Knight Wolf of Shadowmane (wip)

Perception Avatar


Post by Perception on Sept 18, 2024 3:19:43 GMT

character's name
court of the spires ∙ knight ∙ he/him ∙ 23 moons

A large black smoke tom with soft yellow eyes

A broad-shouldered tom with black woolly like fur. Like his family's namesake, he adorns the 'traditional' mane that protects his neck. The mane is a symbol of their family's heritage, worn with pride, as if it acts like some kind of armour. The mane itself is a lighter grey in colour, almost a stark contrast to the rest of the tom's body.

Wolf stands at 14 inches (35cm) and with his thick pelt, weighs around 15lbs (7kgs). In addition to his broad shoulders and thick fur, Wolf also boasts large paws, a fluffy tail, and a triangular shaped face. Long whiskers protrude from his dark shadowy muzzle, with light yellow eyes standing out from his dark features.

While not seen to most, Wolf has a small, fully healed scar on the inside of his front leg. A small reminder of his first real encounter with an intruder, to which, Wolf and his patrol won.

+ Positive Trait | +/- Neutral Trait | - Negative Trait

Please go into further detail about your character's personality. Please have at least 100 words in this section. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sed neque dolores ut accusamus autem ut nemo omnis et praesentium omnis et enim cupiditate sed sunt ducimus ut alias pariatur. Ut asperiores vitae ut explicabo soluta qui ipsam voluptatibus ut rerum repellendus aut consequatur voluptatem sed voluptatibus porro. Et ducimus inventore non ratione possimus sed sint itaque.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Knight (1 Amateur, 3 Competent,1 Expert)
SP: 5

• Exploring
• Defending
• Ambushing (free rank ability?)
• Disguising
• Dodging
• Attacking

Plotting, History, & Relations

Describe any way your character has been integrated into the plot before it's creation. This should include your character's current world view in comparison to that of their group.
Please list any of your character's relevant family (if you would like).
The Shadowmane
The Shadowmane namesake was bestowed upon the family for their incredible fighting prowess, their ability to ambush, and protect those around them; aided by the typical wreath of fur that lines their necks, and their dark bodies known to blend amongst the shadows. The name was bequeathed onto them near 400 moons ago. The family story, as it seems to be, is that the great ancestor of Wolf, named Panthera; a long haired, black she-cat with eyes as yellow as the sun, saved a small clutch of kittens from a raving, monstrous creature.

The creature supposedly had the body of an American Black Bear, thick woolly fur, muscular and large, with teeth as wide as the leg of a Squire. However, claws the Bear had naught; the Bear supposedly had long, feathery wings and sharp eagle-like talons. The creature was a thing from nightmares. But Panthera seemed far from afraid and without a second thought, threw herself between the creature and the young.

The creature struck her hard and left a gnarly wound across her left eye – blinding her, but despite it, she persevered and managed to successfully drive the creature away – sending it fleeing into the territory. The kits were safe, secure. Panthera was immediately coined a hero. Moons later, rumour had it that Panthera encountered the creature yet again and managed to strike a killing blow.

A Wolf in the Shadows
As for Wolf; he had a typically normal upbringing. His title however, had been known since his birth. His large, broad shoulders, and thick mane, immediately made him – in the families’ eyes, a natural Knight. Wolf had no objections to this and proceeded down the path. It seemed, as per his families’ hopes, he was in fact a natural.

Like a true canine on the battlefield, Wolf demonstrated a natural affinity when it came to fighting and using his strength to out maneuverer his opponents. He was a quick learner but had some weaknesses. Ambushing and stealth were trickier skills to grasp; his big, bulky frame felt awkward, but with further practice, those too became skills. Hunting: and in particular tracking, were skills, however, that Wolf for sure struggled to hone.

Towards the end of his learning, the illness came and swept through the Realm. The Shadowmane family numbers dwindled, with death after death plaguing the family. The deaths were hard to stomach; like a thousand claws were being jabbed right through the young tom’s chest. He thrust himself into his training, and with his approaching assessment and trials, he couldn’t afford to let down the very kin that had recently passed.

Fortunately, the tom’s hard work paid off, and he was rewarded with being named a Knight. His family would have been proud.

The moons passed at a steady rate, with the tom continuously dedicating his life to the Court. He focused on the drills and guarding the land from whatever seemed to pose a threat.

Other Notes
Feel free to kill off, or control for plot purposes <3

Last Edit: Sept 18, 2024 22:43:08 GMT by Perception