Knight Bear of Wolfsbane(WIP)

Aria Avatar


Post by Aria on Sept 4, 2024 0:28:04 GMT

Bear of Wolfsbane
court of the spires ∙ Knight ∙ He/Him ∙ 44 Moons

A large brown tabby tom with striking amber eyes

Bear of Wolfbane is an imposing and majestic figure, his presence commanding attention from all who encounter him. His fur is a deep, warm brown, reminiscent of the earth after a storm, with rich tawny undertones that catch the light and reveal subtle hues of gold. Dark, bold stripes crisscross his coat in a striking pattern, emphasizing his powerful build and giving him an air of rugged elegance.

His amber eyes are one of his most striking features, glowing with a fiery intensity that hints at both wisdom and fierce determination. These eyes seem to see straight through to the heart of those he meets, conveying a sense of authority and depth. They are set against a strong, broad face with high cheekbones and a prominent, square muzzle, further enhancing his imposing appearance.

Bear's body is robust and muscular, built for strength and endurance. His broad shoulders taper into a strong, barrel-like chest, supported by powerful, well-defined limbs. His large, tufted paws are perfectly suited for traversing diverse terrain, and his thick, bushy tail, adorned with dark rings, provides balance and grace as he moves.

The texture of Bear's fur is dense and plush, offering protection against the elements and adding to his formidable presence. His coat is well-maintained, with a few battle scars that speak to his experience and resilience. Each scar is a testament to his history and the challenges he has faced, adding character to his already impressive physique.

+ Loyalty | +/- Arrogance | - Fear of vulnerability

Bear of Wolfbane is a knight of formidable strength and unshakable pride, exuding the air of an untouchable warrior whose very presence commands both fear and respect. His loyalty lies with duty alone, driven by an unrelenting pursuit of power and the mantle of justice he wears like a crown. Bear views the world through a lens of might, where strength rules and weakness is an unforgivable flaw. His stern, uncompromising nature brooks no challenge, and he expects the same unwavering discipline from those under his protection.

Yet beneath this ironclad exterior lie the scars of betrayal and rejection, wounds that fuel his bitterness and cynical outlook on love. His first love  shattered whatever idealism he once held, leaving him cold and detached. The end of another significant relationship only hardened his heart further, convincing him that vulnerability is a weakness he can no longer afford.

Bear now hides behind a wall of arrogance and disdain for emotional attachment, viewing it as a distraction from his duty. He keeps others at arm's length, preferring solitude to the pain of another disappointment. While his exterior might seem impervious, his past still haunts him, driving a ruthless edge in his dealings with those who get too close.

However, his family is the one exception to this hardened rule. They are the only ones who have seen the gentler side of Bear, and they remain his deepest priority. Despite his disdain for vulnerability, Bear would lay down his life for his kin without a second thought, offering them the fierce protection and unwavering loyalty he withholds from others. His family represents the only place where his cold exterior melts, and his heart, though scarred, still beats fiercely with love and devotion for them. For his family, Bear would break the very walls he’s built around himself, and to them alone, he offers his rare and genuine affection.

Despite his bitterness, Bear is fiercely loyal to the few who earn his respect. To those rare individuals, he offers unyielding protection and will fight to the bitter end in their defense. But make no mistake—his loyalty is hard-earned, and his compassion is tempered by a belief that only the strong deserve to stand by his side. In his eyes, honor and strength are paramount, and love, aside from the familial bond he cherishes, is a battlefield he's no longer willing to engage in.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Stocky Warrior
SP: 5

•  persuading
•  Intimidation
•  Protecting
•  Tracking
•  Fighting

Plotting, History, & Relations

Glory to the Court! Bear's loyalty lies solely with the Court, and nothing else commands his devotion. His disdain for the clans runs deep, particularly toward Summitclan, against which he harbors personal grudges. To him, the clans are nothing more than insignificant stepping stones on the path to the Court's grandeur, and he views their existence with thinly veiled contempt. Whether Pro-Count or Anti-Clan, Bear sees no real distinction—they are all beneath the Court's greatness in his eyes. His belief in the supremacy of the Court guides his every action, and he follows its lead unwaveringly, though his methods can be ruthless. Bear is quick to resolve matters with force, always believing that claws and combat are the solutions to most problems.

Despite his fierce nature, Bear's judgment is not without its flaws. When rage clouds his vision, his brother, Hornet, steps in to guide him. Hornet's presence keeps Bear from overstepping, acting as the rational voice that Bear trusts implicitly.

Please list any of your character's relevant family (if you would like).
Please go into detail about your character's history here. There is no minimum for kits, however any character that is apprentice or warrior age and holding no high ranks is required to have at least 100 words minimum in this section. If you are holding a high rank, you should have a minimum of 200 words minimum for your character's history.
Please go into detail about your character's history here. There is no minimum for kits, however any character that is apprentice or warrior age and holding no high ranks is required to have at least 100 words minimum in this section. If you are holding a high rank, you should have a minimum of 200 words minimum for your character's history.
Please go into detail about your character's history here. There is no minimum for kits, however any character that is apprentice or warrior age and holding no high ranks is required to have at least 100 words minimum in this section. If you are holding a high rank, you should have a minimum of 200 words minimum for your character's history.
Please go into detail about your character's history here. There is no minimum for kits, however any character that is apprentice or warrior age and holding no high ranks is required to have at least 100 words minimum in this section. If you are holding a high rank, you should have a minimum of 200 words minimum for your character's history.
Please go into detail about your character's history here. There is no minimum for kits, however any character that is apprentice or warrior age and holding no high ranks is required to have at least 100 words minimum in this section. If you are holding a high rank, you should have a minimum of 200 words minimum for your character's history.

Other Notes
What should we do with your character? Please list either NPC, Adopt-out, Death, or Group Abandonment here.
If you have purchased any items for the shop for this character, please add them here!
Any other notes or anything else you'd like to add goes here, such as tags if you are adopting a character from someone, etc!

Last Edit: Sept 12, 2024 2:33:50 GMT by Aria