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The Throne of the Redspires sits toward the back of the courtyard, nestled under what still remains of the original roof. The throne’s golden sheen can’t be missed as it coats every carefully carved ornate swirl and bend of wood, accented by a red tapestry that has been draped across the seat. This is where the Court of the Spire’s current sovereign addresses the Court for announcements and ceremonies. A set of cushions has been dragged to sit to the right and left of the throne. The right is kept for the current Regent or Heir, and the left is for the current Cleric.

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The Royal Wing is what remains of the largest rooms of the Court of the Spires. Red tapestries worn from decades of use sway in the sea breeze that slithers in from the western windows. Sunlight filters in near sunset, casting the room in a warm red glow, but otherwise it remains in the shadow of the roof above. What was once a large spacious wooden bed has been divided into a grouping of nests shaded by yellowed fabrics hung from the four corner posts. A nearby dresser has been upturned and has another set of nests where shelves once lived. The rest of the room is built for the luxury of relaxing, with velveted pillows and blankets carefully arranged near the few places where the sun warms them. A separate room to the right when entering hosts the Royal nursery, an inviting room that is usually redecorated for each Kittenward. Attached to the furthest back wall is a spiraling staircase that leads to the tallest of the spires, and a modest nook devoted to the current Sovereign with access to the starry skies.

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The Apothecary is just past the open entry way of the Kitchen. It has no door, and opens up into a fairly large room. Although it was probably once a very neat and orderly herbalist’s room, it is now in various states of disarray. To the left, a collection of carefully constructed and sanitary nests sit, and to the right, a table sits on its side to divide the room. Behind the table, there are cleric nests for when they must stay overnight in the Apothecary, and numerous locations where various herbs are stored and actively drying. To the far back of the room, a small window has a flat piece of wood carefully propped into it that deposits rainwater into a series of wooden bowls. Lancer is very neat with his organization and will not accept a mess in his apothecary. Despite the ruins of the castle, he has swept most of the debris away.

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The Court of the Spires gains its name from the three remaining towering spires that cast their long shadows on the crumbling castle. It is naturally defended by the harsh ocean that surrounds it on all sides, with a precarious stepstone of rocks being the only connection that remains of the once arching stone bridge. The entrance to the Court of the Spires was once adorned with two large wooden doors, but the only one remaining is the partially fallen right one. The left-side of the Court of the Spires has crumbled into the ocean, and opens the castle to the winds of the sea, but it has been covered with a richly colored tapestry and the reaching branches of a tree. Between the cracks in the mosaic floor of the courtyard, small shrubs and the tree have grown, which provide shade where the roof no longer exists. There are three hallways that break off from the main courtyard. The furthest from the entrance leads to the Royal Wing, and to the right there are two, with the furthest back leading to the Apothecary and the Kitchens (where freshkill and extra herbs are stored), and the closest to the entrance leading to the Wing of each Namesake. Each historic Namesake has its own room on this Wing, with further division within thanks to gathered stones, moss, and driftwood. The minor Namesakes share the remaining rooms.

Court of the Spires

by The Realm Aug 15, 2024 17:27:47 GMT
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