magpiestrike of summitclan

safi Avatar


Post by safi on Sept 6, 2024 12:47:20 GMT

summitclan ∙ warrior ∙ she/her ∙ 18 moons

a long-furred black and white cat with yellow eyes.

It is not hard to figure why exactly Magpie has her name. A thick coat of black and white fur that makes her look larger than she actually is, not a bad thing by any means, but she is still lean and agile underneath her fur. She is shorter than average, not small by any means, but slightly shorter than the average. Her long coat hides the few scars that she managed to collect, one on her throat and one just above her left eye, something that she jokes that she was a whisker away from losing. Unassuming would possibly be the best word to describe her, and isn't there something so convenient about that? The simple pleasure of remaining anonymous in a scene.

+ adpatable, resilient, cunning, charming | +/- flippiant, risk taker, distant, ambitious, curious  | - stubborn, selfish, self-centered, impulsive

Magpies are clever little creatures, and Magpiestrike is a clever little cat.

She is a generally likeable young woman with a decent head on her shoulders. A "breath of fresh air", someone with boundless curiousities and a sense of adventure. Little things like setbacks, injuries, loss - she doesn't try to let them hold her back from doing what she wants to and keeping a positive outlook on life. She can often be caught nonchalantly stating "starclan wills it" when things do not go her way, or in response to other people's hardships. Things happen for a reason.

Truthfully, her laid-back attitude towards the world and it's challenges does not conflict with the fact that she does want to be something to be remembered. As a kit, she was enamored with histories and the tales of her elders and decided that one day, someone would sit around and tell stories about Magpie to their kits. They would paint her as a heroine of some sort, the sort of woman that was an inspiration to others. She wanted to see the world, wide and vast as it was, beyond the territory of Summitclan. She wanted everything that she could lay her paws upon. She wanted, and she still wants. She still strives.

She knows that if she is likeable, people will be more likely to trust her. She tries to make friends as much as she can, but also dislikes people knowing too much about her. She prefers to present the dutiful warrior, or the upbeat young girl that is a little too naive for her own good, a bit too adventurous. There is no doubt that she would do whatever it took to be remembered. A double edged sword to be fair, because she could be easily persuaded into something darker in search for greatness.

Her duties are taken mostly seriously, although she seems to be bored with patrolling. Hunting is more to her flavour, and something that she's talented at as well. In particular, she has a taste for the challenge of hunting birds - and often brags about catching something more than tailfeathers. Her boasts are followed up with promising to share them with others, or teaching them how to do it too. She sets herself apart, but not too far - tall poppies are cut down to size. She would not want to be cut before her time.

If she is allowed to confide in someone, they may hear that she is tired of monotony and is desperate for some way to prove herself. She wants change, new things to do and see, she craves excitement and thrills. She may even admit that she wants to prove herself in combat too. She may admit nothing, and hold her cards close to her chest as she always has tried to do.

Magpies are clever little creatures, and Magpie is nothing if not her namesake.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: lean warrior
SP: 4

• Storytelling
• Sneaking
• Exploring
• Persuading
• Hunting

Plotting, History, & Relations
  • magpie desperately wants to catch the attention of elkstar and copperclaw, as well as other more senior warriors in summitclan. to this end, she is openly hostile towards the court of spires in front of other clanmates because of the supposed assassination, but desperately wants to know more about the knights and rangers. she often will give out fake names and lie openly in her desire to get more information, and tends to avoid contact with the spire that she can't control.
  • magpie is curious, and loves hearing about things in other places. this extends to timberclan, she will attempt to befriend or acquaintance any other warriors. she would love to know any goings on across the fence so to speak.

parents are npcs, potential adoptables. no names as of now.
- jaypaw - deceased at 7 moons from sickliness. his death left an impact on the siblings and their family, leading to the shut-down of their mother and the distance of their father. magpie resolved that she didn't want her life to end without making a positive impact, and pushed herself further towards her dream of being remembered for something. 
- crownight - a stocky warrior, crow was always stronger than his sister but tended to be more careful and reserved. he would often rely on his sister to make friends for both of them, and the two were practically inseparable until a breakdown in their friendship. crownight is well-respected amongst his clanmates. magpie resents the idea that he's better than her in any way, and has become very bitter due to him constantly telling her that she's too reckless and impulsive and that she'll die early.

magpie was born with two siblings, named crowkit and jaykit. she was an adventurous child that wanted to see beyond the confines of camp from the moment that she was aware and walking. her mother would often have to search for her enthusiastic little kitten, chiding with a comment comparing her to her more docile siblings, and then placing her in front of an elder to listen to stories whilst her mother would go back to looking after her other siblings. her father was more receptive to her antics, choosing to sneak her out of camp alongside crow sometimes, even if it was only 2 minutes away.

jaykit was a sickly child who struggled, leading to magpie and crow being raised more by elders with too many stories to tell and enough time to tell them.

crow and magpie were inseparable as apprentices, and the two would often try and sneak away together to go hunting or explore. crow was the more cautious level-headed sibling and likely saved his sister from an early grave several times, and would often back up magpie's excuses as to why they'd snuck off. the pair never bonded with jay due to the fact that he was often confined to the medical den, something that magpie hated as the smell of herbs and worse made her feel uneasy.

when starclan came to take their brother, crow and magpie lost their mother too. stricken with grief at the death of her child, she had little time for her children that did survive. with a distant mother, magpie decided to look to her peers and mentor for validation. their father was more distant due to issues with their mother, and the pair dedicated themselves to their training in search of approval and becoming notable figures within summitclan.

when magpiestrike was a fresh warrior, she got into a fight with a rogue which earned her two scars and placed some strain on her relationship with her brother, crownight, who blamed her inability to ignore risks and cockiness as to why she almost got herself killed. the two have not reconciled since, leaving magpie with few friends and deadset on seeking after more dangerous encounters to try and prove herself and her brother wrong.

Other Notes
group abandonment
magpie is a bi girlie and i will probably look for someone to play her brother once i settle in. excited to try something new (old, really, i used to be on wc sites back when i was a wee baby.)

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Last Edit: Sept 6, 2024 16:53:59 GMT by safi
magpiestrike of summitclan / sparrow of ravenspell
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