Harepaw(Harethroat) of Summitclan

Aria Avatar


Post by Aria on Sept 1, 2024 14:00:40 GMT

Summitclan ∙ Apprentice ∙ She/Her ∙ 11 moons

a stocky blue-grey she-cat with green eyes

Harepaw is a notable figure among her peers, characterized by her stocky build and striking blue-grey fur. Her coat is dense and plush, offering a striking contrast against her vibrant green eyes. These eyes are not just striking in color but also carry a depth of intelligence and an ever-watchful gaze, reflecting her keen perception and alertness. Her body is muscular and well-defined, hinting at her strength and agility. Though her form is sturdy, it’s not without grace; she moves with a fluidity that belies her robust frame. Her paws are powerful, capable of swift and decisive movements, and her overall appearance exudes both resilience and elegance. Harepaw's demeanor is one of quiet confidence. She commands respect through her presence and her actions, never needing to assert herself vocally. Her interactions with others are marked by a sense of calm authority, and she carries herself with an air of quiet determination that makes her a natural leader among her peers.

+ Dedicatied | +/- Reserved | - Emotionally Isolated

Harepaw is a dedicated and hardworking apprentice, driven by a deep sense of responsibility that stems from a promise she made long ago—to become the best warrior right behind her sibling. This commitment shapes her disciplined approach to training, where she constantly strives for improvement, tackling each challenge with serious focus and determination. Her calm and contemplative nature allows her to think strategically, making her a reliable and insightful learner.

However, beneath her serious exterior lies a complexity born from emotional challenges in her past. Harepaw has a nurturing side, but it is often overshadowed by the walls she has built around herself. She is patient and supportive when interacting with fellow apprentices and mentors, offering practical advice and guidance, though she tends to keep others at arm’s length. Her ability to encourage others highlights her desire for camaraderie, yet her reluctance to form close bonds can create a sense of isolation.

Harepaw is not one for grand gestures or loud proclamations; instead, she prefers to let her actions speak for themselves. Her dedication is evident in her hard work and perseverance, but her reserved nature can make her seem distant. Those who take the time to earn her trust discover a loyal friend with a deep well of compassion, though they may also sense the quiet strength and unresolved emotions that lie beneath her composed surface.

Title & Abilities
Stocky Apprentice
SP: 4

•  Swimming
•  Battling
•  Intimidating
•  Protecting
•  None Yet

Plotting, History, & Relations

Harepaw is a strict, no-nonsense she-cat with a complex view of Elkstar's kits her younger siblings. She feels it's her duty to look after Asterpaw and Oatpaw. Over time, she will try to form relationships with her other siblings, mainly Cottonpaw. While she keeps him at paw-length for now, only time will tell if she comes to see him differently. Harepaw's journey will be challenging, and things may get worse before they get better. Her goals to become a top stop rank warrior in moons to come and she wouldn't anyone get in her way.

Cougarblossom - Mother, 32 moon old queen
Periwinklesong - Father, 35 moon old warrior

Ryewing - 32 moon old warrior
Valerianshine - 32 moon old warrior
Elkstar, 25 moon old warrior/leader
Siskinfang - 25 moon old warrior
Eveningpool - 25 moon old warrior

Asterpaw - 11 moon old apprentice
Oatpaw - 11 moon old apprentice 

Applepaw - 7 moon old apprentice
Darkpaw - 7 moon old apprentice
Cottonpaw - 7 moon old apprentice

Harekit was born to Cougarblossom alongside her siblings, Asterkit and Oatkit. Their father, Periwinklesong, was never in the picture, as he had no desire to be a father. From an early age, Harekit was the tough one in the family, fiercely protective of her siblings. She especially felt a strong bond with her brother, Asterkit, who she viewed as the weakest or, in her eyes, the runt of the litter. She believed it was her duty to protect him—whether from the world, bullies, or even himself.

When Asterkit showed an interest in becoming a medicine cat, particularly drawn to Mallowfrost, Harekit was fully supportive of his decision. She even made a promise to him that she would become the best warrior right behind him—a promise that may have seemed foolish at the time but is one she still holds onto deep down.

Harekit was only a few moons old when Elkstar had his own kits. At first, she was excited to have other kits to play with besides her siblings. However, that excitement quickly turned to shock when the nursery suddenly became crowded with three more siblings. Everyone else seemed happy with the arrangement, but Harekit struggled to accept the change. She stopped playing with Cottonkit, Applekit, and Darkkit, unable to adjust, and began to withdraw into herself.

By the time she reached six moons and became an apprentice, her relationship with her new siblings was almost nonexistent, a situation she preferred. She threw herself into her apprenticeship, focusing intensely on her duties. However, she noticed that Asterpaw had begun to change as well, growing increasingly bitter. She didn't fully understand why, but it weighed on her as she tried to navigate her own path.

Other Notes
That will be to  what will happen to her.
Adopted from  

Last Edit: Sept 3, 2024 16:14:15 GMT by Aria