SummitClan ∙ Plots

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Post by The Realm on Aug 19, 2024 3:02:56 GMT

SummitClan Plots
Last Updated: 09.15.2024

This is the spot to come to check all of the current plots for SummitClan as an individual group. You can also read more about the specific High Rank Opinions, which is more specific to who is ruling rather than the outlook as a whole group which can be found in the respective group info thread. Check back often for any updates.

Current Clan Outlook
→ 🌲 SummitClan has some tensions on the border of TimberClan. The clan as a whole was hoping to have TimberClan align with them together against the Court of Spires but they wish to remain neutral. TimberClan also still holds a bit of blame over their previous leader dying, due to SummitClan having the herb that could have cured him - but they needed it for their own sick due to it being in short supply and TimberClan having nothing to offer to trade in exchange.

→ 🌊 SummitClan does not fully trust the Court of the Spires. They don't like how they differ from the Clan's traditions, and they would prefer to not have to share the land. Currently, they have not acted upon their dislike - but tensions are definitely mounting at the border, especially with the rumors within the Clan that a Court spy attempted to assassinate Goldenstar.

👑 High Rank Opinions
Leader Elkstar


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]→ Views on Outsiders: Elkstar is flexible about this. If a cat is strong and/or has something to offer him (the 3 Bs: bribery, blackmail, babies) he’ll consider letting them stay with Summitclan, but he’ll do little to welcome them and might kick them out again if the deal doesn’t prove to be good enough for his liking. He doesn’t make a habit of taking in outsiders since it’s generally disfavored in Summitclan. He is hostile towards outsiders and that is all that most would see.

→ Views on Forbidden Romances: Elkstar does what he wants without guilt, but he holds himself to a different standard than he holds others. He is more likely to accept internal forbidden romances- say between a Summitclan medicine cat and Summitclan warrior- than external forbidden romances between Summitclan and another group of cats. He doesn’t want his cats getting drawn away to join Timberclan and he doesn’t want to lose kits that belong to Summitclan. Those that he suspects of engaging in cross-clan relationships will be punished harshly to set an example.

→ Views on Half-Blood Kits: Mixed blood doesn’t really matter to Elkstar, as long as they’re loyal to Summitclan. He won’t blame kits for their parents’ mistakes. This isn’t a view that Elkstar publicizes, as he doesn’t want to encourage cross-clan liaisons. It’s more that he’s willing to consistently make an exception on behalf of cats who are half-blood. He doesn’t have much of an opinion on kits from one Summitclan cat and one unaffiliated cat, so he would be permissive toward Summitclan queens allowing rogues to father their kits if there were no suitable toms, etc.

→ Views on StarClan: Elkstar doesn’t mind earning Starclan’s disapproval or chastisement. He’s not some holy saint. Unless their prophecies or warnings are of some use to protecting his clan, he pays them little mind and can be disrespectful toward Starclan. However, he typically won’t be so open about it that it hurts his own image. Only those close to him would really guess his true feelings- most probably view him as a “normal” leader with a close relationship to Starclan, or at the very least a neutral one.

Deputy Copperclaw


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]→ Views on Outsiders: Copperclaw has an extreme mistrust of outsiders. After the assassination attempt on his grandmother by a group of loners, he has sworn to keep them well beyond camp borders. The Kingdom of the Spires is a band of unruly rogues for all Copperclaw's concerned, so he is openly hostile towards them. He isn't overly welcome to Timberclan, but as long as they don't cross the established borders, he remains civil.

→ Views on Forbidden Romances: Copperclaw holds the Warrior Code to its highest standard, and believes it should be living breathing proof of Summitclan's excellence. The stain that Forbiddn Romances leaves must be removed in Copperclaw's eyes. If Summitclanners are found to be involved in Forbidden Relationships, Copperclaw believes they should be chased to the borders and exiled. If they are with kits, then a queen should take in the kits and raise them as their own after the traitor gives birth.

→ Views on Half-Blood Kits: Copperclaw despises Forbidden Relationships, but does not blame the kits for their parent's mistake. Copperclaw believes that half-blood kits should remain in Summitclan and raised as their own. In hopes that history would not repeat itself, Copperclaw would suggest a senior warrior to apprentice the kits, to ensure their loyalty stays with Summitclan.

→ Views on StarClan: Starclan has always triggered mixed feelings for Copperclaw. The way his grandmother would speak of them would leave him in wonder--- so a much younger Copperclaw would look for signs and omens everywhere. As he's aged, admiration has turned to somewhat of unease. He tries his best to make others uphold the Code in fear of what punishment they may face from Starclan.

Medicine Cat Mallowfrost


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]→ Views on Treating Outsiders: Mallowfrost was a warrior first, and a medicine cat later in life - that honed training of unnecessary dislike for those not within her clan was sowed and tended to early on. While she will tend to those in a life or death situation - or if the injured feline is under the age of 7 moons - she tends to always write a bargain in. Should the feline in question be an outside, she will try to force a trade agreement out of them - much like her mentor’s mentor used to do. Or if they are part of the Court or even Timberclan, she will often find herself requesting items in exchange for her services. “Don’t want your clan to know you’ve given birth to half-blood kits? You better steal me some catmint by year’s end.”

→ Willingness to Make Trades: Martenthroat had been stingy with his herbs, and in the short time that they worked together, Mallowfrost picked up on his teachings. She had once seen the old Medicine Cat refuse treatment because it was no use anyway, the cat would die overnight, let them suffer. She took on the same mentality, demanding more for her collection of herbs, due to the natural preservation of the caverns they live in, her herbs stay fresh longer, so why shouldn’t others trade her good quality herbs when hers are at their freshest for days.

→ Views on StarClan: While Mallowfrost believes, she knows that the ancestors have no true control over her life. If so, why do they let her dabble with poisons when she could accidentally poison someone? She does not pray to her ancestors, but that does not mean she does not respect their influence in one’s mind. She often will likely find herself correcting others to be mindful of what they say about StarClan - “You may not believe they are all-powerful, but they are all-knowing, and your words could land you where the moon does not shine.”

→ Bedside Manners: Mallowfrost is wholly dependent upon the cat she is treating. She definitely believes in, what you give out into the universe, will come right back at you. When a grumpy old elder snaps at her for being to rough, she proceeds to leave them be and tell them she will return when their attitude has changed. Many have learned to not snap at her, especially those who need immediate attention. While she does accept apologies right away and will resume immediately, her gentle paws are no more, and her eyes are always glossed over in a frosty exchange. “Well if you weren't an absolute mouse, I’d treat you like the cat you are.”

Medicine Cat Apprentice Asterpaw


[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]→ Views on Treating Outsiders: Asterpaw (Asterpool) has enough trouble befriending and staying on good terms with the cats in his own clan. He has no interest in those from other clans (though it's not a dislike, more of a neutral). However, as someone who fears and respects Starclan he will try and treat injured cats regardless of their heritage (outsider, court, timber).

→ WILLINGNESS TO MAKE TRADES: Asterpaw has observed his mentor being stingy and outright refusing to trade herbs even to those in need. While he doesn't agree with this practice, especially if lives are at stake, he does believe that your own clan should be handled first and if there's nothing left to trade it's unfortunate.

→ Views on Starclan: Despite his grumpy exterior, Asterpaw is actually a devout Starclan follower and tends to obey them without question. He prays often and tries his hardest to search for signs they send him. Despite him not loving his role due to his mentor he knows this is the path Starclan wants him on, and he knows better than to disobey them. He is VERY aggressive to those who have different beliefs (he heavily distrusts the Court) and often remarks how they'll end up in the place of no stars. He is also very quick to correct those that bad mouth Starclan. This all being said, he is devout on some of the code laid out by Starclan and has strong feelings about Med Cats taking mates and outer clan romance

→ Bedside Manner: Asterpaw is kind of... An arse. He is quick to anger and often appears irritable before you even begin to speak to him. He's good at what he does, but he doesn't want to speak to you during it.

→ Views on Mallowfrost: As the code dictates that apprentices need to respect their mentor, Asterpaw does just that. He respects Mallowfrost but he also believes she is not suited for her position, though he would never tell her this to her face. Her staunch views on trading and the way she speaks to some members of the clan have soured her on Asterpaw, and he often finds himself wondering if he chose the right path due to her behaviour.

✨ Active Harbingers
Harbinger of ApplauseGERANIUMCLAW

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]Every politician needs its number one fan. This is Elkstar’s. In Applause’s eyes, Elkstar can do no wrong and every action that he takes is the right one. Finally, the Clan is being led in the direction that it has needed to for moons. When Elkstar needs an extra set of paws or claws, you’re there to lend them without hesitation. Your devotion doesn’t stop there though - you’re happy to remind the rest of the Clan how lucky they are to be part of Elkstar’s magnificent reign as well.


Harbinger of TrepidationCOTTONPAW

[attr="class","harbingerdesc"]Quite the opposite of Applause, Trepidation is hesitant to accept the new change. They believe that patience and caution are paramount to ensuring the continued success of the Clan, but they are hesitant to voice those concerns. Especially in front of Elkstar. This doesn’t stop them from whispering about it to those they are closest to though, and mumbling their discontent on patrols. They’ve already known what it’s like to lose a loved one to fighting, and they aren’t eager to see it happen again.


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Last Edit: Sept 15, 2024 4:41:06 GMT by Artemis
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