04 → Naming Guide & Conventions

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Post by The Realm on Aug 11, 2024 4:41:41 GMT

Naming Guide & Conventions
Last Updated: 09.04.2024

Are you looking for some prefixes or suffixes that could be inspired by our Realm? Need a little help getting rolling with naming your character? This guide is for you.
→ Both TimberClan and SummitClan follow traditional Warrior naming conventions
→ The Court names follow the pattern: Title Nickname of Namesake, and are elaborated further down

→ Acorn
→ Adder
→ Alder
→ Alfalfa
→ Aloe
→ Amber
→ Anchovy
→ Anemone
→ Ant
→ Antler
→ Apple
→ Ash
→ Aspen
→ Aster
→ Azalea

→ Badger
→ Bark
→ Barley
→ Barnacle
→ Basil
→ Bass
→ Bat
→ Bay
→ Bear
→ Beaver
→ Bee
→ Beech
→ Beetle
→ Berry
→ Birch
→ Bird
→ Black
→ Blaze
→ Blizzard
→ Blackbird
→ Blossom
→ Blue
→ Bluebell
→ Bluebird
→ Bobcat
→ Boulder
→ Bounce
→ Bracken
→ Bramble
→ Breeze
→ Branch
→ Briar
→ Bristle
→ Brook
→ Brown
→ Buck
→ Burnet
→ Bumble

→ Cabbage
→ Canary
→ Cardinal
→ Carrot
→ Cedar
→ Celery
→ Chamomile
→ Cherry
→ Chervil
→ Chestnut
→ Chickadee
→ Chicory
→ Chipmunk
→ Chive
→ Cinnamon
→ Clay
→ Clematis
→ Clover
→ Cloud
→ Coal
→ Copper
→ Cougar
→ Cod
→ Copper
→ Cotton
→ Coral
→ Comfrey
→ Cone
→ Cormorant
→ Coyote
→ Crab
→ Crane
→ Creek
→ Cricket
→ Crimson
→ Crooked
→ Crow
→ Curl
→ Currant
→ Cypress

→ Dace
→ Daffodil
→ Daisy
→ Dark
→ Dawn
→ Dapple
→ Dandelion
→ Deer
→ Dew
→ Doe
→ Dolphin
→ Dove
→ Duck
→ Dusk
→ Dust

→ Eagle
→ Eel
→ Elderberry
→ Elk
→ Elm
→ Ember

→ Falcon
→ Fang
→ Fawn
→ Feather
→ Fennel
→ Fern
→ Fir
→ Fire
→ Firefly
→ Finch
→ Fisher
→ Fish
→ Flame
→ Flounder
→ Frog
→ Frond
→ Frost
→ Foam
→ Fox
→ Furze

→ Gale
→ Geranium
→ Ginger
→ Glacier
→ Glade
→ Grouse
→ Grove
→ Goat
→ Gold
→ Goldenrod
→ Goose
→ Gopher
→ Gorge
→ Gorse
→ Grass
→ Gray
→ Gravel
→ Gull
→ Gunnel

→ Hail
→ Hare
→ Harrier
→ Hawk
→ Hawthorn
→ Hazel
→ Heather
→ Heavy
→ Hemlock
→ Heron
→ Herring
→ Holly
→ Hoot
→ Honey
→ Honeysuckle
→ Hornet
→ Horse
→ Hound
→ Huckleberry
→ Howl
→ Hummingbird
→ Hyacinth

→ Ice
→ Ivy

→ Jackdaw
→ Jaguar
→ Jasmine
→ Jay
→ Juniper

→ Kelp
→ Kestrel
→ Killdeer
→ Kingfisher
→ Kink
→ Kite
→ Koi

→ Lake
→ Lamprey
→ Laurel
→ Larch
→ Lark
→ Lavender
→ Leaf
→ Leopard
→ Lettuce
→ Lichen
→ Licorice
→ Light
→ Lightning
→ Lilac
→ Lily
→ Lion
→ Little
→ Lizard
→ Loon
→ Long
→ Lotus
→ Lupine (plant)
→ Lynx

→ Maggot
→ Magpie
→ Mallard
→ Mallow
→ Marigold
→ Maple
→ Mantis
→ Marmot
→ Martin
→ Meadow
→ Merlin
→ Mink
→ Mint
→ Mist
→ Minnow
→ Mockingbird
→ Mole
→ Moss
→ Moth
→ Mottle
→ Mouse
→ Mud
→ Muddy
→ Mushroom
→ Muskrat
→ Mussel
→ Mustard
→ Myrtle

→ Nectar
→ Needle
→ Nettle
→ Newt
→ Night
→ Nut

→ Oak
→ Oat
→ Ocean
→ Olive
→ Onion
→ Opal
→ Oppossum
→ Orchid
→ Orange
→ Oriole
→ Osprey
→ Otter
→ Owl
→ Oyster

→ Pale
→ Pansy
→ Parsnip
→ Parsley
→ Partridge
→ Pelican
→ Peach
→ Pear
→ Pearl
→ Pebble
→ Pepper
→ Petal
→ Perch
→ Periwinkle
→ Pheasant
→ Phlox
→ Pigeon
→ Pike
→ Pine
→ Plover
→ Plum
→ Pod
→ Poppy
→ Pond
→ Pounce
→ Porcupine
→ Prairie
→ Primrose
→ Puddle
→ Puffin
→ Pumpkin

→ Quack
→ Quail
→ Quick
→ Quill

→ Rabbit
→ Raccoon
→ Rain
→ Rat
→ Raven
→ Red
→ Reed
→ River
→ Robin
→ Rock
→ Rose
→ Root
→ Rowan
→ Rush
→ Russet
→ Rye

→ Sable
→ Sage
→ Salamander
→ Salmon
→ Sand
→ Scorch
→ Sculpin
→ Seal
→ Sealion
→ Sedge
→ Seed
→ Shade
→ Shadow
→ Shark
→ Shell
→ Shine
→ Shimmer
→ Shrew
→ Shrike
→ Silver
→ Skunk
→ Sky
→ Slight
→ Sleek
→ Sleet
→ Slug
→ Smelt
→ Smoke
→ Snow
→ Snail
→ Snake
→ Sole
→ Soot
→ Song
→ Sorrel
→ Spark
→ Sparrow
→ Speckle
→ Spot
→ Spotted
→ Spruce
→ Squirrel
→ Stag
→ Starling
→ Strawberry
→ Stem
→ Stone
→ Storm
→ Stripe
→ Striped
→ Sturgeon
→ Sun
→ Sunflower
→ Swallow
→ Swan
→ Swift
→ Sycamore

→ Tall
→ Talon
→ Tansy
→ Tawny
→ Teal (bird)
→ Tern
→ Thicket
→ Thistle
→ Thorn
→ Thrift
→ Thrush
→ Thyme
→ Tide
→ Tiger
→ Tiny
→ Tree
→ Trout
→ Twig
→ Tulip
→ Tumble
→ Turtle
→ Tundra

→ Urchin
→ Umber

→ Valley
→ Valerian
→ Vanilla
→ Violet
→ Viper
→ Vine
→ Vixen
→ Vole
→ Vulture

→ Walnut
→ Warbler
→ Water
→ Wave
→ Weasel
→ Web
→ Whale
→ Whisker
→ Whistle
→ White
→ Whorl
→ Willow
→ Wind
→ Winter
→ Wisteria
→ Wolf
→ Wood
→ Woodpecker
→ Wren

→ Undiscovered

→ Yarrow
→ Yew

→ Undiscovered

→ Undiscovered

→ bark
→ beak
→ belly
→ berry
→ bird
→ blaze
→ bloom
→ blossom
→ branch
→ breeze
→ briar
→ bright
→ brook

→ chest
→ claw
→ cloud
→ coat
→ creek

→ dapple
→ dawn
→ dusk
→ dust

→ ear
→ eye(s)

→ face
→ fall
→ fang
→ feather
→ fern
→ fire
→ fish
→ flake
→ flame
→ flash
→ flight
→ flower
→ flurry
→ foot
→ frost
→ fur

→ gaze
→ gorse

→ hawk
→ haze
→ heart

→ ice

→ jaw
→ jump

→ undiscovered

→ leaf
→ leap
→ leg
→ light

→ mask
→ minnow
→ mist
→ moon
→ mouse
→ muzzle

→ needle
→ night
→ nose

→ undiscovered

→ patch
→ peak
→ pelt
→ petal
→ pool
→ poppy
→ pounce
→ puddle

→ undiscovered

→ ripple
→ river
→ rock
→ runner

→ scar
→ scratch
→ seed
→ shade
→ shadow
→ shell
→ shine
→ sight
→ skip
→ sky
→ slip
→ smoke
→ snout
→ snow
→ soar
→ song
→ speckle
→ spirit
→ splash
→ spot
→ spring
→ stalk
→ stem
→ step
→ sting
→ stone
→ storm
→ stream
→ stride
→ strike
→ stripe
→ swirl
→ swoop

→ tail
→ talon
→ teeth
→ thistle
→ thorn
→ throat
→ toe
→ tooth
→ tuft

→ undiscovered

→ undiscovered

→ watcher
→ water
→ whisker
→ whisper
→ whistle
→ willow
→ wind
→ wing
→ wish

→ undiscovered

→ undiscovered

→ undiscovered

Court of the Spires
The Court of the Spires names follow the pattern: Title Nickname of Namesake.
→ The title is their role within the Court of the Spires.
→ The nickname follows a traditional clan prefix. Ex: Eagle, Blue, Berry
→ The namesake is determined from the bloodline, with “of the Spires” being used for found kits.
→ There are seven historic namesakes aside from the Redspires that are ran by the Court's Harbingers. To become part of these historic groups, please coordinate with the Harbinger of that namesake.
→ When a cat performs a particularly amazing feat, the leader will choose to bestow upon them a new namesake, Ex: Foxslayer, or Knight Eagle of Harespeed
→ When two cats are married, a tournament is held between them to determine which namesake will continue. The competitions are always related to the feat that earned the namesake.

Court Titles

→ Sovereign: This is the Court of Grace chosen leader of the Court. They arrange patrols, advise on major issues, and confer with their own personal Court that is made up of the current Heir/Regent and the Cleric.
→ Heir/Regent: Next in line for the throne should the Sovereign die or step down. Deputy equivalent.
→ Royal: The Family of the Crown. This is an extra suffix appended to those who are of Royal descent. Their names are patterned: Royal Title Nickname of Namesake (ex: Royal Knight Spider of Redspire) In a casual setting, the Royal suffix is appended to their Nickname, so for example: Royal Spider.
→ Cleric: The healer and religious guider of the Court, the Cleric mixes herbs into poultices and interprets dreams and signs from the Court of Grace.
→ Knights: The Knights of the Court are known for their chivalry and courage throughout the lands, as a formidable defense network within their territory. The Knights train rigorously through extensive collaborative drills regardless of their age. These drills are attributed as the reason why their success rate in dangerous battles remains unmatched. They guard the Spires and their territory with a cool-headed ferocity, and do their best to be proactive in their roles. This includes rooting out dangerous animals when necessary and serving as guards on patrols.
→ Rangers: Rangers are in charge of bringing home prey for the Court, and most often hunt alone. On rare occasions they will request a patrol of Knights to take with them to hunt something larger, typically a large prey animal that is either injured or elderly. It is considered a rite of passage for a Ranger to participate in a hunt with Knights. Rangers patrol borders and scout out the best locations to hunt on any given day. They are quick and know the territory by heart. In battle they may use stealth and aid the Knights’ frontal attacks. Rangers are taught how to swim and are proficient in water tactics and aquatic hunting.
→ Knight/Hunter Squire: The title for a squire after they have completed their crossroads and are in their last season of their squireship.
→ Squire: Those who are in training to become a higher rank within the Court. They are usually given both a Ranger and a Knight mentor to learn both, with the exception being the Cleric Squire who is only trained by the Cleric.
→ Kittenward: A cat who is nursing or taking care of kits
→ Kit: Cats younger than 6 moons.
→ Sage: A cat who has retired from their duties and now lives a life of rest.

Historic Namesakes

→ Redspire: (Reserved for the Royal family)
From the Depths to New Heights
The Spires were once submerged in sea, desiccated by salt, and destroyed by waves in a terrible three-day storm. In terror, the cats Grace had cared for fled for the trees, returning only when the rains subsided. They found their beloved Spires now conquered by the waves and a fearsome beast, the dreaded octopus known only as Redtendril. Though the clowder attempted to settle near the sea, Redtendril would not abide their invasion. He took the life of a young kit known only as Dandelion in retaliation. Unable to sit by idly any longer, a brave she-cat known as Wave swam into the sea, dragging Redtendril from the stones he clung to, and brought him to the sands where he found no mercy. The fight wore on from dawn till dusk, leaving Wave a battered mess. But still, she persevered and slayed the beast. As the fight wore on, the sea began to retreat, until their home had once again been uncovered. As Wave looked on in victory, a strange sight caught her eye. The waters uncovered a secluded grotto tucked under the roots of a massive tree, and though exhausted and bloodied, she felt the first calling of their ancestors. Try as they might to call after her, Wave ignored the pleas of her clowdermates and rushed down the shoreline to the place now known as the Tidalcrown. There she collapsed on top of one of the exposed white roots and fell into a deep slumber. When she woke, she spoke of a visit to the Court of Grace, where all cats can be at peace if they reach it. In honor of her heroic deeds, the clowder chose to give her the name Redspire, and urged her to lead them. She took her place as the first Sovereign, Sovereign Wave of Redspire, and formed the Court of the Spires after the previous Lord’s court. It is said that so long as a Redspire holds the throne, the sea will never return. The Redspires of today are known as much for their swimming and agile climbing abilities as they are for their grandiose sense of self. They can be as sweet as summer honey, and as vicious as a sharptooth, all in the same breath. However, they still strive to embody every Virtue of Grace, and are incredibly religious. They highly value their traditions, and each Redspire is given a healthy upbringing of history to guide their paws in a graceful direction.This staunch holding to their roots has not made them inherently exclusionary, but rather has fueled their passion to teach others of the wonders of Grace and her virtues.

→ Sealroar:
Our Voice is Louder than Death
In the days when Grace still walked the halls of the Spires, the first Cleric, Tansy, spent their days in the apothecary, learning all they could about the strange spices and concoctions Grace created. This strange fascination with berries and leaves led to a collected knowledge of healing, a power held by few other cats. As this talent grew, so did the desire to learn all they could about the land and plants around them. It was on one of these fateful herb-gathering trips that they encountered the largest seal any cat had seen on their land. Instead of turning in fear from the fearsome beast, Tansy stood their ground, opening their jaws in a mighty roar that shook the trees themselves. This earned Tansy the name of Sealroar, one that went paw in paw with the term “healer”. As one of the oldest families of the Spire, others naturally looked to them for guidance upon the rising of the Court of Spires. However, the true skills of the Sealroars lay in their knowledge of herbs and love of the apothecary. Calm in the face of death itself and staunch believers in those who came before them, these Clerics hold life in their paws. They find this to be their sacred duty and shun those who do not hold their faith as highly as they do - whether that be faith in their skills or in the Court of Grace.

→ Rosebristle:
Strength in Every Stem
The Rosebristle lineage is one of the oldest established Cleric families. Their interest in growing and tending to herbs and fauna is a trait specific to them. The legends speak about one ordinary day where Petal - a quiet and unlikely she-cat - went on a stroll, not knowing her fate would change forever and shape the destiny of the Rosebristle name. Petal had heard the legend of a beautiful flushing pink rose that grew in the wild with the healing capabilities to cure even the sickest of cats. No cat in the Realm had ever laid eyes on the fabled flower. Petal had gone on such sort missions before, scouting the territory high and low for any signs of this miracle plant. On the day she found it, the wind was so strong and it was howling through the lands with such fury, Petal wasn’t sure she would make it back without being blown straight off of her paws. Buried in a protected and discreet thorny thicket was a small clump of the pink rose, to which Petal braved lacerations to extract a few stems to bring home to the castle with her. Ever since then, Rosebristle were given their name to herald the bravery of Petal who risked not returning on her arduous travel to the flower’s elusive hiding place. The descendants of Rosebristle tend to be on the kinder and more demure side - their nature is typically unassuming and compassionate. They are rarely pushed into conflict.

→ Skyborn:
The Sky’s the Limit
The Skyborn boasts itself as one of the original, true Ranger families in the Court. Legend says that there was once a giant, legendary falcon that preyed on kittens and squires. The first of their name was once such a kitten, stolen off not long after being born, but this one lived to tell the tale. He somehow survived jumping out of the giant’s nest thousands of feet high. He later grew up to be such an impressive jumper it is said he was capable of flying, spending more time airborne than grounded. He eventually slayed his childhood nemesis by leaping off a sheer cliff and riding the bird to exhaustion. He was given the namesake Skyborn and the family is said to have been perfecting the hunt of aerial creatures since then. Unsurprisingly, the Skyborn today still shows a particular talent in jumping and agility. They are an extremely proud but obnoxiously pretentious bloodline easily identifiable by their prominent spots and lithe, lanky limbs. As with their name, Skyborns look to the sky with utmost vigilance, and nowadays they are extremely religious and devout about achieving Grace. As such, they have high expectations of each other in their careers, and it is considered an immense disappointment for a Skyborn to not excel in their duties.

→ Wolfsbane:
Fear Cuts Deeper than Claws
The Wolfsbane are an ancient lineage of stocky felines that boast themselves to be the best and most fearless Knights. Long ago, the Court was plagued by a new threat - a pack of huge wolves intruding on their territory. One cat named Boulder decided he had enough after losing his mate and kits to the pack; he sought bloody revenge. In a fearsome fight, he single-handedly brought down the giant lead wolf with pitch black fur. Many other Knights tried to interfere or help him, but the wolf was too strong for them and only Boulder prevailed. Some said he yowled so loudly and fought so fearsomely it was like he was part-wolf himself. In the end, the pack leader fell. The remaining wolves fled with such urgency that the pups were left stumbling behind. However, despite the wails of the mother wolves, Boulder told his companions to show no mercy, as the wolves had never spared their kittens. The fearsome Boulder earned the name Wolfsbane, first of his name. Today the Wolfsbane remain strong and loyal, albeit a bit stubborn and intimidating. They generally tout large, muscular frames and long fur. True to the tales, some of them end up merciless, but cats of the Court know that their cruelty only speaks to how far they are willing to go to defend their home. The Wolfsbane pride themselves in being the reason that Court Knights are so unanimously feared across the territories.

→ Ravenspell:
Everywhere and Ever Vigilant
The Ravenspell is a rather unassuming name at first glance, which is exactly what this namesake strives to be. A bloodline of generally dark-pelted cats, they are masters of espionage. While not decidedly Knights or Rangers, their members serve equally in both fronts. There was once a time when the Court was quite vulnerable, and one of the aggressive, greedy Clan leaders decided to drive the Court from the territory once and for all. One crafty molly named Shadow took matters into her own hands. Under the guise of a rogue, she seduced the Clan leader, who unknowingly revealed his battle plans. Before the big attack, Shadow sent a message to the Court by disrupting the border and sending an ominous flock of startled ravens into the air. Shadow herself then surrounded the Clan warriors with a crafty flank and humiliated her fake lover. There was much controversy surrounding Shadow’s return and whether or not she really deserved a reward, for her feat was that of trickery rather than skill. In the end, she was still given the namesake Ravenspell, but to this day, the name carries an infamous and sly reputation. The stereotypical Ravenspell is thought to be observant and intelligent but also two-faced and self-serving. At times, their loyalty might even be questioned. Nevertheless, it is said that there isn’t a rumor in the forest that the Ravenspell do not know.

→ Icebreak:
Sharp as Shattered Ice
The Icebreak line carries an impressive lineage dating back to the first days of the Court’s existence. This family prides themselves on their long-established reputation as Knights. When the Court of Spires was still in its infancy, a blizzard like none had seen struck their land. The winds howled for days on end, and the sun and stars were lost in the blinding fury of sleet. So low did the temperatures dip that the entire ocean froze over, hard as rock. Unable to access that lifeline of fish and waterfowl, the Court’s members began to go hungry. Soon, the howls of hunger joined the wind. One handsome Knight, his fur as white as snow and eyes such a pale blue they looked more like ice, ran to the frozen wasteland. Once there, he reared back on his back paws and came down, bashing his claws into the surface. For five nights and days straight he toiled, an endless machine until there was a loud crack of the ice giving way. The sound heard for miles, it was what gave the Knight the name of Icebreak. These cats prospered in the halls of the castle, thriving in the trappings of their station. Today’s descendants aim to be just as impressive as their ancestor, enjoying the finer things in life while making sure not a long hair is out of place. Long-furred, large, and with startlingly bright-colored eyes, these cats cut a striking figure. As looks are valued amongst this family, it is no surprise that so many of them become canny matchmakers as they try their best to meet the standards set by those who started their great family. Running on gossip and whispers, these guards are in their element during the Snow Festival, bringing cheer to an otherwise dour season with the promise of love by newleaf.

→ Silvershark:
Glory in the Glowing Waves
The Silversharks are another ancient lineage in the Court of the Spires. Their bloodline has typically followed the Ranger path, with nearly unmatched prowess in the water. They are introduced to the sea as young kits to gain early affinity with their shorelines. Their teachings focus on aquatic hunting and water-based combat. It is said that the first Silvershark named Firefly guided the cats out of the ancient storm that struck the castle, and that she used her agility in the water to save lives from the dangerous storm surge. Firefly’s silvery pelt was likened to a sleek shark slipping through the waves, and the namesake was born. After the storm ended and the cats gathered later that night, fireflies took to the air and the water danced with bioluminescent light. It was such a glorious sight that the beginnings of the Glowlight festival was formed. It was celebrated in some form every season-cycle, and evolved to its current present day iteration. Silversharks are lithe and swift cats with muted pelt tones that tend to blend into water. They are an honest bloodline and will always make the choices that save the most lives. They are seldom moved to aggression—but strike deadly and true once provoked, emerging from the depths as quickly as they disappear into it.

→ The Spire:
A name given to those welcomed into the Court of the Spires with no Namesake
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Last Edit: Sept 7, 2024 19:43:50 GMT by The Realm
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