03 → Predators & Prey

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Post by The Realm on Aug 15, 2024 17:29:17 GMT

Predators & Prey
Last Updated: 09.07.2024

A reference guide for the different types of fauna that may be encountered in the Realm! This guide is broken up into three sections: information on predators, prey, and neutral creatures that inhabit the forests and coastlines. A danger scale for predators and a difficulty rating for prey (1 to 5, 5 being the most dangerous or challenging) are included, as well as the likely locations each can be found in.

Please note that predators may not be encountered without Keeper permission first, as these are considered an Event. If you would like to apply to have an Event encounter, please use the Keeper Inquiry section on Discord to request it. Predators will always be roleplayed by .

Prey of a difficulty of 4 or more is also considered an Event, and must be requested in the Keeper Inquiries channel on Discord for to play the prey in the thread.

American Black Bear: A medium-sized bear with dark black fur, they are found primarily in forests, though it is not unheard of to spot one by the coast. They are extremely dangerous, especially with cubs, and should be avoided at all times.
    → Danger: 5

American Kestrel: A small falcon, these birds are common in shrublands or in tall trees surrounded by open space. They pose little danger to full-grown cats, but a wary eye must be kept on small kits when in kestrel territory.
    → Danger: 2

Bald Eagle: Large birds of prey identified by their white heads and brown bodies. Juveniles have mottled brown plumage. They have a large wingspan and caution should be taken by all when one is spotted, as they may target full-grown injured cats. They are usually found in forests right next to coastline and nest high up in cliffs.
    → Danger: 4

Barn Owl: A small bird of prey with a distinctive heart-shaped facial disk and brown-gray plumage. They are silent night hunters and prey on small rodents. They will leave adult cats alone, but they could carry small kits away.
    → Danger: 2

Big Skate: Skates are related to rays and sharks and are functionally similar to rays. The Big Skate is a mottled sandy-brown color. They have massive wingspans that dwarf a cat, and the wings may have eyespots on them. They bury in the sand and are occasionally found in the intertidal zone, though they are more common in deeper waters. They have small barbs for defense but are not venomous.
    → Danger: 2

Bobcat: A feline predator with gray-brown fur and light spotting, they are highly adaptable and found in forests and the bases of mountains. They are larger than clan and crown cats and should be avoided or chased out when spotted.
    → Danger: 3

Coyote: A lanky, medium-sized canine, coyotes are found all throughout the Realm and are opportunistic. They will bother and hunt adult cats, so it is advised to keep a stern watch for them and never face one alone.
    → Danger: 4

Golden Eagle: A widespread, massive brown bird of prey, these eagles command respect and fear. They hunt rabbits, marmots, and squirrels, and are strong enough to pick up adult cats. They are found in forests, mountains and along the coast.
    → Danger: 5

Mountain Lion: Mountain lions are large, tawny cats that are proficient hunters. They are found throughout the Realm, but are most common in dense forests and on mountains. They are extremely dangerous and will dispatch a clan or crown cat without hesitation.
    → Danger: 5

Northern Saw-whet Owl: A very small owl with brown wings and striped underbellies, they are typically found in thick forests to avoid predation by larger birds. Due to their tiny stature, they pose no danger to cats or kits and are nocturnal.
    → Danger: 1

Osprey: Ospreys are large raptors with brown-black wings, white bellies, and a dark stripe through their eyes. They are found along the coast and around large bodies of water. They prey almost exclusively on fish, posing little danger to cats.
    → Danger: 2

Peregrine Falcon: These falcons are the size of crows with a black mask, gray wings, and a pale underbelly. They are incredibly quick and usually feed on birds by catching them midair. They are not dangerous to adult cats, and are found in forests and open meadows that border them.
    → Danger: 2

Red Fox: A small, ruddy canine, it is adaptable and found in all habitats around the Realm. They prey on small and medium mammals and may be found in small groups. They are moderately dangerous to full-grown cats, but can be chased off with some effort.
    → Danger: 3

Red-tailed Hawk: A very common hawk identified by brown and white feathers which are paired with a red-hued tail. They rarely bother cats, but may go after kits. They can be found throughout the Realm: in meadows, forests, and on the coast.
    → Danger: 3

Salmon Shark: A small to medium shark with gray and white countershading, they can be found in coastal waters and feed on fish like salmon and herring, as well as squid. They are not commonly encountered and are only a danger to cats caught out at sea.
    → Danger: 4

American Crow, Barn Swallow, Dark-eyed Junco, Horned Lark, Pacific Wren, etc.: Numerous small and medium-sized birds call the Realm home. The sheer number of species make it so that most of these birds are scattered across all territories. Their difficulty rating varies.
     → Difficulty: 2-3

American Mink: A large, semiaquatic mammal, the thick brown fur and long tail distinguish this animal from all others. Mostly a carnivore competing for the same food as cats, this beast is a challenge to handle.
    → Difficulty: 4-5

Bushy-tailed Woodrat: Larger than a mouse with a gray-white pelt and a tuft of fur on the end of its tail, the woodrat tends to be more aggressive than other rodents. However, its relatively small size reduces the threat its aggression would suggest.
    → Difficulty: 2

Butter Clam, California Mussel, Giant Rock Scallop, etc.: A variety of small, ocean-bound crustaceans, these hard-shelled animals are not a very appetizing snack. Though, if a cat is desperate, there could be a quick and relatively easy meal here.
    → Difficulty: 1

California Gull, Black Oystercatcher, Western Sandpiper etc.: Several different medium-sized birds live throughout the Realm. Larger than songbirds but smaller than birds of prey, the difficulty of catching one depends on the specific species.
    → Difficulty: 2-4

California Quail: A plump, crested bird, the quail is one of the more round members of the avian family. Nesting on the ground, it’s good for a chase and a definite reward should it be caught.
    → Difficulty: 2-3

Cascades Frog, Western Toad, Western Red-backed Salamander, etc.: Small amphibians litter the coastline, mountains, and forests. They’re all reasonably easy to catch, though they are certainly an acquired taste.
    → Difficulty: 1-2

Chipmunk: A small rodent easily identifiable by its brown fur with white and black stripes, they are found mostly in the meadows and forests. They’re small enough for even young apprentices and squires to catch, but their speed may make them a less than easy snack.
    → Difficulty: 2

Coast Mole: Making their homes along the rocky coasts in shallow tunnel systems, this brown rodent is ill-equipped to fight off predators above ground. However, should a cat try to dive under the earth in chase of a mole, they may find themselves outmatched.
    → Difficulty: 2-3

Crab: A fiesty crustacean with large pincers, this creature resides by the sea. A quick-moving critter, it’s a healthy snack should a cat be able to avoid being pinched on the nose or paw.
    → Difficulty: 2

Douglas Squirrel: Found mostly in the forests, this tree-climbing rodent is a favorite of many. Plentiful and large, they’re an easy target for those in training.
    → Difficulty: 2

Merganser: A sea duck of moderate proportions, it feeds primarily on fish. Though the males and females differ in looks, they are distinguished by their long, narrow bill with serrated edges. As with most birds, they can take flight at a moment’s notice, and the sound of their escapes may alert other prey nearby to a cat’s presence.
    → Difficulty: 3

Mountain Whitefish: Living in the many streams and lakes of the Realm, this large, light-colored fish is easiest to catch than some of the other prey that calls the water home.
    → Difficulty: 3

Mouse: The most common of rodents, mice are found everywhere. Small with gray, brown, black, or white fur. They often nest in large families, a tempting treat for a hunting party.
    → Difficulty: 2

Garter Snake: One of the smallest snakes in the area, they are identified by their yellow and black scales. They’re relatively harmless, but their bite will sting.
    → Difficulty: 2-3

Hairy Woodpecker, Northern Flicker, Pileated Woodpecker, etc.: Several variations of woodpeckers and similar birds live in the trees and brush of the Realm. They’re not as large as some of the others, but their striking feathers make them stand out against the muted colors of rocks and prairie.
    → Difficulty: 2-3

Harlequin Duck, Mallard, Wood Duck, etc.: Many duck species find shelter here in the fresh waters of the mountains and forests. Rather large birds, they are not for the smallest of cats to chase.
    → Difficulty: 3

Kelp Pipefish: Found clinging to floating kelp in the ocean, this thin, green fish is easily scooped up by a quick paw. It is essentially harmless.
    → Difficulty: 1

Longnose Dace: A tiny fish with a fleshy snout, this prey proves no problem for a quick-pawed cat to catch. Essentially harmless. 
    → Difficulty: 1

Northern Alligator Lizard: This gray and brown lizard is found throughout the realm. Covered in hard scales, it's one of the tougher reptiles to chase down and bring back for the fresh-kill pile. 
    → Difficulty: 3

Northern Anchovy: A small, saltwater fish, the anchovy is a silver-scaled snack that loves to hide amongst the stones in the shallows. They are quick, but their large swarms will make them relatively easy to catch.
    → Difficulty: 1

Northern Pikeminnow: Much larger than its cousin minnows, the Northern Pikeminnow lives in the freshwater rivers running through the territories. Quite large, it’s easier to catch in smaller portions of the river where there’s not much room for it to move.
    → Difficulty: 3

Northern Rubber Boa: A small, stout, and smooth snake, the boa is often found near water. They’re often a muddy brown color. Though nonvenomous, they will bite if provoked, and they will constrict unwary prey.
    → Difficulty: 3-4

Ochre Sea Star: An echinoderm with a firm body, these creatures are found clinging to rocks along intertidal coastlines. Most are purple, but they can also be found in orange, yellow, red, or brown. The middle of the star can be eaten, but they are a last resort due to the little meat on them.
    → Difficulty: 1

Opalescent Inshore Squid: A small, milky white squid, this is a less than desirable meal for a hunting patrol. However, if a cat is hungry enough and along the ocean shore, this is more than suitable.
    → Difficulty: 2

Pacific Herring: A small fish with silvery scales, it’s easy to lose track of under the surface of the water. The best chances of catching this fish are when the sun’s rays won’t reflect off the waves.
    → Difficulty: 2-3

Pacific Purple Sea Urchin: Found along the ocean floor and in the shallow pools on the beach, this spiky, purple creature looks more like a hazard than anything. However, if a cat can get past the toxic spikes, it has potential.
    → Difficulty: 3

Pacific Sand Lance: Known for its long body and pointed snout, it’s easy to mistake this fish for an eel. However, this small creature is an easier catch in the shallows.
    → Difficulty: 2

Pacific Tomcod: Found on the coast, this silvery fish often travels in schools. Its larger size makes it more appetizing than other selections on the beach.
    → Difficulty: 3

Pinto Abalone: A large sea snail with a colorful shell, these are found along the rocky shores of the coast. Prying them off whatever surface they call home may not be the easiest choice a cat has that day.
    → Difficulty: 1

Rat: Larger than other rodents, this dark-furred mammal is found scattered throughout the Realm. Making its home in anything from the mountains to the castle ruins, they are not in short supply. However, sharp teeth and claws may make them more of a challenge.
    → Difficulty: 3-4

Salmon: One of the most famous fish in the Realm, the brightly-colored salmon enriches the fresh waters of every stream, river, and brook. Found primarily in the Realm’s Bounty, it is a symbol of prosperity for the many cats who live here.
    → Difficulty: 2-3

Sand Sole: Finding a home in the coastal waters, the sand sole blends in with its environment due to the dusty color of its scales. A large, flat fish, it can be a meal for a few should a cat be able to distinguish it from the surrounding sand.
    → Difficulty: 3

Sculpin: Brightly colored and covered in spines, this fish finds its home on seabeds. Though tasty, be warned - the spines carry venom that can hurt more than any snake bite.
    → Difficulty: 4

Shrew: Similar to a squirrel, the shrew is another common prey found primarily in the forest. However, it can be difficult to find with its small size and tendency to hide among the roots and ferns. Relying on scent is an easier way to find these creatures.
    → Difficulty: 2

Signal Crayfish: A halfway point between a lobster and crab, this brown crayfish is often found along the banks of the freshwater sources. Its pincers are sharp, but its small size makes it an easier target.
    → Difficulty: 2-3

Silver-haired Bat: Nocturnal and found only in the forests, this winged prey is one of the harder ones to capture. It takes a cat with true skill to wrangle one of them out of the air.
    → Difficulty: 5

Smelt: A small fish found in both freshwater and saltwater sources, they are often found in large schools. Though quick, the sheer amount of them makes capturing a few a breeze.
    → Difficulty: 2

Smooth Bay Shrimp: A short and stocky member of the shrimp family, this animal relies on its camouflage to hide from its predators. Found in the coastal waters, it’s a favorite of some cats.
    → Difficulty: 1-2

Snowshoe Hare: The snowshoe hare, so named for the large size of its feet, changes its fur color depending on the time of year. In the warmer moons, its fur is mouse brown. In the cooler moons, the fur turns white as snow. Regardless of the time of year, this large rabbit is incredibly quick, outrunning even the fastest of cats.
    → Difficulty: 5

Sooty Grouse: Perhaps the largest of the prey birds, they are often found in the mountains. Black, yellow, and white feathers make them stand out against the snow, and their calls echo against the rocks. It may take a couple of cats cooperating to take these down.
    → Difficulty: 5

Starry Flounder: Living in the freshwater is a unique fish known as the Starry Flounder. Spots and stripes cover the scales, making them stick out even in the most chaotic parts of the rivers.
    → Difficulty: 3

Surfperch: There are a couple of species of surfperch, found both in saltwater and freshwater. However, these blue- and orange-scaled fish are best found during low tides, as they are trapped by the lack of water on the beach.
    → Difficulty: 2

Trout: Another common fish, the trout makes up a variety of larger fish that any cat would welcome back to camp. They are large though, so be prepared for a fight should hauling one out of the water be required.
    → Difficulty: 3

Tufted Puffin: One of the largest prey birds found along the coast and foothills of the mountains, the distinguishable yellow feet and bill can pose a threat to less cautious cats. However, with the right amount of skill and willingness to bite through lots of feathers, it can be defeated.
    → Difficulty: 4

Vole: Similar to the shrew, the vole is another common prey found in the forested areas. Larger than a shrew but smaller than a mouse, the vole will be a welcome sight in the leaner moons.
    → Difficulty: 2

Weasel: Coming in an array of colors, this clever prey is excellent at hiding from any predators who may follow it. Its speed and wit make it one of the more difficult animals to take down in the Realm.
    → Difficulty: 5

Yellow Perch: Weighing more than the average kit, this striped fish is quite the price if a cat is willing to go diving in the freshwater rivers. Scales of yellow and black are hard to miss, though they can blend in with shadows near sundown.
    → Difficulty: 3

Neutral Fauna
→ American Beaver

→ Brown Pelican

→ California Sea Lion

→ Canada Goose

→ Common Raven

→ Common Raccoon

→ Dall's Porpoise

→ Egg-yolk Jelly

→ Elk

→ Fin Whale

→ Gray Whale

→ Giant Green Anemone

→ Giant Pacific Octopus

→ Goose-beaked Whale

→ Great Blue Heron

→ Great Egret

→ Harbor Porpoise

→ Harbor Seal

→ Humpback Whale

→ Lingcod

→ Longnose Lancetfish

→ Mountain Goat

→ Mule Deer

→ Muskrat

→ North American River Otter

→ North American Porcupine

→ Northern Elephant Seal

→ Northern Fur Seal

→ Olympic Marmot

→ Sandhill Crane

→ Sea Otter

→ Striped Skunk

→ Tundra Swan

→ Turkey Vulture

→ Virginia Opossum

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Last Edit: Sept 7, 2024 15:49:24 GMT by The Realm
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