
Asteiri Avatar


Post by Asteiri on Aug 23, 2024 1:03:29 GMT

timberclan ∙ warrior ∙ she/her ∙ 35 moons

large, thick furred and fluffy black and white she-cat with green eyes

Oriolebloom is a larger than life, fluffy molly. While she could be considered large, many are unsure if it is simply due to her fur or if she truly is well-built under all that fur (spoilers: she is actually quite stocky and large under that mass of fur). Her fur is always sleek, well maintained and up kept. You can immediately tell when Oriolebloom is feeling a bit under the weather, as her fur is the first to suffer. She is primarily white in colour, with a white mouth, belly, chest, and legs. Her head, ears, back, and tail are a deep black -- making her have quite the striking appearance. Outside of her fur, her tail is probably the first thing much of her clan spots, as it is almost as long as her body and incredibly fluffy. She has a soft pink nose, matching pink paw pads, and striking green eyes.

+ motherly | +/- forgiving | - trusting

Oriolebloom has often been told that she would make a good queen, her patience and fortitude while talking to apprentices and others in her clan is unmatched. She is capable of brilliant advice, but she does have a habit of trusting those that approach her a bit too easily. Many would describe the she-cat as a bit "ditsy" or "absentminded", perhaps even "naive". She seems to be coasting through life, still trying to figure out exactly what she's doing with her title of a warrior. Still though, she is a fantastic ear to bend when you need advice or simply want someone to chat with. Not to mention, she's great to gossip with, as her reactions always seem a bit over the top.

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me." Are often words you'll hear from people in regard to their perspective of trust... Oriolebloom is a bit on the opposite spectrum. Oriolebloom believes everyone has good in their hearts, and she will continue to forgive and forget if she believes the guilty party is showing remorse or regret. This has gotten her into trouble a few times, especially when she was an apprentice, as she seemed fully willing to accept promises from any outsider. This has added a lot to her other clanmates viewing her as naive, as her trust and forgiveness of both new faces and those who have wronged her is outstanding.

Oriolebloom is sweet, sickeningly so. Despite the clan viewing her as naive and absentminded... many of her clanmates are enamoured by her sweet nature and calm personality. She is captivating, and there almost doesn't seem to be an ill willing bone in her body --- leading others to befriend the molly rather easily.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Stocky Warrior
SP: 5

•  Tracking
•  Protecting
•  Patience
•  Teaching
•  Speaking

Plotting, History, & Relations

Naive and sweet, Oriolebloom finds herself at a point in her life where her maternal instincts are calling to her to start a family of her own. Though, the naive and absentminded she-cat is often the brunt of some of the jokes in her clan...
Finchdust - Mother, 62 moon old senior warrior
Unknown Tom - Father

Ospreyswoop - 35 moon old warrior (Tom) [ADOPTABLE]

Oriolekit and Ospreykit were twins, born to their mother, Finchdust. Finchdust was an odd case, the center of much of Timberclan gossip. While Timberclan were a bit more accepting of a lot of things, Finchdust was an oddity, refusing to even discuss the parentage of her kits. While many wondered if it was an outsider, the truth was much more mundane and taboo --- she had simply had kits with a much older tom within the clan who had passed away and did not want her children to go through her grief as she had. Nonetheless, this put a stigma on both her kits from a young age, setting them up for a bit of a rocky start.

As apprentices, Oriolepaw and Ospreypaw were almost polar opposite. Both being stocky, but both being good at different aspects of being an apprentice. Not to mention that while Oriolepaw was a bit "ditsy", Ospreypaw was the opposite --- oozing with intellect and a bit of a hotheaded attitude, though, he always had a soft spot for his sister. Protecting her from the teasing of other apprentices and warriors due to her naive nature. No matter what the circumstances were, he would protect his sister from the scorn of others.

When the pair became full warriors, her absentmindedness shone through further. During her Starwatch, she left the tree entirely, distracted by something and having to redo it. Much of the clan thought she was being disrespectful, but the she-cat meant nothing by it and her brother stuck up for her again, even repeating his own Starwatching to ensure that his sister wouldn't have to face the scorn alone.

Now, at 35 moons, the two have grown a bit less dependent on each other, though Ospreyswoop will be the first to loom over you if he even catches a breath of negativity towards his sister. Oriolebloom is mainly trying to find out what she wants to be, and trying to make friends within her own clan.

Other Notes

Last Edit: Sept 5, 2024 16:18:21 GMT by Asteiri
ᨒ Asterpaw . Ravenwatcher ᨒ
↟ Oriolebloom . Shinepaw ↟
༄ Chicory of Rosebristle . Stag of Irontooth ༄
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