The First of the Frost (Private)

Rosa Avatar


Post by Rosa on Sept 4, 2024 2:38:43 GMT

- General Description: Old friends meet for a totally not awkward encounter after a recent, not at all important warrior ceremony
- Setting: Leaf-fall, year 1, sunrise
- Auto Skip: 72 Hours
- Content Warnings: None
- Realm Event: None
- Post Order: Rosa/Artemis
    1. Hareleap
    2. Nettleheart

[googlefont=Oswald][newclass=".punkihoverclass:hover .punkihover1"]background:rgba(255,255,255,0.15); color:rgba(255,255,255,0.75) !important; text-shadow: 0px 0px 2px rgba(0,0,0,0.4);[/newclass][newclass=".punkilinkhover1 a"]color:#495A55;font-family:inherit;font-size:inherit;transition:0.3s;[/newclass][newclass=".punkilinkhover1 a:hover"]color: #424242;[/newclass]
word count: 345 Notes: Sorry, it's been a minute!
    One moment the Molly had been asleep, curled up tight with her tail tip over her nose, and the next -
    The cool breeze ruffling her fur had an icy tinge that drew her from the welcoming embrace of sleep. Slightly bewildered, the tabby lifted her head to squint at the faint light streaming through the entrance to the den she was still getting used to. Surely it wasn't...?
    Jaw cracking in a silent yawn, she slowly unraveled herself from the fresh twigs, bracken, and moss that made up her nest in the Warrior's Den, taking a few moments to run her tongue over a few more unruly spots before rising to four small paws. Delicately picking her way around sleeping mounds of fur (for the sun was just starting to cut through the wide tree trunks surrounding their camp, she paused one more moment before stepping outside and lifting her nose for a quick sniff. Ah, so it was. That whisper of frost on the wind hadn't been her imagination at all. The icy promise of Leaf-fall was here, and it seemed that at last the fruitful Greenleaf had come to a close.
    And what a Greenleaf it was. She thought, heading towards the fresh-kill pile to snag a quick snack. It seemed like only yesterday that she'd been watching with pride as her two kits (for her kits they still were, despite the moons under their fur) waited anxiously for their names that StarClan would now know them by. The moons with them had been both long and a blur, between sleepy purrs in the Nursery to conversations with mentors. It had been a long road, hard to navigate and lonely, but a necessary one.
    Standing over the pile and musing between a mouse and a chipmunk, Hareleap did her best to keep her thoughts from wandering too far into territory that was no longer worth discussing. Those wanderings needed to fade like fog in the morning sun, burning away as the past had. It had no place in the here and now. 


[attr=class,punkilinkhover1]template by punki of pixel perfect
Last Edit: Sept 5, 2024 0:16:31 GMT by Rosa
Artemis Avatar


Post by Artemis on Sept 4, 2024 23:49:57 GMT

[newclass=.iwbtr-contain]--iwbtr-accent:#639e7b; --iwbtr-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","iwbtr-ly-1"]have some patience for
[break]the part of me that's



The morning dew settled on every individual blade of grass, coating everything in a damp sparkle that was cool to the touch when he moved through it. The coating of dew coupled with the drop in temperature in the mornings was a sure indication that leaf-fall was officially here. Not that he minded; Nettleheart actually found himself more energized when the cooler weather arrived. His coat was thick, made for weather like this, and the crisp cool in the air didn’t bother him like it surely did some of his clanmates.[break][break]

On this particular cool morning, Nettleheart had been selected for a dawn patrol. The borders were quiet this morning, prey had begun to find its way into hibernation and barely anything was stirring. His ears flickered as he listened intently, but all seemed so calm. Undisrupted. If only he could say the same for his own thoughts, often clouded up and muddled. He had been so sure all those moons ago he made the right decision - to focus on himself and his career as a Warrior. So why was it then that lately he felt himself questioning his decision? Perhaps if he had chosen to be more involved… perhaps things would be less awkward.[break][break]

One decision had changed the trajectory of his relationship with his best friend, potentially forever. While they had agreed it wouldn’t be something that would wedge in between them, it seemed like things between himself and Hareleap were terser than usual. A casual observer may not have noticed it, but if someone was really paying attention or had heard some of the whisperings, well, perhaps they’d be able to read deeper into the situation. He was so lost in his thought as he padded through the dew covered forest, he didn’t scent a plump squirrel nearby.[break][break]

His heavy paws stepped down, cracking a twig beneath his weight, and the bushy tailed creature jerked up straight, and without much hesitation ricocheted off into the bushes, chirping madly - likely warnings to its squirrel friends about the dangers Nettleheart and his patrol posed. Hissing annoyance under his breath, he prayed the others in his patrol didn’t notice. They were almost back at camp, which he felt thankful for in that moment of oversight. Losing an opportunity to catch prey in leaf-fall was harebrained.[break][break]

Nettleheart padded back into camp, his mind still lost in thought, and his tired paws absently guiding him towards the freshkill pile. He was tired, a restless night sleep paired with a dawn patrol was a bad combination. He almost didn’t notice that there was another one of his clanmates at the freshkill pile in his exhaustion, but the oh-too-familiar scent of Hareleap filled his nostrils, and a jolt of panic shot down his spine and tingled his paws. β€œOh… Uh, good morning!” He chirped, trying to smooth over the shock with cheerfulness.



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Last Edit: Sept 5, 2024 4:48:17 GMT by Artemis
🌲 πšƒπš’πš–πš‹πšŽπš›π™²πš•πšŠπš— β€’ Nettleheart
πŸ—» πš‚πšžπš–πš–πš’πšπ™²πš•πšŠπš— β€’ Honeybee
🌊 π™²πš˜πšžπš›πš 𝚘𝚏 πšπš‘πšŽ πš‚πš™πš’πš›πšŽπšœ β€’ Squire Aurora of Skyborn
Rosa Avatar


Post by Rosa on Sept 6, 2024 4:25:12 GMT

All I need is what I've got
template by Punki of Pixel Perfect
Words: 406 Notes: He's adorable!
Soft yellow eyes still focused on deciding which of the two bundles of fur she'd carry away before taking her place as part of a hunting patrol, it was perhaps some instinctual feeling that detected who had approached the freshkill just heartbeats after her. A tightening of the fur across her flanks, or a twitch of an ear. Whatever it was, it was enough to alert the molly as to who was interrupting the quiet contemplation she found herself in. Not that she minded.
Looking up, she nearly leaned forward to touch noses, as they had done for moons upon moons. It too was something more akin to second nature than actual thought or whim now, though she stopped herself just in time to register the flare of surprise she saw strike like lightning through the tom's gaze. Oh, he may try to hide it, but she knew better. Something was bothering Nettleheart, though what it could be, she wasn't sure.
That was puzzling. What caused him to act in such a way? She was normally an early riser, it was true, and it wasn't as if seeing her in camp was something to be so startled by. He'd come through the entrance, so maybe some task that had carried him out of camp had brought some issue like a thorn in the paw. Perhaps he had just been caught up in whatever conundrum his musings had pulled him into this early morning. It wasn't something she'd think too out of the norm for him, though it had been some moons since she'd seen such breezy confidence without his too-familiar mask supporting it. Whatever was bothering him, she wouldn't make it worse if he was already so jumpy, and she had a funny feeling that getting too close would do just that.
Instead, tail tip flicking nonchalantly, Hareleap simply blinked and remained in place. One of them had to remain calm, after all, and there was no need for any theatrics when he was already conflicted. "Morning," She started, fur still unruffled despite the questions lurking in the back of her mind. "Something outside camp have you bothered? You look like you've seen a cat from Starclan.." The remark, though teasing, held a note of skepticism. Despite the past moons being a little different, surely he wouldn't try to pretend like nothing had him out of sorts, would he? Things weren't quite that dire.
Last Edit: Sept 6, 2024 4:39:34 GMT by Rosa
Artemis Avatar


Post by Artemis on Sept 8, 2024 4:04:37 GMT

[newclass=.iwbtr-contain]--iwbtr-accent:#639e7b; --iwbtr-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","iwbtr-ly-1"]have some patience for
[break]the part of me that's


Soft yellow eyes looked up to meet his own honey shade ones, and Nettleheart resisted the urge to break the stare - one that held many memories and reminiscences of younger days. Days where the two of them could sit and talk for hours, or other times, sit for hours and not say a single word but rather exist in comfortable silence. Those days before there were responsibilities. Instead, he continued to hold the gaze and pushed down the thoughts that buzzed around in his brain like a nest of hornets. [break][break]

The tip of her tabby tail flicked nonchalantly, and the gaze was broken by her blink. Nettleheart blinked, too, aware that he had stared for a few moments longer than what he felt was considered normal. Here stood his best friend, the mother of his kits… well, not exactly. He had signed those rights away moons ago, and he was aware of it. He often wondered if she had any regrets. If the kits were curious. He tried his best to avoid all scenarios revolving around it, if he could.[break][break]

Her greeting was calm, if anything she seemed a bit puzzled at the break in his confidence. Her teasing remark was a familiar sound to him. He tried hard to come to grips with himself and put the air of bravado back in his voice as he responded. He let out a deep chesty laugh, and shook his head. β€œNo, no.” He licked his long tabby chest fur subconsciously, smoothing down the erratic hairs that fluffed out at every odd end. β€œI was on morning patrol, and quite frankly I don’t think I rested much at all,” He paused, a small smirk crossing his face. β€œProbably pouncing on mice in my sleep again, I felt almost as exhausted when I woke up as if I had gone on a hunting patrol!”[break][break]

His eyes traveled down to the freshkill pile, and then back to Hareleap. He tried to keep the pulse that was thumping in his throat controlled, smoothing over any awkwardness he was feeling with a knowing smile. β€œSo, will it be mouse or chipmunk this morning?” He asked, having seen her deliberating between the two pieces of prey before he had realized who it was. He wished he had been able to catch something to add to the pile this morning, but he planned on getting on the next hunting patrol anyway. He was no use to anyone back in his nest sleeping off the fatigue. He may as well try to fight off the tired fog around his brain and be useful.[break][break]

β€œWhat’s on the agenda for you today, anyway?” He asked, trying to keep the conversation flowing. He wasn’t too sure how she was spending her time lately. He had buried himself in work, too busy to think about Hareleap or his newly made warrior kin. Time was going by so quickly. Perhaps it was time to let go of the regrets he felt. Maybe he should move on. Plenty of time had passed. They do say that time heals all rifts and wounds, do they not?



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🌲 πšƒπš’πš–πš‹πšŽπš›π™²πš•πšŠπš— β€’ Nettleheart
πŸ—» πš‚πšžπš–πš–πš’πšπ™²πš•πšŠπš— β€’ Honeybee
🌊 π™²πš˜πšžπš›πš 𝚘𝚏 πšπš‘πšŽ πš‚πš™πš’πš›πšŽπšœ β€’ Squire Aurora of Skyborn
Rosa Avatar


Post by Rosa on Sept 9, 2024 2:09:17 GMT

All I need is what I've got
template by Punki of Pixel Perfect
Words: 401 Notes: N/A
...So it seemed that evading and ignoring the fox in the clearing was exactly what Nettleheart was going to do.
Hearing the tone he so often adopted in their younger moons when he was speaking with any cat other than herself, the feeling of skepticism deepened. Whatever had snagged his thoughts like fur in a bramble was something he was keeping to himself, which was not a feeling that Hareleap was used to. They were best friends - by StarClan, they even had kits together! Well, I have kits. He has clanmates. The thought came unbidden, crossing the molly's mind in a snide tone that was not unlike some of the gossiping she'd heard at the edge of every conversation she came across during those moons of carrying the kits. They hadn't bothered her much now, but his behavior was getting a little too close to that for comfort. Still, with the practice of a long-suffering queen, she pushed the thoughts aside as she had many times before.
"Maybe dreams keep them safe from Leaf-fall." She remarked dryly, looking up again to the leave still gently moving with the tease of frost on the wind. Her musings were only broken by the question, prompting her to look down and realize she'd completely forgotten what she'd originally come over for. Conversations with Nettleheart tended to do that, though she was realizing this was the first they'd had in quite some time. "Probably the mouse. Though if you'd like to grab the chipmunk and join me, you can." The offer was genuine, though she found herself wondering if he'd take her up on it or not. Before the kits, it'd been no question. After them? Everything seemed to be a question.
"Funny enough, hunting. Otterfoot was supposed to join me, but he's still asleep." She cast a look at the warrior's den, snorting slightly as she did so. How any cat could sleep with that wind blowing in was beyond her. Then again, it was her brother. He wasn't one to be bothered with doing what he was supposed to half the time anyway. Maybe her ire was based more on the fact of who it was instead of what they were doing. What her mother thought she was doing by suggesting they hunt together, Hareleap would never know. "Want to take his place? You'd be doing me a favor."
Artemis Avatar


Post by Artemis on Sept 19, 2024 2:05:01 GMT

[newclass=.iwbtr-contain]--iwbtr-accent:#639e7b; --iwbtr-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","iwbtr-ly-1"]have some patience for
[break]the part of me that's


The dry comments from Hareleap were as crisp as the cool leaf-fall air, but Nettleheart couldn’t help but stifle a chuckle. Dipping his head in agreement, he broke the look between them. β€œI suppose they might think so…” He mumbled in agreement, shifting on his paws awkwardly, but trying to play it off like he was just antsy. He wanted to make the rift between them right again. Mend all of the awkward conversations, glancing looks, disappointment. He just never knew where to start with it all. Their history was like a tangible barrier between them, but all he could do was remove one stone at a time. For his own wellbeing. Maybe, just maybe, for her sake as well.[break][break]

Her next words made him blink, again. He inclined his head politely at her invitation. β€œYeah, sure. That sounds great,” He nodded, trying to sound casual, even though he was sure he felt the prey he had eaten for dinner last night suddenly growing legs and walking around in his stomach. Did he sound too nonchalant? β€œChipmunk was always one of my favourites.” He mrrowed, a light of amusement sparkling in his eyes. Of course, she would know that information. They had once been as thick as thieves. [break][break]

Padding forward, he scooped up the chipmunk from the freshkill pile and padded off to the site. He dropped the piece of prey down, and sat on his haunches, waving his tail beside him to indicate an invitation to Hareleap to join him with her mouse. She had shot a glance to the warrior’s den, and then the next words and a small snort made him chuckle in agreement. It seemed as though Otterfoot had a bit of a reputation for sleeping in, this wasn’t the first time Hareleap had voiced similar annoyances. [break][break]

Nettleheart lay down, pulling the prey closer to him. He bit off a small chunk of the chipmunk and began to chew, watching Hareleap. The next words made the prey in his mouth feel like they had turned to ashes. Trying to swallow the mouthful without choking on it, he swallowed and hesitated a moment before answering her. It was bad enough filling the silent moments in the camp around her, but being alone with her in the forest? It was almost too much to think about. It would be much harder to avoid those hard topics that rattled around in his head when he looked at her out there. [break][break]

Their friendship was too important for him to squander, though, and he thought that if he continually refused her olive branches that perhaps no more would come. He didn’t want there to be a day where they never spoke again. It just didn’t seem… right somehow. Nodding his head, as if a puppet were being pulled on by strings - he agreed. β€œYeah, I think I can do that,” He said gruffly, staring at his chipmunk as if it might animate again and give him some answers that he desired. β€œIf you wanted me to, that is,” He said. β€œI could always try to wake up Otterfoot, but I’m afraid that a herd of stampeding squirrels wouldn’t wake him up until he was well and ready!” Nettleheart smirked, thinking of the picture he had painted.



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🌲 πšƒπš’πš–πš‹πšŽπš›π™²πš•πšŠπš— β€’ Nettleheart
πŸ—» πš‚πšžπš–πš–πš’πšπ™²πš•πšŠπš— β€’ Honeybee
🌊 π™²πš˜πšžπš›πš 𝚘𝚏 πšπš‘πšŽ πš‚πš™πš’πš›πšŽπšœ β€’ Squire Aurora of Skyborn