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Located a few foxlengths from the medicine cat's den is a smooth ledge jutting out from the cave wall known as High Ledge. This ledge, accessible only by jumping, provides a stage for the leader to make their announcements. High Ledge, due to its position, acts as an echo chamber - no cat will fail to hear their leader over the roar of the waterfall.

has starclan forsaken us all?
by everett Sept 5, 2024 3:10:32 GMT

A large crack in the wall beneath High Ledge, barely big enough for a feline to fit, leads to a chamber where the leader calls home. Sheltered from the elements, the rocks here are dazzling - some shine under the natural moonlight that seeps in from cracks in the ceiling. In the darkest shadows lies the nest, though there is still plenty of room for a leader to discuss with their deputy and medicine cat in private in a small clearing.

Deep within the camp of SummitClan, a small cascade of vines seems to conceal a small tunnel that leads deeper into the mountainside. While not overly small the tunnel leads up in a slow path to a large 8' by 8' well-lit chamber. The chamber is half covered in a thick moss, while the other half is covered in a layer of hardened sand - brought in many moons ago by the first of the Medicine Cats of SummitClan. Near the back of the chamber lies a small hole in the wall, allowing natural light to slip through at almost all times of the day - beneath this hole lies a small curve in the ground, where water seems to naturally fall should the weather turn. To the left of the chamber moons of carving have left cat-made shelving in the walls, where the storage of herbs can be found, a few small pockets in the ground provide a cooler storage area. Between the hole in the ceiling and the herb storage area, a small tunnel leads to a small dark chamber, where the room is lined with ferns and moss - this is where the medicine cat and their apprentice sleep. To the right of the chamber lies the nests for the ill, where the natural thick moss grows.

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Warriors and apprentices live in shallow dips in the walls. The higher the nest, the more senior the warrior.

Elders have earned the spots closest to the fresh-kill pill and water. Close to the floor, these nests get the most sunlight and are protected from the high winds.

The nursery is tucked away deeper in the mountain, in a moss-covered chamber. The enterance is tucked away behind ferns and vines, hidden from plain sight.

SummitClan Camp

by The Realm Aug 15, 2024 17:27:47 GMT
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by everett Sept 3, 2024 3:05:55 GMT
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