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Post by io on Sept 3, 2024 21:52:54 GMT

SummitClan ∙ warrior ∙ he/him ∙ 47 moons

A long-furred reddish brown tom with green eyes.

Minkwhisker is a strong warrior; there is no doubt in that. Every rippling muscle in his body speaks of his awe-inspiring prowess. He has a robust, stocky frame with dashes of white at the muzzle and paws. He stands taller and larger than most, with huge paws and thick fur that make him appear even sturdier. While not particularly good-looking, some might find such a ruggedly handsome appearance to be attractive. His pelt is a dark, reddish hue described as somewhere between mahogany and umber. If he cared for his appearance, maybe he would be more charming, but Minkwhisker could not care less. The fur on his paws and tail are often mangled from a hard day’s work, to be cleaned only when Minkwhisker has deemed his work finished and satisfactory. On his face lies only a perpetual frown and two green eyes full of bitter judgment. This tom would rather let his strength and skills speak for themselves than dally in the frivolous gossip of the camp.

+ brave | +/- tough | - prideful

On the outside, Minkwhisker is everything that SummitClan could want in a warrior. He is traditional, strong, leaderly, and brave. From a young age, Minkwhisker knew he was better than the others. Hunting, fighting, climbing, and everything just seemed to come easily to him. He has always been a healthy and athletic tom who has the leg up in most challenging situations. Minkwhisker is the cat you want on your side of the battle, a warrior with unflinching courage and unwavering loyalty. His outstanding bravery has made him quite a good leader. Be it out of fear or respect, other cats listen to him and see him as a solid rock to rely on. A warrior like him truly reaps the rewards of work well-done, and he prides himself in keeping his Clan safe and well-protected.

No danger ever seems to faze Minkwhisker save for the dangers of his own emotions. To the casual acquaintance, Minkwhisker’s flaws lay mostly in his sternness. He can be short with cats he looks down on but would never go out of his way to bully another. However, those close to him know that Minkwhisker actually has an explosive temper marked by violent and brutish outbursts of suppressed emotion. Minkwhisker, because of his temper, easily has many regrets. When angered, he becomes hostile and aggressive. He will stubbornly do anything to win an argument, even at the expense of others’ feelings and against all reason. This prideful behavior makes it hard for Minkwhisker to ever admit he has done wrong, and with it comes a lifetime of repressed guilt, frustration, and insecurity.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Stocky Warrior
SP: 5

• Delegating
• Climbing
• Intimidating
• Hunting
• Defending

Plotting, History, & Relations

Minkwhisker will support whatever SummitClan does with unflinching loyalty in the same way that Blackclaw once followed Tigerstar - to the end and into the depths of wrongdoing. This more seasoned warrior may be condescending toward the young Elkstar, but nevertheless, he adamantly follows that the Clan leader's word is always the law. While Minkwhisker believes he can do better than the current wimpy leadership, he doesn't actually want more responsibilities and is happy to carry out SummitClan's orders. This sort of loyalty can make him a very well-respected warrior, or alternatively, a very well-wielded weapon for doing your dirty deeds. He isn't afraid to get his paws dirty whether it be patrolling, hunting, murdering, or collecting moss.

Mallowfrost's Family Tree made by Rox

Daisypelt - mother †
Deertail - father †

Mallardwing - older brother
Molewhisker - older brother
Mountainstep - brother (ADOPTABLE)
Mallowfrost - sister (played by )
Millipedebite - younger brother
Mousepaw - younger sister †

Lilacwhisker - aunt †
Branchface - uncle †
Ragwortfur - cousin

-15: Deertail and Daisypelt give birth to Mallardkit and Molekit, their first litter.
00: Deertail and Daisypelt have a second litter: Mink-kit, Mountainkit, and Mallowkit.
06: Mink-kit, Mountainkit, and Mallowkit become apprentices. Minkpaw is apprenticed under Thornwhisker.
11: Deertail and Daisypelt have a third litter: Millipedekit and Mousekit.
12: Minkpaw, Mountainpaw, and Mallowpaw become warriors: Minkwhisker, Mountainstep, and Mallowfrost.
17: Minkwhisker is assigned Mousepaw as an apprentice. Mallowfrost receives Millipedepaw.
21: Mousepaw slips during a border patrol in the mountains and falls to her death. Mallowfrost blames Minkwhisker.
25: Millipedepaw is named Millipedebite. Daisypelt and Deertail retire.
28: Mallowfrost switches places with Ragwortpaw to become medicine cat apprentice.
32: Minkwhisker receives another apprentice: Dovepaw. He trains her far too rigorously.
42: Dovepaw is finally named Dovecloud.
45: Elkstar becomes leader.
47: Present day [IC play begins].

00: Minkkit is born a strong and healthy kitten. He is quick to gain a leg-up against his siblings. He would enjoy a rambunctious and mischievous kithood, tussling constantly with his brother Mountainkit. Most of the time, Minkkit would win as the bigger and stronger tom-kit. As for his sister Mallowkit, Minkkit is not too fond of her. She is spoiled rotten and no fun to play with but for some reason, Daisypelt and Deertail shower her with affection. Despite Mink-kit’s many attempts to impress his parents and gain an equal amount of love, it never works.

06: Minkpaw takes to apprenticeship with vigor and enthusiasm. The siblings grow distant from one another, but Minkpaw is quite alright with that. He can see greatness ahead of him and is tired of Mallowkit hogging the nursery spotlight. His mentor, a tough tom named Thornwhisker, is a perfect match for ambitious little Minkpaw.

11: His younger siblings, Millipedekit and Mousekit, are born. Minkpaw doesn’t take much interest in them beyond occasionally bringing some fresh-kill. He is too busy training to be the best warrior in the forest. His prowess in combat and hunting gains him significant praise, and the time spent with his mentor feels far better than being around his family.

12: Minkpaw passes his assignments with flying colors. He is named Minkwhisker and feels proud to be carrying the same suffix as his mentor. His siblings are named Mallowfrost and Mountainstep.

17: Minkwhisker is assigned his own little sister, Mousepaw, as an apprentice. He could not be more excited to have an apprentice so soon, only five moons after becoming a full warrior himself. Mallowfrost receives Millipedepaw as an apprentice. Minkwhisker doesn’t think she is ready for it, but he supposes it only seems fair.

21: Perhaps, at times, Minkwhisker was too overconfident in his abilities. Perhaps he was too self-centered, too focused on his own duties. Minkwhisker has played this day over in his head a thousand times trying to find what he could have changed, but even today he has yet to figure it out. On this fateful day, Minkwhisker takes Mousepaw on a border patrol. Mousepaw slips in the windy mountains and gruesomely falls to her death. Her screams would echo in Minkwhisker’s ears for moons to come.
But what made the matter truly worse was that Mallowfrost witnessed it. If there hadn’t been a rift between the two siblings, there certainly was now. Mallowfrost was quick to blame Minkwhisker for “carelessness” in what Minkwhisker saw only as a tragic accident. Nevertheless, Minkwhisker quickly internalized the words that Mallowfrost spoke that day.

25: A few moons later, Millipedepaw graduates. Minkwhisker can feel the whole Clan’s eyes on him, as if they blamed him the same way Mallowfrost did, for Mousepaw not being there too. Around this time, his parents retire to the elder’s den. Minkwhisker finds himself fearing their reproach and growing more distant from them as well. He is sure that, between him and Mallowfrost, they would always side with their spoiled daughter.

28: Mallowfrost switches places with Ragwortpaw to become the medicine cat apprentice. Minkwhisker feels a bit surprised by this, but he does not question it.

32: Minkwhisker receives a second apprentice: Dovepaw. This time, he trains his apprentice with the utmost dedication, fearfully not letting her out of his sight. However, Dovepaw is different from Mousepaw. Dovepaw is soft-spoken, passive, and, frankly, in Minkwhisker’s opinion, a bit lazy. She would rather hang out and gossip in the camp than improve her warrior skills. Minkwhisker’s rigorous training and constant surveillance only push her to resent him.

42: After ten full moons of training, Dovepaw is finally named Dovecloud. Minkwhisker is genuinely proud of her despite their rocky relationship and her slow progress. However, Dovecloud is quick to cut ties with her former mentor; she had found his constant surveillance suffocating and even controlling. Minkwhisker soon gets the message and tries to stay out of her life.

45: Elkstar becomes leader. Minkwhisker secretly doesn’t believe the feisty little kitten deserves to be leader, but he accepts it nevertheless. At least, perhaps under Elkstar’s leadership, there will be more interesting battles to fight.

Other Notes
return to or death
this character is adopted from
faceclaim - SAAR
Last Edit: Sept 5, 2024 2:33:57 GMT by io