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Post by The Realm on Aug 19, 2024 3:02:11 GMT

TimberClan Plots
Last Updated: 09.15.2024

This is the spot to come to check all of the current plots for TimberClan as an individual group. You can also read more about the specific High Rank Opinions, which is more specific to who is ruling rather than the outlook as a whole group which can be found in the respective group info thread. Check back often for any updates.

Current Clan Outlook
→ 🗻 Tensions at the SummitClan border are simmering, but tense. Ever since the Sickness took Sorrelstar's final life, TimberClan as a whole in general feels as though SummitClan is to blame due to the lack of willingness to share the herb that could have cured their past leader.

→ 🌊 TimberClan is currently neutral with the Court of the Spires, they have no negative feelings towards them or any outsiders in general.

👑 High Rank Opinions
Leader Goosestar


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]→ VIEWS ON OUTSIDERS: Outsiders are not necessarily met with immediate aggression. Goosestar prefers to meet such situations with a friendly front to an analytical approach rather than treat every stranger as an attacker. For the most part, loners and rogues are asked to move on unless they require medical assistance, but they are often gently pushed towards making a decision about where to go once any treatment requiring nest-rest is complete. Kits are always taken in no matter what, and elders are usually permitted to spend their retirement in Timberclan so long as they contribute the same as the rest of their cohort.

→ VIEWS ON FORBIDDEN ROMANCES: The Warrior Code is the Warrior Code, yes - a fact that Goosestar only seems to acknowledge passively in formal context. Whilst he does not formally endorse or encourage romantic ventures outside of the clan, he very obviously turns a blind eye unless the sneaking around actively impacts a clanmate’s duties, and is often lax in ‘punishing’ such. Half-Clan kittens with a loner parent are readily taken in if the father agrees, and readily accepted as their own if the mother is Clanborn - half-Clan kittens with parentage in another Clan, however, are dealt with differently. If a father from another Clan wishes to join Timberclan to be with his kits, he is watched carefully until his children are apprenticed, and is evaluated at that point, asked formally if he wishes to swear his loyalty - otherwise, he is asked (apologetically) to limit his involvement to sparing meetings until the kits are of apprentice age and can decide where their hearts lie. Regardless, no blame is ever placed on the kits themselves - if they were raised Timberclan and wish to stay that way, they’re as Timberclan as any other full-Clan litter.

→ VIEWS ON STARCLAN: Starclan is treated with respect, but as less of an omnipotent, lawmaking force and more of a guiding paw. Every cat has faults, and that extends to the spirits in the stars, too - they are as flawed as the rest of the Clans. Goosestar views them with the same kind of distant admiration one might show a grandparent; they are experienced and wise, and paved the way for things that made the world the way they are, and are certainly afforded a level of reverence due to that, but they are not all-knowing or all-deciding, not in his eyes.

Deputy Cherrydawn


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]→ VIEWS ON OUTSIDERS: Unless told to back down by Goosestar, Cherrydawn would first react with extreme caution, if not a little hostility. It’s his job to defend the Clan, who knows if they’re a threat? For him to not react as such, they would need to be ailing, dying, elderly, or a kit. For the ailing, he would order them back to camp to be tended to by the medicine cat. Once treatment is over, he would give them two choices- either join the clan or leave. For a dying cat, it would often be much too late to be able to rescue them. He would rather have the patrol perform the burial rights and send them on their way to Silverpelt. Elders may have to perform a trial in their abilities, but the kits will be put into the nursery and raised until they’re old enough to make a decision to either stay or leave the Clan.

→ VIEWS ON FORBIDDEN ROMANCES: Cherrydawn puts on a front that he will not ever accept a romance that is cross Clan. In all honesty, he believes love is love. It's something he will openly admit to Goosestar. It’s very much “Don’t get caught, or I will be forced to dish out punishment and it’s not going to be pretty.” It’s to keep up his image as the quiet, rather surly deputy. If it turns out a she-cat without a mate got pregnant and suspicions are cast out of the Clan, he will look the other way. It’s not a kit’s fault that it was brought into this world, it’s the fault of the parents who willingly chose to. However, if the other Clan or outsiders raise a stink about it, he will defend the mother-to-be viciously. If the father wants to be in his children’s lives, he will either switch clans or denounce them.

→ VIEWS ON STARCLAN: StarClan is a point of reverence for Cherrydawn. Each evening, he will make his offerings to the spirits of his ancestors for the fruitful day that he’s had. Cherrydawn will reflect on his day, pray, watch the stars for a little while, maybe go to the highest point of the albino redwood tree. He prefers to call them Silverpelt, because it’s where all the spirits join and run together. It’s where they meet with lost family and the family they’ve never met. He personally believes that spirits are neither inherently good, nor inherently bad. They just are. He sees them in everything around him, in the other felines, in nature, when the Clans come to gatherings. It settles his soul a little and he goes to bed each day exhausted, yet satisfied.

→ VIEWS ON LEADER: Privately, Goosestar is a very good friend of his, if not his best. Cherrydawn 100% has a bit of feelings for the leader, due to how long they’ve known each other. Once Goosestar was made leader (and promptly named him as deputy), Cherry promptly buried those feelings underneath the duties he was given. He hasn’t forgotten them, but he knows they’re both in positions of power. Openly, Cherrydawn can be seen sharing meals with Goosestar. He’s like the leader’s silent, 24/7 guard. Always watching, always keeping an eye out. Whenever they interact, Cherrydawn does get visibly brighter and happier. He even interacts with the Clan more. He’s not as subtle as he thinks he is.

Medicine Cat Sprucetail


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]→ VIEWS ON TREATING OUTSIDERS: Sprucetail usually has a healthy suspicion of outsiders, especially if they're going to be using up valuable clan resources, but apart from giving her own personal opinion if she's asked for it, she knows that she doesn't have much say in the matter if a strange cat is sent to the medicine cat's den. She'll tend to them without complaints as she's expected to, just like any cat that falls under her care. A part of her may be a bit curious of the individual's origins. What they've seen, what they've heard, and most importantly what they know. She's young at heart, and loves knowing things, so depending on the situation - her curiosity may out-weigh her suspicion as she treats them.

→ VIEWS ON STARCLAN: As TimberClan's medicine cat Sprucetail believes in StarClan wholeheartedly. She respects them and their guidance. Their wise whispers hold fast in her mind, and she often will find herself eagerly listening for any wisdom that they're willing to offer her. She doesn't precisely believe that they have the right to control every aspect of her life, she views them more as mentor figures if anything. She's under the belief that every cat has the right to decide how much they want to dedicate their lives to to their ancestors, but when it comes to her - it's all about respect and gratitude when it comes to StarClan helping them guide through life.

→ WILLINGNESS TO MAKE TRADES: She doesn't see any reason why trades should be refused. It only builds connections, and helps gain access to herbs that TimberClan may otherwise have trouble getting their paws on. She understands tensions may be the cause of reluctance, but by the end of the day, she believes when lives on the line, they can't always afford to be picky and choosey. She doesn't seem to mind taking the initiative and approaching the other party about a trade, and tends to try her best keep a calm demeanour when attempting to take the diplomatic and negotiating route.

→ BEDSIDE MANNER: When Sprucetail is in her natural element, also known as her small little corner of the medicine cat den, she's often nose deep in herbs sorting them, and murmuring quietly to herself whilst doing so. If one happens to listen in, they'll likely hear her reciting which herb is good for what, and things related to what she's recently learned. Her orderliness is quite the contrast to her previous mentor's messy habits. Her voice is often soft and reassuring when it comes to tending to patients - especially kits and cats who gravely injured and actively in pain.

Medicine Cat Apprentice TBD


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]→ VIEWS ON TREATING OUTSIDERS: Information will go here.

→ VIEWS ON STARCLAN: Information will go here.

→ WILLINGNESS TO MAKE TRADES: Information will go here.

→ BEDSIDE MANNER: Information will go here.

✨ Active Harbingers
Harbinger of ExpansionCLOSED

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]With conflict arising in both opposing groups of TimberClan, Expansion believes they should press their advantage and they aren’t afraid to tell others as much. While they will continue to follow the words of caution voiced by Goosestar for now, they are itching for a chance to prove that TimberClan can hold more territory than it does currently. Although they will voice that TimberClan needs the territory, that without it they will fail, the truth is they want it to simply show they could take it if they wanted to. For them, it is all about a show of power.


Harbinger of TolerancePINEFALL

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]It is of Tolerance’s opinion that TimberClan show it’s power not through claws and snatching of territory, but through kindness and a show of support. Tolerance may or may not believe in StarClan, but they are certainly interested in learning more about the Court of Grace that the Court of the Spires speaks so highly of. If another group of cats so close to the Clans can have such wildly different ideas, why can’t they all be true? Tolerance keeps most of their thoughts to themselves, though they’ve been known to share their words with close friends and allies.


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Last Edit: Sept 15, 2024 4:34:50 GMT by Artemis
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