Musings Over Mice

Rosa Avatar


Post by Rosa on Sept 13, 2024 23:06:03 GMT

- General Description: Mother/daughter bonding in the quiet.
- Setting: Leaf-fall, year 1, sunset
- Auto Skip: 72 Hours
- Content Warnings: None
- Realm Event: None
- Post Order: Rosa/Roxanne
1. Hareleap ( )
2. Owlfeather ( )

All I need is what I've got
template by Punki of Pixel Perfect
Words: 437 Notes: Sorry for the delay!  
Leaf-fall was slowly stalking closer, promising to coat the leaves above in an array of colors more often found in the feathers of birds as the sticky humidity of Greenleaf slowly lost its grip over the forest. Though the summer heat still coated the territory in the daylight hours, the sunset breeze carrying the promise of cooler days started when the sun surrendered its hold on the expanse above. These hours only encouraged prey to emerge from their burrows sooner, hopeful for a chance to scavenge and hunt without baking in the heat. They weren't alone out there enjoying the temperatures, however.

Which was how Hareleap came to her triumphant return to camp, two small rodents hanging from her jaws by their tails. The molly had gone out for a spot of hunting on her own after a patrol, mind too loud to settle as it normally did. The white and tabby warrior wasn't one who often worried over matters beyond her control, nor did she pay mind to the gossip of those around her. However, the patrol of the border had brought with it new scents - suspicion, worry, and unsettled anxiety that clung to her fur as they headed back for camp. The whispers that had started to plague the realm, particularly their neighbors, looked as if they were worming their way across the border into the peaceful TimberClan. It was not something welcome to Hareleap. As a young warrior, she had known plenty who had a healthy interest in the bickering of the other clans for her. A spark of curiosity of what lay over in the lands beyond and the lives others led, to see what was so different between the different clans and Court. Though she had not been the most active participant, any desire to know had quickly gained a sharp bite at the realization that whatever happened over there most certainly would impact her family. What if these rumors led to more? What if the frost of leaf-fall was not the only bringer of injury and hunger? What if...?

Determined to banish these thoughts (For perhaps they were just the fretful anxieties that she now lived with as a mother), bright eyes scanned the clearing for one whose presence would always bring purrs of delight. It had been too long since she'd been able to share tongues with Owlfeather, but perhaps this quiet evening would be the perfect time for them to reconnect. After all, her youngest pride and joy was now sharing her responsibilities as a warrior - they had plenty to talk about with these first few moons of change.