Seasonal Arc → YR 0 Leaffall - Suspicions & Rumors

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The Realm

Post by The Realm on Aug 15, 2024 17:27:47 GMT

🍂 YR 0 Leaffall 🍂
Suspicions & Rumors

Last Updated: 09.07.2024

Each Season, the Keepers post the Seasonal Arc thread for members to sign up for Catalyst threads that push the narrative forward, and to choose their Arc focus for their characters. Once each Moon’s Catalyst threads either become canon or expired, the next moon will begin a week after, and the next set of Catalyst threads will be announced here. For more information regarding how our plots run in the Realm, please view the Guidebook for a detailed explanation.

✨ Current Leaffall Group Conditions
ALL GROUPS have well-stocked herbs, a well-stocked freshkill pile, and a well fortified camp thanks to a successful Greenleaf. There is no chance of sickness or starvation, and the success rate of litters is increased by 5%.

🎯 Arc Focuses
→ Arc focuses are entirely optional suggested views that your character(s) can hold about the most relevant plot(s) that are shaping our story. The Keeper team will keep track of how many characters choose which Arc Focuses over the season, and use that information to help guide our story in the direction it appears groups want to go.

🌲 TimberClan 🌲

Caution Focus: You agree with Goosestar, it is best if TimberClan minds its own business for right now and trusts no-one. You think of the other groups as too chaotic, and prefer the solitude of the forest.
Optimistic Focus: You don’t see why Goosestar is so hesitant, but you also don’t want to stir up trouble. You’re just optimistic for the future. TimberClan is entering into a world of prosperity, and you think that is something to be celebrated and told throughout the Realm.
🗻 SummitClan 🗻

Aggression Focus: With a new young fiery leader, you believe that SummitClan should truly show the Realm who they are. It’s time to push your advantage and with it, your borders. With the Realm turning frosty earlier and earlier, it is now or never.
Peaceful Focus: You preferred the brief peace that the Realm has held the last few years and want to continue it. While you respect Elkstar as leader, you do think that caution in these moons of change are necessary to protect SummitClan.
🌊 Court of the Spires 🌊

Recluse Focus: You believe that the Court of the Spires should withhold all information and remain singularly focused on its own success. It doesn’t matter what the other groups are doing, because they are irrelevant. The only thing that matters is the Court, and its citizens.
Extrovert Focus: You believe that now is the time for the Court of the Spires to shine in these days of uncertainty. Whether you think the Virtues of Grace say that you should impart knowledge and kindness on others, or you have your own reasons for interacting with other groups, you think the Court should socialize and show the Realm what real civility is.

📜 General Plot
→ At present, our Realm is in Leaf-fall. Prey is starting to hunker down for leafbare, but salmon are rather plentiful. Herbs are still in decent supply. Overall, the season is going well. Tensions are mounting on the borders, but there is no active turmoil at present. At Greenleaf's Realm's Bounty, Elkstar was announced as SummitClan's new leader after the mysterious death of Goldenstar. At the mention of the lost leader, eyes turned toward the Court, but they have neither denied nor confirmed the allegations that they were responsible. With tensions mounting, TimberClan draws their attention inward and cautiously guards their borders, trusting neither of their neighbors completely.

🍂 Fall Moon [Sept] 🍂
Catalyst Threads: 0/3 Completed

A bitter cold snaps at the heels of a too-short summer. It sharpens the morning dew into frost as the first leaves begin to yellow, turning each breath into a fog until the sun rises to warm the earth once more. It’s clear a cold front has settled into the Realm, though some days are still warmer than others and harken back to the warm days of greenleaf. The first critters of the mountains to go into hibernation are the marmots, and although they typically seek shelter just as the Fall Realm’s Bounty takes place, they have already begun their long winter sleep.

Our First Harbingers
SummitClan's HarbingersTimberClan's HarbingersCourt Harbingers
→ Auditions have opened up for the Harbingers. Harbingers are limited to one per person (you may only apply to future Harbingers if your character becomes inactive via death or irrelevance to the plot) - to keep things fair and plots moving. You may audition for a Harbinger with an existing character, if they fit into the archetype, or you may audition for a Harbinger role with a new character concept. These Harbinger characters fill a pivotal part of the plot, propelling it forward in a certain direction. You are welcome to apply to multiples, but you will only be awarded one Harbinger. If all Harbingers have received at least one application by Monday, Sept 9th we will close the form and make our decisions, otherwise we will keep them open until Friday, Sept 13th.

Recommended Thread Activities
→ Unsure what to roleplay this season? Here are some suggestions: Find the first leaves to change, gather mushrooms, enjoy a walk in the rain, hunt during a foggy morning, watch the salmon swim upstream, avoid where the elk are rutting

Catalyst Threads
→ Catalyst Threads impact how your group will perform in the next season, Leafbare. As a member, you can only participate in one Catalyst Thread at a time. Each Catalyst Thread will have an auto-skip timer of 72 hours, and a Thread Pacekeeper who is responsible for notifying members when it is their turn to post, and skipping people when it is past the auto-skip timer. If a thread auto-skips back to the last poster, it is considered closed. For a thread to be considered a success, you and your threadmates must get the thread to canon by the due date, and complete the task given. Threads are considered canon when a majority of the thread's participants have reached 3 posts. Time moves forward a week after all Catalyst Threads have either become canon or expired.

The Crown Festival [ All Court of the Spires ]

Must Be Canon By: October 12th, 2024
Takes Place At: Sovereign's Arch
Current Status: Not Started Yet

Each Fall, the Redspire family hosts the Crown Festival! It is a time to be merry and enjoy what the Realm provides. Cats gather together in groups of two to five and catch salmon, and the group who collects the largest gets the following week free of their duties! Only those who have completed their Squire Crossroads may participate in the Court festivals.
Suggested Abilities: Fishing, Swimming, Hunting

✨ Rewards:
→ The Court's freshkill pile will overflow with salmon. The Court will be well stocked on prey for the season, reducing the likelihood of starvation next season. The cats who win the Crown Festival will either gain fishing as a competent skill if they don’t have it already, or increase their fishing ability from competent to expert.
💀 Consequences:
→ The Court's freshkill pile goes remarkably unfilled. The Court will begin to suffer from starvation going into leafbare.
⌛ Pacekeeper: OPEN
🐾 Participants: Need at least 3 cats to begin the thread, no limit on how many join.

A Parade of Egos [ TimberClan ]

Must Be Canon By: October 12th, 2024
Takes Place At: Staghorn Copse
Current Status: Not Started Yet

As the first leaves begin to turn, the great elk of the forest begin their ritualistic parade through the forest to showcase their impressive antlers. There’s just one problem - the herd this year is heading straight toward TimberClan’s best catmint and moss location. We must collect it before the elk herd devours it! Be quick, be quiet, and be brave.
Suggested Abilities: Stalking, Sneaking, Foraging, Gathering

✨ Rewards:
→ The Clan’s catmint storage will be replenished, and just in time. This will reduce the likelihood of sickness throughout TimberClan. This will also replenish the moss of the camp, increasing the success rate of litters by 5%. Cats who participate in this thread will gain a very specialized competent skill, Hiding from Elk.
💀 Consequences:
→ Without refreshed herb stores, the Clan’s chance of sickness for leafbare goes up significantly. Without refreshing the moss, the Clan’s camp goes unfortified and is at a higher risk of being impacted by natural disasters.
⌛ Pacekeeper:
🐾 Participants: Sprucepaw, played by
Owlfeather, played by
???, played by OPEN

Huddling For Warmth [ SummitClan ]

Must Be Canon By: October 12th, 2024
Takes Place At: Valley of Snow
Current Status: Not Started Yet

The marmots huddling down for leafbare so early has been noted as a sign from StarClan that it is time for SummitClan to brace for the winter as well. You’ve been sent to go to the Valley of Snow and gather the lush moss that grows there and the dwindling herbs, but this isn’t just some apprentice task. With the marmots hibernating, the predators of the mountains are growing hungrier… Hopefully, your patrol can avoid them.
Suggested Abilities: Stalking, Sneaking, Foraging, Gathering, Defending, Attacking

✨ Rewards:
→ You bring back moss and perhaps something else for your Clan. This will increase the fortitude of SummitClan’s camp and increase the success of litters by 5%. If you gather herbs as well, the herb stores will be replenished and well stocked for leafbare, decreasing the likelihood of sickness. Cats who participate in this thread will gain Foraging as a competent skill if they do not already have it.
💀 Consequences:
→ You fail to supply the Clan with moss, and before you know it, the field is shorn to twigs by ravenous white goats. SummitClan’s camp is unprotected from the elements, and could be impacted by natural disasters. The herb storage leaves much to be desired going into leafbare, and the chance of sickness goes up significantly.
⌛ Pacekeeper:
🐾 Participants: Cottonpaw, played by
Magpiestrike, played by
Geraniumclaw, played by

Seasonal Arc Sign Up Form:

[b]Arc Focuses[/b]:
→ Charactername of Group — Focus
→ Charactername of Group — Focus

[b]Catalyst Thread[/b]:
→ Charactername for [b]Catalyst Thread Name[/b]

[b]Do you want to be considered for Pacekeeper?[/b]:
→ Yes / No

[newclass=.box3]margin:0px auto; overflow:auto; padding:3px; max-height: 300px;[/newclass][newclass=.box3::-webkit-scrollbar]width:5px;background:#191015;[/newclass][newclass=.box3::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb]background:#C69BA8;[/newclass]
Last Edit: Sept 14, 2024 19:21:46 GMT by The Realm
This is an account run by the Keepers of the Realm.
Please don't DM, it is not frequently monitored.
The Realm Avatar

The Realm

Post by The Realm on Sept 7, 2024 19:38:47 GMT

🍂 Welcome to YR 0 — Fall Moon 🍂

→ It's the moment you've all been waiting for! Thank you for your patience, and we hope you all enjoy reading about the exciting things we have going on in the Realm this moon. Once you have read all there is to know about the season and our new harbingers, please take a moment to reply to this thread and let us know what arc focuses your characters have and what catalyst threads you'd like to participate in! Here are some important highlights:

Fall Moon's Catalyst Threads must be canon by Oct 12th or they will be marked as failures.
We want to pick our Harbingers by Monday, Sept 9th but we can only do that if we get an application for each one! Otherwise, we will be choosing on Friday, Sept 13th.
This is an account run by the Keepers of the Realm.
Please don't DM, it is not frequently monitored.
solstice Avatar


Post by solstice on Sept 7, 2024 20:03:04 GMT

Arc Focuses:
→ Cottonpaw of Summitclan — Peaceful Focus

Catalyst Thread:
→ Cottonpaw for Huddling for Warmth

Do you want to be considered for Pacekeeper?:
→ Yes!
summitclan apprentice • he/him • 7 moons
"i've come back changed, i can feel it in my bones"
safi Avatar


Post by safi on Sept 7, 2024 20:13:43 GMT

Arc Focuses:
→ Magpiestrike of Summitclan — Aggression focus

Catalyst Thread:
→ Magpiestrike for Huddling for Warmth

Do you want to be considered for Pacekeeper?:
→ No
magpiestrike of summitclan / sparrow of ravenspell
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
maple Avatar


everett Avatar


Roxanne 🍂 Avatar

Roxanne 🍂

Post by Roxanne 🍂 on Sept 8, 2024 16:11:16 GMT

Arc Focuses:
→ Owlfeather of TimberClan — Optimistic Focus
→ Sedgepaw of TimberClan — Optimistic Focus
→ Mallowfrost of SummitClan — Aggression Focus [quietly]

Catalyst Thread:
→ Owlfeather for A Parade of Egos

Do you want to be considered for Pacekeeper?:
→ No
Last Edit: Sept 15, 2024 15:36:48 GMT by Roxanne 🍂
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
∙ ᨒ mallowfrost ∙ ᨒ cariboucall ∙
∙ ⸙ owlfeather ∙ ⸙ sedgepaw ∙
∙ ༄ elm of silvershark ∙ ༄ lavender of windguard ∙
luna Avatar


The Realm Avatar

The Realm

Post by The Realm on Sept 14, 2024 20:04:25 GMT

Thank you to all who replied! Everyone who has signed up, has been added to that thread's participant list. The Parade of Egos needs one more applicant, and we need more for the Court's Festival! The Huddling for Warmth thread will be started by the Keepers this weekend. Thank you for your patience!
This is an account run by the Keepers of the Realm.
Please don't DM, it is not frequently monitored.
nifty Avatar


Post by nifty on Sept 14, 2024 20:13:25 GMT

Arc Focuses:
→ Urchin of Redspire of the Court of the Spires — Recluse Focus

Catalyst Thread:
→ Urchin of Redspire for The Crown Festival

Do you want to be considered for Pacekeeper?:
→ Yes
Last Edit: Sept 14, 2024 20:14:31 GMT by nifty

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆉 𓃟 𓃱 𓃬 𓃮 𓆌 𓆙𓆈 𓅟 𓅰 𓅫 𓅭 𓅮 𓅯
immortes Avatar


Artemis Avatar


Post by Artemis on Sept 15, 2024 3:26:54 GMT

Arc Focuses:
→ Nettleheart of TimberClan — Optimistic Focus
→ Squire Aurora of Skyborn — Extrovert Focus
→ Honeybee of SummitClan — Peaceful Focus

Catalyst Thread:
→ Nettleheart for Parade of Egos *however, happy to give up my spot if someone else would liek it ^^ but will fill in if nobody else is interested right now

Do you want to be considered for Pacekeeper?:
→ No
🌲 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚗 • Nettleheart
🗻 𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚝𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚗 • Honeybee
🌊 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜 • Squire Aurora of Skyborn
io Avatar


Rosa Avatar


Asteiri Avatar


Post by Asteiri on Sept 15, 2024 17:13:13 GMT

Arc Focuses:
→ Oriolebloom of Timberclan — Optimistic Focus
→ Ranger Chicory of the Court — Extrovert Focus
→ Ravenwatcher of Summitclan — Peaceful Focus

Catalyst Thread:
→ Ranger Chicory for The Crown Festival

Do you want to be considered for Pacekeeper?:
→ no thank you
ᨒ Asterpaw . Ravenwatcher ᨒ
↟ Oriolebloom . Shinepaw ↟
༄ Chicory of Rosebristle . Stag of Irontooth ༄
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───