.・。.・゜✭・of mice and cats・✫・゜・。.

solstice Avatar


Post by solstice on Sept 3, 2024 2:07:49 GMT

.・。.・゜✭・of mice and cats・✫・゜・。.

synopsis :: this thread takes place in the present day. cottonpaw goes hunting with geraniumclaw, and that's pretty much it.

participant(s) :: cottonpaw (solstice), geraniumclaw ( )

content warning(s) :: none | realm events :: nope! | skip rate :: n/a

the day was young. dew still dappled the grass, the sky was warm and inviting, and cotton was itching to get out of camp. it was too nice of a day to squander it stuck inside dens or cleaning elders of ticks... not that he disliked those chores, of course (yes, he did, he didn't particularly want to get anywhere near a tick, nor let his tongue get close to the elders' greasy pelts. he respected them, he loved listening to their stories, but... ah, he was digging himself a grave here.)

regardless, he was sent out to hunt with geraniumclaw, who was a warrior he had very little experience with. he saw her in passing, sure, but never really got a chance to chat with her. the young tom was always too busy asking questions of his mentor, or shadowing his father, or slipping out of camp whether the older cats wanted him to or not. he was getting better at sneaking, but that really wasn't the point. today, the point was that he hadn't quite mastered hunting yet. he wasn't supposed to yet, he knew that, but he should be better at it by now, right? instead, he still found himself overshooting his prey, or accidentally jumping too early. it was as if his paws reacted without his input, simply too quick for his own good. it was handy sometimes—the tom's reaction time was pretty quick—but not so much others.

he hadn't said much since they left camp, lost in his own little world. he found himself keeping a close eye on the territory around them, mentally filing away some of the landmarks they passed and the various bugs and birds he spotted, either too small for catching, or too high for him to reach. he wondered what it was like once leaf-fall came to pass. the elder cats sometimes talked about how cold it got, how snow would blanket the land and turn everything white. what would that be like? he hadn't seen a leafbare yet, and part of him was excited to see how the land would change, watching all of the plants and animals he committed to memory change with it.

"what's leafbare like?" he asked, some of his first words since he left camp. he seemed to realize that he hadn't talked much since they left, suddenly looking at geraniumclaw with a wide-eyed expression. "the warriors have talked a lot about it with the weather getting colder. i can't imagine everything turning white."
Last Edit: Sept 4, 2024 22:48:28 GMT by solstice
summitclan apprentice • he/him • 7 moons
"i've come back changed, i can feel it in my bones"
luna Avatar


Post by luna on Sept 4, 2024 20:28:09 GMT

it was a bit of an extraordinary experience for geraniumclaw to be tasked with leading an apprentice around. she actually felt a little nervous about it, but she would do her best to set a solid example for the younger cat. after all, it was just like interacting with someone her age, except for less experience. her eyes tracked around them for any signs of movement, but geraniumclaw had always been a better tracker than anything else, and so usually her eyes were on the ground for tracks while she sniffed for any traces of scent left behind.

she had assumed that cottonpaw was watching her and taking some note of what she was doing. perhaps later she would test him, to be certain. he was very quiet. so quiet that she would've forgotten that he was there if it weren't for the sounds of his footsteps. it was a good sign that he knew not to scare off any prey with the loud sounds she knew kits made while they were playing.

geraniumclaw was a little surprised, then, to hear his question, and turned to look at him. it was a simple question, even though it made geraniumclaw feel a little old. when had she had to ask these questions? it couldn't have been so long ago, but it did seem like she was a very different cat now than when she was an apprentice. she flicked her tail at the realization, but answered cottonpaw's question anyways.

"it's cold," geraniumclaw started quietly, "and lots of prey hide away. nothing new grows, and of course the leaves fall off the trees--leafbare."

at this, geraniumclaw tilted her head up towards the trees to see how they looked now. she was prepared for leafbare as any cat ever was, if a little more motivated to find food before things got more desperate.

"it does look nice, though." geraniumclaw added as an afterthought, tilting her head.
solstice Avatar


Post by solstice on Sept 9, 2024 4:15:23 GMT

"it sounds odd," he spoke, looking out at their surroundings. the mountains were already so rocky and harsh at times, he couldn't imagine the trees that dotted them without their leaves. he'd imagine the territory would feel even more hostile. what was it like for the older cats who knew this season, unlike him? some of them seemed nervous, but others seemed like they simply accepted the coming of leafbare. if it was pretty, he was sure he'd have time to enjoy it.

"well, at least it'll be pretty. it has to have something going for it," he purred softly in amusement, ears swiveling as he tried to listen in for prey. ah, yes. that's what they were doing. he really needed to get his head in the game, but it was far too easy for the fawn apprentice to get lost in his thoughts.

he took a deep breath of mountain air, parting his jaws to allow the chill to wash over his tongue. there had to be some crows or mallards around here. considering they were at the lake, he wouldn't be surprised if they were hanging around.

"do you smell anything?" he asked softly, ears swiveling in an attempt to catch onto a sound, as well. "i think there're some ducks by the water."

as much as cottonpaw was trying to focus, he found his mind shifting to the tension at the borders lately. he might've been an apprentice, but he overheard the warriors talking about matters of border security as the temperatures shifted.

"what do you think about timberclan and the spires?" he asked, glancing at geraniumclaw. "i overheard some warriors talking about them. do they get more aggressive?" it wasn't as though they were aggressive already, at least in cottonpaw's opinion. he rather liked the timberclanner he met.

tagging !
summitclan apprentice • he/him • 7 moons
"i've come back changed, i can feel it in my bones"