Senior Knight Dace of Sturgeonback

dadrock Avatar


Post by dadrock on Sept 15, 2024 18:11:10 GMT

sr. knight dace of sturgeonback
court of the spires ∙ senior knight ∙ he/him ∙ 75 moons

A longhaired seal tortoiseshell point cat with blue eyes.

You can call him beautiful… if you want to draw back with a ripped-out tongue. But, in an essence, he truly is (is your tongue ripped out yet?). A regally short snout, eyes of sapphire, fur that grows lusciously long and soft, coloring that mimics smoke licking at the clouds, Dace inherits the less known reputation of Sturgeonback beauty, but he won’t admit it himself. Because on the off chance that he looks upon a still pool of water to see himself, he will only find that he is scowling (it ages you, he hears a familiar voice say), appearing to carry a severe look that suggests that he is always assessing those around him. The strength of his accomplishments leers there in the faint impression that he is terribly over it and everything that decides to bother him. A faint growl accompanies his voice, unfurling like the crooked spine of a badger, and he speaks very little. His gait is unhurried, he stands taller than many, large and bulky—but nevertheless, he is handsome (To see him smile is to see the revival of sovereign knowledge, he hears the voice say again, to hear him laugh is to hear the gates open to the Court of Grace.

Of course, only outsiders can say such blasphemous things).

+ Dauntless | +/- Taciturn | - Willful

deadloverpilled rizz

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Senior Knight
SP: 6

• Building
•  Tracking
•  Disguising
•  Memorizing
•  Teaching
•  Strategizing
•  Ambushing

Plotting, History, & Relations

Dace's family, Sturgeonback, are well-known for their adherence to knighthood, a tradition dating back many generations though suspected that originally, the first Sturgeonback was a ranger—having supposedly mastered the art of scaling the spiny dorsal fins of fearsome sturgeons in one fell swoop, thus earning the name. It is long-standing family as they take great care in choosing mates that cannot threaten the continuation of the Sturgeonback line. They also seek to be considered historic, given their enduring history, and forever challenge the legitimacy of other historic families. As for Dace, he is atypical to the Sturgeonback reputation in that he prioritizes calculated combat over brute strength that many of his family employs. He does not care much about clan politics as long as he can get his paws dirty with a well-earned brawl.

✝ Grandfather, Sage Osprey of Sturgeonback (nee Oysterrend)
Grandmother, Sage Grayling of Sturgeonback

Father, Sage Cinder of Sturgeonback (nee Stormprowl)
(UFA) Father, Sr. Knight Hake of Sturgeonback

(UFA) Brother, Sr. Knight Lance of Sturgeonback
(UFA) Sister, Sr. Knight Trout of Sturgeonback

✝ Partner, Knight Smoke of the Spires

Many uncles, aunts, and cousins...

Sister-in-law (Lance's mate), Ranger Corydalis of Sturgeonback (nee Mapleblood)
Sister-in-law (Trout's mate), Knight Salal of Sturgeonback (nee Meadowfleet)
Many nieces and nephews...

Sturgeonback-born with Oysterrend and Stormprowl ancestry, Dace qualified as next of kin to many great and admirable knights and rangers of the Spires. But truly, as a Sturgeonback, Dace's one real choice was knighthood. So, during his time as a squire, he embraced the decision with full heartedness, promptly acing his trials and receiving the rank of knight with his siblings. From then on, Dace accepted the fusillade of experiences as a court knight, preoccupied solely with the present that much of his young-adult life had become a blur. What he did know was that he succeeded at his duties, regardless of his superiors' inputs, and importantly, he had fun doing it. Perhaps that wasn't the purpose of knighthood, but danger, death, destruction excited him like nothing else, and it was often that he incited conflict for the thrill of it.

However, nothing stood out in the teeming ether of his consciousness than the one outsider who had proved himself worthy. An outsider now knight, of smoke black fur and fealty to the Court that rivaled even the staunchest of supporters. Like a flood, Smoke had swept Dace into a dance to which the latter never previously knew the steps. And the two had been so incorrigible—or rather, Dace had been incorrigible, and Smoke humored him—but nevertheless productive, that their partnership was often preferred and routinely orchestrated.

For many moons, the two never put a name to what they had. Thereafter, in the incipient thirty-fifth moon of their acquaintance and subsequent friendship, they had reached an understanding, one which warmed Dace to the core and brought him the same heart fluttering joy he'd experienced when his life was in danger. But Smoke fell ill to greencough in the winter and suddenly passed away.

After, it seemed like the black hole that had claimed much of Dace's life grew to engulf Smoke into it, one with the blur and indifference. In its place was a pain spot not easily forgotten or erased. Left to be buried and buried until it ached just faintly.

Beyond this sordid affair (that is what his father called it and anything that involved a nameless outsider), Dace sees the proliferation of his family into his many nephews, nieces, and plethora of cousins. Trout, his sister, works hard to involve the Sturgeonback name into the Court's everlasting mythos, and his brother, Lance, is content occupying the role of the only well-adjusted sibling (sorry Trout, you are just about as intense as lightning during a snowstorm). For Dace, his technique has become sloppy, he has become increasingly unsociable, and they (everyone) want him to start mentoring squires. Mulish is he, at least his dignity remains intact because when one looks at him, they know there will be exactly zero continuation of bloodlines in his name. He prefers to keep it this way like he prefers to keep everything in one way, unbothered and bored and left alone.

Other Notes
Roll a dice and find out!!
Dace is AMAB and thus infertile.
Last Edit: Sept 16, 2024 7:49:17 GMT by dadrock