Pinefall of Timberclan

Echo Avatar


Post by Echo on Sept 8, 2024 6:01:25 GMT

Timberclan ∙ Warrior ∙ he/him ∙ 31 moons

A large, long-haired brown tabby tom with green eyes and tufted ears. 

Pinefall is a large tom, and although he is large, his huge appearance is mostly because of his long, fluffy fur. His broad bone structure adds to the illusion of his size, and the muscle he has gained through years of training also adds to his bulk. He is a brown tabby, with multiple shades of brown throughout his pelt. Pinefall's muzzle, belly, and ear fur are the whitest parts of his pelt. His nose is pink outlined in a dark brown. His eyes are round and green with a tint of yellow around the edges. Pinefall's most distinguishing features are his tufted ear tips, his large paws, and his extra long whiskers. 

+ Loving | +/- Casual | - Gullible

Pinefall may look like a fighter, but he's really a lover (although he is a great fighter when he needs to be). Friendly, optimistic, he is pretty much a positive cat. He has unconditional love for every single thing and a burning passion to make sure all cats are healthy and safe, even if it means helping out other clans and breaking a few rules. Pinefall adores kits and apprentices and is always seen checking up on the nursery, playing with the little ones, and sneaking help to the apprentices. 

However, being really nice isn't always a good thing to be. Pinefall is prone to give in to evil-doers, as he believes all beings are good. Also, being a lover and not a fighter, makes him unreliable in battles (despite being adept in combat) as he strongly believes in peace and not war. An exclusion to his no-fighting stance; if someone who cannot defend themselves on their own is in need of rescuing, he will do the rescuing. Pinefall can be seen as cowardly by his clanmates, and can be quite gullible. Around his friends, he is goofy and outgoing, chatting about anything and everything. 

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Stocky Warrior
SP: 5

•  Hunting (free amateur ability - stocky apprentice)
•  Soothing
•  Climbing (free competent ability - kit)
•  Battling (free competent ability - stocky apprentice)
•  Dodging (free competent ability - stocky warrior)
•  Mentoring
•  Intimidating
•  Defending
•  Protecting

Plotting, History, & Relations

Pinefall doesn't care much for conflict, and in so is rather open to the idea of the Court, as long as they don't turn to threatening his clan. As for Summitclan, yes he is upset that Sorrelstar passed away and Summitclan did not assist his clan by sharing the cure, but he is sure that there is a good reason for it. 
Unknown father - NPC (unknown)
Timberclan mother - NPC (deceased)
Sister - Willow___ (alive, adoptable)
Sister - NPC (stillborn)
Brother - NPC (deceased)
Pinekit's birth was tumultuous, and it wasn't because of him. His mother, a Timberclan warrior, conceived her litter with an unnamed tom, garnering dislike from her clanmates due to the belief that the kits were half-clan, or conceived with an outsider. His mother blamed her tumultuous birth on the stress caused from being ostracized by her clan, which resulted in a stillborn daughter and a runt son who, quite quickly, moved on to Starclan due to his inability to thrive. Instead of four lively kittens, Pinekit's mother was left with two kittens who unfortunately reminded her of her transgressions. 

Pinekit's overly positive attitude is directly the result of his crabby, cranky mother, as he was determined to be liked, maybe even one day loved, by the clan. His sister, Willowkit, however, adopted more of their mother's outlook on life. Despite this personality difference, Pinekit and Willowkit were and are seemingly inseparable, and are as close as siblings can be.

The beginning of the siblings' apprenticeship was not what one would hope for, with their mother passing accidentally while hunting. This pushed Willowpaw further into herself, and once again did the opposite for Pinepaw. The littermates had an uneventful rest of their apprenticeship, and graduated to warriors on track for their ages. Since then, their lives have been rather normal and mundane. 

Other Notes
NPC/Death/Group Abandonment, whichever makes the most sense for the plot!
I would love for his sister to be adopted! I will create an adoption thread for her. 
Aside from that, he is my first character in a long, long time and if there's anything that needs to be fixed, please let me know! I also hope that his image being longer than the placeholder is okay. 
Last Edit: Sept 16, 2024 4:30:32 GMT by Echo