🦈| Senior Knight Thresher of Shadesalt

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Post by dog on Sept 14, 2024 20:55:09 GMT

court of spires ∙ senior knight ∙ he/him ∙ 96 moons
click here for full reference. art by torajira


Thresher is a tall, average-built dark gray tabby with piercing, deep blue eyes. He is lean with well-kept short fur and a long tail. His head is wide and his ears are slightly larger than his head. Many scars litter his body from various causes, though a deep gash across his nose is the most prevalent; his left ear is torn in the center. Despite not being inherently bulky, Thresher's imposing form is enough to make most cats hesitate in his presence. He doesn't seem to mind being somewhat unnerving... he's got the charm to make up for it.



Senior Knight Thresher of Shadesalt is hard to get a read on— he appears and presents himself as a respectable, friendly cat with much knowledge and gossip to share... but it's all an act. He cares little for what goes on within the Court's territory, left in the wake of a lost family and burdened by the expectations forced upon him from his youth. Once a promising, prime example of a Knight, Thresher is little more than a shell of the brilliant cat he once was after the loss of his brother & mother. At his heart, Thresher is a selfish tom with an eye on his surroundings, fueled by ire and his own motives as opposed to the Court's.
What his true goals are remains unknown.

Title & Abilities
current SP: 6/6

•  Hunting
•  Teaching
•  Intimidating
•  Attacking
•  Strategizing
•  Deceiving
•  Bargaining

Plotting, History, & Relations

Senior Knight Thresher stands before the Court as a once-promising former-exiled cat who makes do with what he's given. He seems to have something hidden underneath his exterior, but opts to appear reasonable and kind to those around him. He is close with Sovereign Kestrel, though not particularly in a positive or negative sense, and serves to help guide her pawsteps in whatever way he can.
Sage Dahlia of Shadesalt — 💀, mother
  • Died due to illness. She was everything. Inconsolable after her death; tries not to think about her.
Royal Knight Cloud of Redspire — 💀, younger brother
  • Killed by rogues. Cherished, misses deeply. Holds a grudge against Sovereign Kestrel for his death.
Kit Reef of Shadesalt — 💀, sister
  • Died due to illness during kithood. Never knew.

Kit Thresher of Shadesalt was born alongside a sister, Reef, who would not live to take her Plunge. Thresher was too young to know Reef properly before she fell sick and passed. He was deemed as a "high-potential" kit from a young age, showing promise in his activities and eagerness to learn... Thresher was a quick learner at that, much to his mother's delight. His father, Senior Ranger Strike of Shadesalt, was dead before he was born. The Shadesalt name was a newer one, Senior Ranger Dahlia having earned it herself for her efforts to bring home a large meal from the sea during a time of need— she said that the night air carried the smell of the salty piece of prey to her, leading her to the large tidepool octopus that had come ashore. After a bit of effort, Strike & Dahlia took down the piece of prey together and brought it home for the Court to share.
 The name was passed on with pride.

When Thresher reached 6 moons and took the Plunge, he was given two mentors— Ranger Dawn of Sealight & Knight Eel of Sealight, a sibling pair who both seemed eager to impart their knowledge onto the promising Squire. Though a bit overwhelmed initially, Thresher quickly took to training.
Throughout his entire apprenticeship, Thresher was alarmingly promising. He rarely found failure, and when he did it was quickly corrected and not often repeated. Thresher eventually chose the path of a Knight, having bonded closer to Eel than Dawn & being far more invested in combat than hunting. He knew well the eyes of the Court were fixated upon him, and with pride in his chest he'd make them see they were not wrong about his potential.
Knight Squire Thresher was named a full Knight several moons after future Royal Knight Cloud's birth. Senior Ranger Dahlia would retire to the title of Sage soon after her second son's Trial of Waves.

Moons passed and Thresher grew into a slightly more experienced Knight, even taking on his own Squire. He had tried to warn Sovereign Kestrel that peace with the rogues was futile and idiotic when they came, going as far as to launch his own attack on the group without her or his brother's knowledge and coming back wounded. His act was met with scorn and disapproval, for all that they gained was a waste of herbs.
When he was healed enough to fend for himself, Knight Thresher was exiled for contempt.

Is this what being "promising" and "gifted" got him?

Alone in the world with a sinking agony, Thresher spent the two moons before his brother died visiting him and their mother at the border lines of the Court. He begged and pleaded his case, desperate to return to them, but there was nothing anyone could do... not even with his brother being the Sovereign's mate.
Thresher returned to the border as he normally would one day, only to be met with the sight of the rogues running away bloodied and battered. With no regard to his exiled title, he ran to the Court to find his home changed... and his brother dead.

Royal Knight Cloud of Redspire died in the attack launched upon the court.
How could Kestrel have been so stupid?

Though the Sovereign invited him to return to the Court, Thresher only accepted once his mother begged him to stay with her. He couldn't leave her alone, she was... everything. Those around him who'd watched him grow began to stare at him with an expectation he was once so used to... but now it felt burdened.
Like he had something to make up for.
All while the Court stared at him with judgement for his crime and how he'd changed; any piece of that bright Squire with such a promising future seemed to be gone now.

Knight Thresher of Shadesalt kept the outward appearances each cat knew him for— friendly, ridiculously smart, calculated... but he now had an edge not present before his exile. Far snappier, far more cruel if the wrong buttons were pressed.
He found that he wasn't the only one changed, in the moons spent apart he found Kestrel to have smartened up. All it took was the death of his brother, right? He couldn't help but hold it against her, even despite how burdened her words were... and how much he understood the grief she carried.

Sage Dahlia grew ill with the sickness that swept through the realm several moons later. With her old age and fragility, nobody was surprised she passed away. Yet, Senior Knight Thresher was devastated— though not an outwardly emotional cat, the loss of his mother seemed to break him. He spent days cooped up in his nest without work, only coming out to eat. Any cat who attempted to speak to him was met with harsh words and a sharp glare.

He at least leaves his den nowadays.

Other Notes
Death, preferably killed by another character.

Last Edit: Sept 15, 2024 3:10:03 GMT by dog