I found myself annoyed...

Asteiri Avatar


Post by Asteiri on Sept 8, 2024 23:10:43 GMT



you're mistaken if you're thinking I haven't been called "cold" before


Asterpaw took a break from his duties, stepping out of the Medicine Den and stretching. The warm sunlight hit his back, easing his tension from the day. So many of his clan were so foolish about their ailments, and his mentor liked to play on their needs and questions for her own gain. Asterpaw found it disgusting, having the power and will of Starclan in your paws and using it to swindle those who need you. He scoffed as he moved towards the fresh-kill pile, eyeing his choices before picking up a rather plump looking mouse --- clearly well-fed from the foliage and grass around their camp.[break][break]

As he took his first bite, he spotted them, ducking. Cottonpaw, Harepaw, Oatpaw, Applepaw, and Darkpaw. His siblings and foster siblings. His ears went flat, paw over his mouse. If he was fast enough, he could avoid them. He had gotten good at that. Being in the Medicine Den gave him an excuse, not having to sleep in the same den as them anymore. They didn't understand him, nor did he care for the trifle and blabber that they always seemed to bring his way. He rolled his eyes thinking about his uncle's children: Applepaw, Darkpaw, annd Cottonpaw. Always so "woe is me" about not seeing their father enough. It was harebrained. They sounded like belly-aching kits.[break][break]

Now if he was fast enough, he could drag this mouse into the Medicine Den, undisturbed by them. He slowly began to back up, tripping over his own paws as he did so.[break][break]

"Mouse Dung!" he spat, seeing their eyes now on him. He grimaced, knowing there was no escape now...[break][break]



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[newclass=".vol-credits"]text-align:center;display:block;font:600 9px/1 'inter';color:#d9d9d9;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]
ᨒ Asterpaw . Ravenwatcher ᨒ
↟ Oriolebloom . Shinepaw ↟
༄ Chicory of Rosebristle . Stag of Irontooth ༄
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
solstice Avatar


Post by solstice on Sept 9, 2024 14:52:20 GMT

now, cottonpaw was an odd case in terms of his interactions with the clan.

he craved interaction, and at the same time, the tom often didn't have much to say, lost in his own mind. he was getting better with that over the moons, better tailoring his charm and speech to appeal to cats, but he was aware he was far from an expert. he'd improve. he was sure of it. but right now, he had little to say, and was too busy mulling over summitclan's history of winters and the different bugs he found on patrol today to worry about contributing to the conversation.

that was, until he noticed asterpaw.

he didn't talk to the tom often anymore. he knew that he tended to be busy, and even if not, he tended to be in a terrible mood. cotton didn't mind too much. they were siblings, that was enough for him, even if the tom was grumpy more often than not. still, he offered a warm, calm smile and a wave of his tail.

"hey, aster!" he called, "how're things in the medicine den today? is there anything you two need from the territory?" it was a good neutral question. one he was sure probably wouldn't piss the tom off, at the very least.

he tried to give him opportunities to talk about his work. even if cottonpaw knew there was no way he'd ever know everything there was to know in terms of medicine, (how was he supposed to when he wasn't getting hours of medical training?) he was curious. and even if he preferred to be a warrior, he still liked learning about the different herbs when he got a chance to talk to asterpaw in a good mood. cotton wanted that—to have as much knowledge as possible. and what better way was there than to talk to his more experienced sibling?

he just hoped the tom wouldn't be so grouchy.

summitclan apprentice • he/him • 7 moons
"i've come back changed, i can feel it in my bones"
Aria Avatar


Post by Aria on Sept 10, 2024 16:37:47 GMT

I'm not backing down

Harepaw wondered, for what felt like the hundredth time, if trying to strike up a conversation with her real brother and Elkstar’s kits was ever a good idea. Deep down, she already knew the answer—it wasn’t. Every moment spent around them only heightened her discomfort. They weren’t her kin, no matter what anyone said. The only comforting presence in the bunch was Oatpaw. Seeing him excel in his training brought a rare sense of pride. It wouldn’t be long before they both became warriors, standing together as equals. She caught herself wondering what kind of warrior he would become. Probably a strong one, confident and capable, the kind of warrior any clan would be proud of.

As for Cottonpaw, Applepaw, and Darkpaw? Well, they’d figure it out. They’d have to, once they managed to crawl out from under their father’s overbearing shadow. Harepaw didn’t care much for Elkstar’s pride or expectations; they weren’t her concern, and she resented that anyone thought they should be.

Settling down on a smooth patch of grass, Harepaw tried to relax, but her ears pricked at the faint sound of pawsteps. She looked up and immediately recognized her brother, Asterpaw. He has fallen on ground like a kit trying to take it's steps. Ha!  Harepaw’s curiosity piqued, and without hesitation, she rose to her feet and padded over to him, her gaze briefly flicking to Cottonpaw. Ignoring him, she focused entirely on Asterpaw. The half-eaten mouse at his paws caught her eye, and she frowned. Was he trying to avoid them? Or was something else going on?

“Hello, brother,” she greeted him with a snort, her tone half-teasing, half-concerned. “I guess you’ve been so busy with herbs that you forgot how to walk right, huh?”

tag: ,
Last Edit: Sept 10, 2024 16:38:10 GMT by Aria