Pray You Don't Fail

Roxanne πŸ‚ Avatar

Roxanne πŸ‚

Post by Roxanne πŸ‚ on Sept 4, 2024 0:36:10 GMT

pray you don't fail

[attr="class","roxclass"] β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ β€’ leaf-fall, year one, fall moon

on a crisp, foggy leaf-bare morning, mallowfrost finds herself falling short on some catmint that's showing signs of going bad. in an attempt to gather what remains from the plentiful greenleaf season, she sets out to collect what she can get, will her adventure be one of solitude, devastation, or success, only the stars can tell.

  • participant(s):  [copperclaw]
  • content warnings: - update here if any mentioned
  • realm events: yes (minor if possible)
  • skip rate: 120 hours (5 days)


[attr="class","roxclass"]Deep pools of fog gathered around the frame of a petite fluffy feline. The cool mist licked endlessly at their pelt, trying to drench the aging feline in its fine mist. Shaking their pelt, droplets flicked from the long fur, into the mist once more. The feline had not expected to rise to check her storage, finding the catmint she had collected earlier in the seasons had begun to progress turning bad. Whiskers twitching with annoyance, she had cleared out the browning foliage, hissing about how they needed to move it deeper into the colder parts of the cavern if their supply was to survive the coming leaf-bare.

She paused in her steps, at the edge of the Valley of Snow, her eyes scanning the clearing - hoping to see nothing out of the ordinary. Luck seemed to be on her side that day, as she found the valley empty of any predators that would have been unaware of her arrival. Taking a steady breath, she pushed forth, her eyes closing only for a moment as the crisp area and fog hit her all over again in the open area. "By the stars, it's going to be cold." She mused, recalling how some leaf-falls chilliness would lead to unbearable Leafbares. Padding forth, she kept her ears perked - an old habit from her warrior days - as she searched for the herb on her mind.

"Where did I see that last patch again?" She mused aloud, her eyes narrowing as she tried to scan the clearing once more.

with copperclaw

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Last Edit: Sept 8, 2024 3:28:33 GMT by Roxanne πŸ‚
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βˆ™ α¨’ mallowfrost βˆ™ α¨’ cariboucall βˆ™
βˆ™ βΈ™ owlfeather βˆ™ βΈ™ sedgepaw βˆ™
βˆ™ ΰΌ„ elm of silvershark βˆ™ ΰΌ„ lavender of windguard βˆ™
shelby Avatar


Post by shelby on Sept 4, 2024 1:20:49 GMT

Watching the warm
poison rats
curl through the wide
fence cracks
The large, golden and brown tom saundered across the wide open space. The ground had already started to feel solid underneath his heavy paws, a sign the greenleaf warmth was leaving the earth.

Hot breath caused the air around his nostrils to swirl around him. Parting his jaws, the deputy squinted his eyes as he tried to make out anything through the fog that had settled across the land. Coming from upwind, the familiar scent of a medicine cat sparked his sensory glands. Breathing in deeper, Copperclaw's whiskers flicked in recognition. She seems to be alone, perhaps she's looking for something.

Padding forward, the tortieshell she-cat came into view. "Mallowfrost," Copperclaw greeted bluntly, followed by a quick dip of his chin. Despite their very different ranks, Copperclaw and Mallowfrost were considered equals in his eyes. Pausing a tail-length and a half away from the medicine cat, his green eyes narrowed slightly. "Have you come alone?"

The question was by no means rude or condescending, but Copperclaw's mannerisms and formal speech never translated quite right to other felines. Copperclaw remembered her training, as she had joined the apprentice den a little over a season after he had. If any medicine cat could handle their own, surely it was Mallowfrost. Though----something still bothered Copperclaw that she hadn't brought an escort with her. As the hibernating predators prepared for a long leafbare, they became more violent and protective of their dens. It didn't cost anything to err on the side of caution.

Roxanne πŸ‚ Avatar

Roxanne πŸ‚

Post by Roxanne πŸ‚ on Sept 5, 2024 16:05:37 GMT


[attr="class","roxclass"]The soft fall of pawsteps alerted her to an intruder to her quiet search. If it was a young warrior, or even a strapping older feline, she might have found the urge to snap her fangs their way. She had long been out of her former warrior duties, but that did not waver her attempts to keep them as sharp as ever. Never the strong fighter, she had been keen on keeping her defensive moves up to date so that she did not need some silly escort. The clan needed hunters more than they needed to watch the back of their Medicine Cat. So as she lifted her head to the sound of pawsteps, her eyes soften a tad - although for other obvious reasons.

"Copperclaw," She responded, her voice sweet, her eyes like ice. She had always been one to sugarcoat it - if only for her gain. His eyes narrowed, her eyebrow raised in a confused expression. However her confusion was lifted as he spoke once more, asking if she had come alone. While she assumed he had meant nothing negative in his remark, her own eyes softened and a pleasantly sweet smile crossed her face. Perhaps if was time to worm her way under Copperclaw's skin as well. 

"Why, are we worried about my safety, Copperclaw?" She asked in that sugary tone. The one that she used to speak to the youth of the clan. Her tails swished from side to side in a slow, lazy motion. "Yes, I have come alone." She meowed, her eyes shifting to the left of them - before returning to Copperclaw. "Asterpaw is helping the elders and I, I need to ensure our catmint storages are filled for this coming Leafbare." She meowed, her eyes narrowing as they drifted to the open field. "It would be silly of me to drag a poor warrior from their duties - when I am perfectly capable of handling the wilderness myself.

It was true, in her bones. She had trained as a warrior, trained another to be one too, and here she stood with the knowledge of life and death within her mind, and still they tried to tell her that she needed another to watch her back. "What brings you out Copperclaw?"

with copperclaw

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Last Edit: Sept 8, 2024 3:29:53 GMT by Roxanne πŸ‚
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βˆ™ development βˆ™ tracker βˆ™ wanted βˆ™
βˆ™ α¨’ mallowfrost βˆ™ α¨’ cariboucall βˆ™
βˆ™ βΈ™ owlfeather βˆ™ βΈ™ sedgepaw βˆ™
βˆ™ ΰΌ„ elm of silvershark βˆ™ ΰΌ„ lavender of windguard βˆ™