Hareleap of TimberClan

Rosa Avatar


Post by Rosa on Aug 15, 2024 23:06:25 GMT

TimberClan ∙ Warrior ∙ She/Her ∙ 40 moons

A small, Bi-Color Molly with Pale yellow eyes

Like her mother before her, Hareleap has always been on the smaller side. As such, some features, such as her ears, seem a little too large for her even at her grown state. Her fur, though short, is thick and more than enough for the harsh weather of her territory. Brown tabby fur covers lean muscles, stripes disrupted only by the white of her throat, belly, tail tip, and front paws. Even the bottom of her muzzle looks as if she dipped it in snow. Her eyes are a light shade of yellow often found in the sunset splashed across the skies. They're often narrowed in thought, though some would claim it gives her a rather unapproachable look.

+ Protective | +/- imperturbable  | - Blunt

Hareleap is, in a word, unflappable. Cool-headed in even the worst of conditions, she's the kind of cat you want to have on your side in a time of crisis - physical or otherwise. She leans heavily on her logic and natural skills to keep an eye on those around her she considers the most important, and she's the first to leap to their defense should something go wrong or accusations start to fly. She does not stand for nonsense, and that extends to the treatment of those she calls friends and family.
However, she may not be the best choice for any situation that requires a soft touch and sweet words - her logical side plays a little too hard sometimes, leading to harsh truths that others aren't ready for. She sees no reason to hold back and will state things like she sees them, whether that is for the benefit of the situation or not. If it helps those she cares about, why not? Unfortunately, sometimes her loved ones get caught in this web - Do something she deems less than smart? She won't hesitate to call you a "mousebrain" for it. Put yourself in harm's way? Expect a tongue lashing. Despite this possible deficit, her skills translated surprisingly well to training. What she lacks in diplomacy she makes up for her in mentoring - Her compliments, though rare, are always genuine. If you impress this warrior, she'll let you know.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Lean Warrior
Current SP: 4

•  Diplomacy
•  Defense
•  Mentoring
•  Hunting
•  Stealth

Plotting, History, & Relations

Having been a warrior for several moons at this point, Hareleap has seen the best and worst of the Clans and the Court. She's not particularly concerned about what the other two groups are doing beyond making sure she keeps her family out of any chaos they will cause. She has seen plenty what damage can be caused to innocents by those running on emotion and strife - She wants none of it.
- Mother: Doegaze (UFA)
- Father: Bearstep (Deceased)
- Littermate: Otterfoot
- Kits: Sparrowsrike (Son), Owlfeather (Daughter) (Sparrow UFA)
Harekit and her littermate, Otterkit, were born to a pair of warriors who did not seem to be a match made in StarClan. Her mother soft-spoken and her father rigid, it seemed the two were compatible only in that they produced a healthy set of kits who were as curious as the day was long. Hours upon hours were spent exploring the camp, though Otterkit's appetite for getting into mischief was higher than that of Harekit. Where Otterkit was rash, Harekit was observant. Where the larger kit was bouncing off the walls with energy, Harekit was calm. She was an old soul stuck in that of a kit, and she was long-suffering when it came to hauling those around her out of danger. More focused on keeping them out of trouble, it soon became clear who the more responsible one was. She would never be accused of being the life of the party, but she was always one who would be there if help was needed. Considering her collected nature, it was no surprise that by the time they were apprenticed, more was expected of Harekit.
Under the watchful eye of Bearstep (who only seemed to pay attention to his kits should they do something worthy of praise) and a no-nonsense mentor, the quiet Harepaw quickly excelled in her training while Otterpaw found less success. While her littermate struggled with a regimented schedule and sitting still, Harepaw excelled. She was a perfect apprentice, bringing back the right amount of prey and nailing battle moves as if she'd been born to do nothing else. This did not make her many friends - it's lonely at the top when everyone else is only caring about the then and now. That is, of course, until she ran into a 'paw who seemed just as sure of himself as she was of her own mind.
Nettlepaw and Harepaw were not the first pair other cats would put together. One reserved, one carefree. One popular, one a loner. Yet they made it work, and suddenly Harepaw's lonely patrols weren't absent of other paw steps. Though Nettlepaw sometimes reminded Harepaw of her own sibling (After all, mischief makers tend to revel in the spontaneity of their actions), it didn't bother her like Otterpaw could. Perhaps it was the fact that Nettlepaw never shied away from her tendency to state the truth no matter how harsh it was, or maybe it was the fact his presence by her side brought a certain kind of spark and adventure that she herself hasn't imagined. Whatever it was, the two became fast friends, Harepaw trusting him above the rest of the rabble. 
Training progressed quickly, with Harepaw proving a quick learner with an excellent memory for battle moves. Her sibling had fallen behind, and perhaps Harepaw should have paid more attention at this point. Should she have tried to assist? Maybe, but she was a staunch believer in the idea that actions always had consequences. No more did this ring true until a few nights before her warrior ceremony. Bearstep, too intent on the trail of some prey while crossing the stream at the ravine, didn't realize how strong the waters would be after too much rainfall. One bad step into mud later, his cries were lost to the rapids as the waters grabbed hold and swept away. Despite the attempts of his fellow warriors, he was never found. 
Harepaw and Otterpaw were, understandably shocked. Where Harepaw pushed forward with the help of Nettlepaw, however, Otterpaw took the loss harder. Falling farther and farther behind in training, it was decided that Harepaw should earn her name and the clan give Otterpaw more time to train. A wedge already formed between the two apprentices due to the resentment and antics of their youth, this was the final straw. Only hours before her ceremony, Harepaw walked away from Otterpaw, perhaps forever. Her name, Hareleap, was given in honor of her lost father - though this was perhaps out of courtesy to his contributions rather than any emotional loss of his family.
Now a warrior, Hareleap's mind turned to other matters. She had known from a young age that she wanted kits, but she'd watched her mother long enough to know she wouldn't follow her teaching. Kits deserved more than a timid parent and an absent one. She and Nettleheart had grown ever closer, from acquaintances to best friends to soulmates in their own way. Haresleap cared deeply for her friend and knew he was affectionate with those he cared about, and so when the time came...why not?
The issue was, by the time she realized that the kits were on her way, things had come to true light - Where she was ready for kits, he was not. That was not something Nettleheart had planned for as far as she knew. The molly with all the answers, the good man in the middle of the storm, was caught off-guard. Having kits was a blessing, not something to be frightened of. So, the logical answer for Hareleap was to make the break. It was what was right. 
Just days before her kitting, the warrior approached her best friend, the one she cared about the most of the world, and set him free. He wouldn't have to worry about the kits - She hadn't told anyone who the father was, though there were rumors. It was her right as an expectant Queen to keep the identity to herself. He would never have to claim them or contribute. It was a gift of freedom. Besides, while she had kits in her plan, a mate was not in that picture. She and Nettleheart loved each other, true, but they weren't IN love. There was no need for a facade, not with the serious implications it would carry.
Satisfied she'd made the right choice (after all, they were friends, not in love, and her parents had proven love was not needed to give the next generation a chance), she took to her nest in the Nursery dutifully and brought forth a pair of kits as Doegaze had before her. A little tom and molly with matching brown tabby pelts, she gave them names in the fashion of her family - Sparrowkit and Owlkit.
Time in the Nursery was a blur for Hareleap, who was content as a mother but eager to return to her old life (perhaps she was a bit more like Bearstep than she wanted to admit). It was during this time she became closer to her mother, and a peace she hadn't known before fell over the molly's heart. Together the pair raised the kits to be well-respected members of the clan, though Hareleap made sure that they knew Nettleheart as her friend. She gave no indication that he had any other role in their lives, and she kept her promise - Not even Doegaze knew the identity of the kits' father.
Moons have passed, and Hareleap has watched her pride and joys grow into fine warriors. Through it all, she did not forget her friend - though perhaps he has forgotten her. Things are not quite what they were before, but that was due to her role changing. It couldn't be anything other than that, could it? They'd made the right choice for them both all those moons ago, after all.

Other Notes
Staff may do as they wish with Hareleap should I fall inactive - NPC, Adopt out, or death for plot purposes
Created to plot with

Last Edit: Sept 13, 2024 23:08:26 GMT by Rosa