Lupinecloud of SummitClan

Perception Avatar


Post by Perception on Sept 8, 2024 8:31:03 GMT

summitclan∙ warrior ∙ she/her ∙ 30 moons

A long-haired tortoiseshell molly with green eyes

Standing at roughly 12 inches from the shoulder, and weighing around 4.7kgs (10lbs), Lupinecloud is on the heavier and larger side of your average sized cat. Despite her size, she has a lithe, slender frame, enabling her to be quick and agile on her paws.

Lupinecloud has a thick, well-kept fur that's a a mixture of butterscotch, coffee and white hues. She presents as a dilute tortoiseshell with a white underbelly, chest and muzzle. Additionally, she has mackerel tabby striping on her forehead and legs.

A remarkable trait about Lupinecloud, aside from her easy-on-the-eye face, is her long, thick, feather like tail; patterned with the same hues as her body, it stands tall as she carries it up. Standing out from her tri-coloured fur is a pair of grass coloured eyes and long, white whiskers.

+ Reliable | +/- Serious | - Fiery tempered

Often one will find Lupinecloud with a rather serious expression on her face, as though in deep thought about something complex or troubling. However, more often than not, that expression just is. Lupinecloud is a fairly serious type of character. She'd rather be doing her duties, or overtime, than bounding around and playing. Despite that, smiles are not entirely unheard of and she is still a very approachable individual.

While always respectful, Lupinecloud is not one to hold her tongue. She will not hesitate to speak her mind about things, even if it can occasionally come across as blunt. It is not difficult to annoy or frustrate Lupinecloud, so while she will always try to maintain a calm demeanor, if you manage to irritate her; there will be no quarrels with telling you to shove off.

Respect and forgiveness can be difficult to earn. Lupinecloud does not impress easily. She has a realistic perception on the world, and is very much a no-nonsense type of gal. It is for this reason; in order to be shown respect, you must earn it in turn. And once you wrong her, that trust will never fully return.

Lupinecloud struggles with relying on others or opening up about things she may need help with. She becomes paranoid, worried that reaching out for help somehow makes herself look weak and this often causes her to stress out. As a result, she tends to suffer silently, rather than branch out for aid. This old habit is steadily improving with age, but old habits die hard.

Lupinecloud is a true warrior, through and through. Despite her many flaws, no one can deny that Lupinecloud isn’t a reliable, hard-working warrior. She is extremely loyal to her clan and clan-mates, and would willingly give her life for each and every one of them. She trusts entirely and considers all who break through to her, to be family.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Lean warrior (1 Amateur, 3 Competent, 1 Expert)
SP: 4

• Strategizing
• Tracking
• Running
• Protecting
• Hunting

Plotting, History, & Relations

Lupinecloud shares some of the same beliefs as Elkstar and Copperclaw. She doesn't hold a lot of trust or faith in outsiders, unless they can provide some value to the clan in some way, shape or form. While not entirely religious, Lupinecloud does have faith in the warrior code and StarClan to a point. For all intents and purposes, she will for sure follow the code as it is the law of the clans; she wouldn't be opposed to bending one or two however as some of their rules, are perhaps a little outdated and after encountering real loss - Lupinecloud wonders whether StarClan really does have control over who dies, and who seems to stay behind. Respect with Lupinecloud must be earned, and still; Copperclaw and Elkstar, are being measured in her eyes. She is curious to see how well the pair fare, and is rather looking forward to the direction SummitClan appears to be heading in.
Mother: Swallowcry, deceased/NPC
Known siblings/additional kin: None

Former lover: Tundrabelly, deceased/NPC
Former apprentice: Fallowwind, NPC.
The story of Lupinecloud begins with the story of her mother, Swallowcry. A small, light-weight molly with mottled, tortoiseshell fur. She never intended to become pregnant, but alas, she did. Swallowcry did not admit who would father the single kit that would be Lupinecloud, but there were many speculations. As a young warrior, she had developed a rather passionate crush on an older, senior warrior in the clan. He, however, did not seem to feel the same, and already had a mate, and a litter of kittens on the way. It is not known whether Jackdawfall truly did not feel the same, or whether it was a mere act. But, once the news broke out of Swallowcry’s circumstance, her crush on Jackdawfall seemed to fall to the wayside.

Lupinecloud’s birth was one for the memory books. Swallowcry began to deliver early, earlier than she was expected to, and there was so much blood. The scene looked horrific, and Swallowcry was left very weak and sickly after the ordeal. Only one kit out of three managed to come into this world crying and breathing. One female, one mirrored just like Swallowcry. The other two were toms; black and white, oddly similar to… No, Swallowcry would protest – these kits were supposedly not Jackdawfall’s kittens.

Moons would come to pass and Lupinekit would become Lupinepaw, and then finally, Lupinecloud, after her long, flowing cloud-like pelt. As a warrior, Lupinecloud showed a serious attitude to her duties; she was seemingly a natural when it came to hunting. She demonstrated prowess and grace when it came to capturing prey. Tracking and strategizing both becoming honed skills to accompany her stealth upon the hunting ground.

At 24 moons old, Lupinecloud was granted an apprentice. Despite being quite young, Lupinecloud’s reliable attitude shone through, making her an ideal candidate for a unruly apprentice. Fallowpaw was hot-headed, rebellious and quite honestly, a thorn in Lupinecloud’s side. The apprentice was a contradiction to her namesake, being nothing but the opposite of graceful and shy like a fallow. The moons to come were indeed a challenge; on countless occasions Lupinecloud was tested to try and control her temper, and admittedly – it did not always stay in check. Fallowpaw and Lupinecloud began to see eye-to-eye eventually. Fallowpaw was determined to become a warrior, and Lupinecloud insistent that Fallowpaw would learn some respect and some patience.

When Lupinecloud was around 26 moons old, a beautiful molly seemed to enter the she-cat’s life. Tundrabelly. She had glossy, short-brown fur, and grass-green eyes. A real stunner. The feelings between the two bloomed a little, but both seeming hesitant to admit feelings to either one. For moons, the two danced around the topics like childish kittens. Until, one day – when Lupinecloud was around 29 moons old; a predator seemed to traverse across the border, and kill Tundrabelly. The news hit Lupinecloud hard, pushing her harder into her duties.

Fallowpaw was trained hard; all of Lupinecloud’s time and energy went into that apprentice. Fallowpaw felt almost worried for her mentor – had their relationship developed beyond more than simple tolerance of one another? However, the warrior’s diligence paid off and a moon later Lupinecloud was satisfied. Fallowpaw became a warrior, hailing by the name Fallowwind.

In game playing starts.

Other Notes
Death! Send her out in a blaze of glory if possible!
Not applicable.
Not applicable.

Last Edit: Sept 16, 2024 1:54:11 GMT by Perception