Ranger Cypress of Silvershark

juniper Avatar


Post by juniper on Sept 15, 2024 0:47:13 GMT

ranger cypress of silvershark

court of the spires ∙ ranger ∙ she/her ∙ 40 moons

A shorthair dilute tabby calico she-cat with muted green eyes.

Following the Silvershark custom of muted colors, Cypress is a diluted calico, enveloped largely in a striking white. Throughout her colored fur are the stripes of a tabby, breaking up the grey, cream and orange with a darkened pattern that covers her whole body. Her fur stickers close to her yet keeps her warm in the winter and light enough not to sink like a stone in the water. For a molly, she is about an inch or so off from her peers, a thin and athletic build she uses to her advantage in the water and on land. The skin on her paws and her nose are a light pink, not much alike from her white fur.

+ righteous | +/- serious | - stubborn

She's a very serious soul of few words. Cats might find her difficult to get along with for the pure fact she isn't much of a talker. But, to her close friends and allies she's much more of a conversationalist. She operates on the idea that if there is not much to say, or no reason to say it, she says nothing at all. She cares not for meaningless small talk. Despite her first impressions, Cypress is not rude nor judgemental of neither her peers or her fellow cats, taking into account their walks of life that may differ from her own. She has no superiority complex, only the knowing that she is ultimately looking out for what's right. In her squirehood she was raised to be an outstanding member of her namesake, to see herself on an even playing field from others, but know in the end that her word, her sense of justice, is the true one.

Cypress takes her namesake seriously and is diligent in how she represents it: she actively calls out injustices, helps the less fortunate or injured of the Spires if they require it, and advocates for peace when it's possible. Despite her pacifist nature, she knows that violence does solve things as a last resort. She might be somewhat of an optimist in that regard, but not enough to be ignorant. Though loyal to the Sovereign, her moral standard outpaces to include all her fellow cats. She's one to express sympathy for those outside her clan, something which leaves some uncomfortable.
Cypress is proficient in the art of talk when she's needed, especially delegating. Since she spends her days observing and investigating the dynamics of the Spires and the future path they may take, she excels in such a thing. She has no fear in speaking directly to the Sovereign about her worries or ideas for the ideal future, and will let others know as well. Those who have a darker vision will not be respected, as they do not value justice.

In her less formal relationships, Cypress is rather reserved. Little seems to trouble her, yet she says it feels as if the weight of the world is on her shoulders. Despite her grand vision, she's an attentive and caring cat to her friends and family when they need her.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Ranger

SP: 4

•  Defending
•  Swimming
•  Sneaking
•  Strategizing
•  Delegating

Plotting, History, & Relations

The Harbinger of Justice.

Cypress hails the Silvershark namesake and is proud of it. She knows the weight that the name entails and has carried it her entire life. With the arrival of the clans in the Court consciousness, her morality has been thrown into question. Her goal is for the Court to maintain peace and resist needless violence, no matter what it takes. No matter who it takes. 

  • Violet of Silvershark 
  • Dace of Silvershark 
  • Pine of Silvershark (younger brother, littermate)
  • Apple of Silvershark †
  • Elm of Silvershark (younger sister)
  • Fir of Silvershark
  • Dandelion of Silvershark (uncle)
  • Thistle of Silvershark (cousin) 
  • Cress of Silvershark (cousin)

Cypress was the eldest of a two kit litter. Her mother Violet, the only daughter of her generation, was emboldened by the position enough to win her duel to pass on the Silvershark name, which allowed her to bestow it upon her kits. For as long as Cypress could remember, her mother was a storyteller. Of great hardship and great triumph, she seemed to know it all. It was bits and pieces of stories crafted from cat to cat, those she knew and those she would come to know someday, passed on from tongue to tongue to Cypress. Being the firstborn was a duty and an honor, and to be a Silvershark was to be a pillar of justice and a beacon of light for your people.

In her squirehood, Cypress was a sponge. She took her studies seriously for there was no other option; her mentors kept her on a short lead. She was more akin to the path of a Ranger, but attended classes with her Knight mentor on her free time to hone her battle skills, an asset she knew would be helpful if the worse ever came to worse. To her there was no challenge too large to face, there was no other option. In her training, Cypress gained confidence and the appreciation for her privileged position, the awareness of which allowed her to see past it and into the true meaning of doing good by her community. She tended to the nursing mothers and brought food, spoke up for injured cats and achieved accommodations  for them, advocated for fellow squires in their journeys. 

When Cypress became a Ranger, she was elated. Her destiny began now, like a passing of the torch. Her life was mostly uneventful in this period, mostly a blessing, as the hardships that could have plagued her were mostly avoided. Cypress attended her mother's second birth, a larger litter than the last, with one casualty. Though she barely knew her brother for little more than a moon, his death stung. It was unavoidable, but felt starkly unfair. For all the good she and her mother had done in their life, this tragedy was passed upon them. Their relationship became strained, Cypress more reserved in response. It felt as if the weight of the Silvershark name was now entirely on her shoulders.

When her younger sister became a squire, Cypress offered to mentor her in the ways of being a Ranger. To have a connection so different from her brother, her same age, was refreshing. To see the innocence in a cat, their pure sense of living. Something to protect. Someone to care for. It emboldened her. 

Cypress now lives by her word and is dutiful to a fault. Her family is important to her, on par with her work for optimal equity. 

Other Notes

Adopt or death.




Miya'Ou Nosaurus Sonia Dieumegard



Last Edit: Sept 18, 2024 17:57:26 GMT by juniper