
Cadmium Avatar


Post by Cadmium on Sept 2, 2024 17:31:27 GMT

TimberClan ∙ Warrior ∙ She/Her ∙ 56 moons

Small orange tabby with green eyes

Fireflicker looks small beside Cherrydawn, but even when apart she stands a paw or so shorter than her Clanmates. She has a short, coarse orange tabby pelt that lightens around her muzzle and chest, but stops short of turning white. She bears a small scar on her right shoulder that’s hardly visible further than a whisker away, but that she wears as a badge of honor knowing that it was the last harm the cat who left it would ever do. Despite having an easily kept coat she tends to look slightly scruffy despite being happy to spend large amounts of time grooming others.

+ Social | +/- Protective | - Distractable

From the moment she first saw a patrol fall wordlessly into step with each other Fireflicker has loved the unity and community of Clan life. She values cohesiveness and unity among Clanmates and works to maintain that harmony. She’s an endless chatterbox to be certain, but is equally happy to listen. She can find a way to be happy in any company.

Since Cherrydawn’s warrior ceremony there has been a huge shift in their relationship. She’s gone from vaguely supportive bordering on indifferent to being staunchly protective of him. She will not tolerate even the smallest slight against him and would do anything he asked of her. This devotion extends to her son as well and she’s very open about that, but what she doesn’t speak of is that when you take the role of protector everyone can start to look like a threat. She loves her Clanmates, but the revelation of Gorsetail’s abuse of Cherrydawn cursed her with an inability to trust others including herself. The guilt she carries about her seasons of inaction eats away at her and drives her to make up (and, some might say, overcompensate) for her complicity.

With her attention devoted to the Clan as a whole, she is often bustling from one thing to another and has trouble keeping her attention on one thing. It’s easy for her to get sidetracked or to overlook small details in her pursuit of the bigger picture.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Stocky Warrior
SP: 5

•  Perceiving
•  Mediating
•  Protecting
•  Climbing
•  Cooperating

Plotting, History, & Relations

Anyone with the most minor beef with Cherrydawn will find themselves dealing with Fireflicker. Because of the guilt she carries there is no line she wouldn’t cross for his sake, whether he would actually want her to cross it or not. She’s mostly indifferent towards SummitClan and the Court at the moment, but as things shift she could absolutely be a problem.
Mother: Emberfeather (NPC)
Father: Thrushwing (NPC)
Brother: Cherrydawn (Jinn)
Former Mate: ? [Unnamed, would love to plot with someone]
Son: Shinepaw [Adoptable]

CW: mentions of abuse, miscarriage

0 moons
Cherrykit is bigger from the day they are born and it would be easy to overlook little Firekit if it wasn’t for her endless and piercing squalling.
1 moon
Thrushwing leads Firekit out of the nursery and into camp for the first time to introduce her to her Clanmates and show her around. From that day on it takes all of Emberfeather’s will and Cherrykit’s size to keep her in the nursery at all.
6 moons
Firepaw is apprenticed to Walnutnose. Instead of taking her first tour of the territory with her brother she goes with an apprentice mentored by Walnutnose’s crush. She’s too excited by all the new experiences to pay much attention to whatever Cherrypaw is doing.
7 moons
Walnutnose’s new mate announces they’re carrying his kits. He finds himself with less free time and Firepaw starts inviting herself to other training sessions. While her hunting and fighting skills are strictly adequate, she proves herself excellent at teamwork and keeps the training groups she’s in cohesive and focused. Training with different mentors keeps her well-rounded and she learns to work with many different personalities.
9 moons
Firepaw looks for Cherrypaw to ask him on a hunting patrol, but he’s nowhere to be found. She waits all night, but it’s not until almost sunhigh the next day she sees him come trudging in, and by then he’s too exhausted for her pestering. She means to check in on him later, but gets distracted when Walnutnose’s kits are born.
20 moons
Barkstripe, one of her best friends as an apprentice, strikes up a courtship with her. Neither of them are looking for anything too serious and Fireflicker stills feels like they’re more best friends than anything else, but she welcomes a pleasant distraction from her growing unease over Cherrypaw’s apprenticeship.
22 moons
After no small amount of badgering, Fireflicker is given a role in Cherrypaw’s warrior assessment. She feels like seeing her brother earn his name will eliminate the uncomfortable feeling that’s been floating in her gut. But when Gorsepelt’s true colors come to light and Fireflicker realizes the monster that’s been tormenting her brother right under her nose she sees red. All of the sophisticated battle training and strategizing she’d been taught leave her body and all she can think to do is scratch and bite until he can never lay a paw on her brother again.

Neither of them remember much of the walk home, but Fireflicker does remember looking at her Clan and seeing them not as a part of herself, but as potential threats. If Cherrydawn’s own mentor could hurt him, what was stopping any of them from doing the same? No cat could approach them that night; even Emberfeather and Thrushwing were met with a hard stare and a rumble deep in her throat. They had failed him as much as she had, but at least she had the excuse of youthful ignorance. No one else could be trusted.
24 moons
Fireflicker and Barkstripe don’t break up so much as shrug their shoulders and say good game. They’re still good friends, but Barkstripe wants a romantic partner and Fireflicker realizes she doesn’t.
29 moons
Fireflicker finds someone who wants to have kits, but doesn’t care what she does as a mate. She manages to get pregnant, but miscarries shortly after.
32 moons
Fireflicker has a second miscarriage and falls into a spiral of guilt. She couldn’t protect Cherrydawn and she can’t protect her unborn kits… what’s wrong with her? Why isn’t she enough? She stops trying for kits to give her body and mind time to heal.
45 moons
Cherrydawn becomes deputy of TimberClan. Fireflicker’s cheers drown out those of any other cat and, as then they were kits, the only thing that shuts her up is the new deputy sitting on her until she quiets to rumbling purrs.

After the excitement winds down, she approaches the same cat from before. She’s ready to try one last time for motherhood and he supports her.
49 moons
Fireflicker is pregnant and farther along than either time before when she comes across the kits’ father gossiping with another warrior and lightly criticizing Cherrydawn’s patrol assignments. The next time she sees him she warns him if he ever tries to talk to her or her family, including her kits, she’ll add him to the fresh-kill pile.
50 moons
Fireflicker gives birth to a single tom: Shinekit. She swears under the stars that she will never let him come to harm.
56 moons (Present Day)
The last couple of moons have seen Fireflicker desperately asking to mentor her son when he comes of age. Now, with that an unlikely possibility, she has sworn that whoever does mentor her son will be under her watchful eye at all times.

Other Notes
Whatever Jinn would like to do, whether that’s adopt out again, kill her, etc.
Adopted from Jinn. Image Credit to Denitsa Kireva.

Last Edit: Sept 4, 2024 18:05:02 GMT by Cadmium