Ranger Thunder of Skyborn

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Post by blue on Sept 14, 2024 18:21:28 GMT

Court ∙ Ranger ∙ he/him ∙ 36 moons

A brown bengal tom with black spots, dark stripes, and green eyes.

Thunder is a certified hunky hottie but too dumb to care. He has trouble distinguishing pretty privilege from cats actually liking him. Thunder struts with a dark copper brown pelt of spots. His spots aren’t as prominent as the rest of his family. There are stripes on his face and legs which sometimes blur the lines between tabby and bengal.

For facial features, Thunder has a squarish face. He has green eyes, round and wide, that might be one of his most impressive features if his muscles didn’t take center stage.

His size is still on the average side although the larger of his family. Unfortunately no cat can override genetics no matter how much they work out. His family tends to be leaner and so does he. He has a slight limp in his right leg from a previous injury. If asked about it, he will tell twenty tall tales about how he proudly earned that injury instead of his own stupidity jumping off a cliff.

+ Carefree | +/- Mischievous | - Dumb

“hear the thunder!”
A chill muscle chad who obviously has a case of muscles over brains. Loud, confident, and opinionated with very little evidence to back up his claims. Thunder’s personality is straightforward - to be taken at face value. He rarely says something he does not mean and can even be a little rude. Work hard and play harder is Thunder’s motto. If it were up to Thunder, his entire life would be having fun, but his family would never leave him alone then. For his whole life, his parents have pushed him very hard. Thunder personally finds the constant grind repetitive. He only works on his career just enough to keep his family impressed and the family namesake worthwhile. Even Thunder admits it is kind of a nice luxury to be admired and fawned over.

“mischief and madness~"
Thunder is an absolute clown - the dumb popular jock who sits in the back of the room but still has the confidence to answer all of the teacher’s questions incorrectly. Some might even call him brave since nothing seems to scare the grin off of Thunder’s face. Thunder loves having fun and convinces himself he is invincible. None of his previous injuries or accidents can prevent him from rough-housing around the forest. He and his brother both are enablers, encouraging cats to have fun and games no matter the conditions. He would be the type to put flowers in a married girl’s nest - stir up a little drama - just for the fun of it.

“it was just a joke..."
A goofier attitude does not make Thunder immune to Skyborn’s natural vices. Once an impressionable young tom, Thunder has adopted his family’s utterly pretentious opinions as his own without any further questioning. Thunder believes himself better than others. He believes in his natural abilities with a confidence bordering on arrogance. Coupled with his athleticism this gives him the stereotypical attitude of an arrogant jock that bullies the shyer nerds. Toward cats he dislikes, Thunder crosses the line into a ruthless bully. He has been known to take things too far - far too many times. He is more than capable of brushing off other cat's feelings - “it was just a joke” - and not even feeling bad about it!

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Ranger
SP: 4

• Swimming
• Disguising
• Defending
• Hunting
• Climbing

Plotting, History, & Relations

Thunder is a part of the historic Skyborn family! He will go along with whatever majority opinion his family says - though this could get more complicated as the younger siblings seem fragmented now. Although he is overall light hearted he will still stubbornly (and stupidly) extrude pretentious attitudes. Simple gym bro is a little less elegant than the rest of Skyborn - will be rude to cats he thinks are lower than him and fawn in admiration over cats he thinks are better than him. He has an ego and will certainly suffer from it.

  • Dawn - mother (npc)
  • Goose - father (dead)
  • Tempest - brother (adopt!)
  • Lighting - older sister
  • Blizzard - older sister (dead)
  • Hurricane - older brother (dead)
  • Hemlock - brother-in-law (npc)
  • Aurora - niece (in play, )
  • Rain - nephew (in play, )
  • Storm - nephew (in play, )
  • Puddle - nephew (dead)

It was a dark and stormy night. The roar of the seasons announced the coming of leaf-fall so loudly that their mother took the sounds as inspiration to name her newborns. Two kittens were born: one large and healthy, and one slim and sickly. It was here that began the story of strong Thunder and fiery Tempest.

In early childhood, frail Tempest struggled to cling to life while Thunder coddled his brother with all his might - hoping for the day that his brother could play with him like the rest.

And finally, play they did. They grew up as most rowdy boys did - running the border between fun and mischief. Their mother Dawn was a fierce senior Ranger of the proud Skyborn lineage but not even her strict parenting could stop the mischievous duo. Every day there were thorns in someone’s nest or ladybugs in someone’s moss. Tempest, in spite of his weak start to life, quickly became the brains, coming up with new creative ways to get into trouble. And Thunder? He was more than willing to throw his brawny body at the flames to have some fun.


The two became Squires. A sigh of relief went around the camp. The two playful kits would - just maybe - finally stop terrorizing the camp. The first half of Thunder’s training went super well - or some say - finally gave Thunder a place to burn all that energy.

It was the fourth moon of their training when their mischief went too far. Tempest dared Thunder to reenact the Skyborn legend: jump off a cliff to catch an eagle. It was a completely unrealistic notion, but between kidding and not kidding, they egged each other on.

Upon spotting an eagle in a suitable location, dumb Thunder cracked a huge smile and declared he was going to prove the Skyborn name. Thunder completely believed he could do it... until the moment the wind gushed through his fur and he landed with a loud, painful crack.

The Cleric said he got lucky that it was just a broken leg. Still, Thunder was confined to the Apothecary for moons. It would be several days before Tempest worked up the courage to visit - the guilt of egging his dumb brother on weighed on his shoulders. But Thunder would greet him with a big, goofy smile. There was nothing to forgive. Well, maybe besides the fact that the eagle got away.


A full six moons passed before Thunder could walk again - even still he walked with a limp in the right front. Thunder never complained once though - just a proud boy wearing his scars like they were won from battle instead of his own stupidity. At twenty moons old, Thunder finally became a Ranger.

Why did he become a Ranger, many asked? He had formidable strength, size, and energy for combat. But the unfortunate truth was, Thunder's leg never fully healed. Hunting was far more forgivable for such a condition than combat. Besides, Tempest waited all those moons to graduate alongside his brother - teasing that they would be the oldest Squires to ever train. Tempest was to be a Ranger, and so was the rest of his family. So Thunder, without hesitation or doubt, became a Ranger.

He even joked that after his ludicrous demonstration, it seemed only fitting that he was confined to perfecting his eagle-chasing for the rest of his days.


That was Thunder’s blissful life before things began to turn dark. In the present days, Thunder looks back at his childhood with nostalgia and appreciation. For as long as the boy could remember, he had a large prosperous family. He had always listened to stories from his parents, looked up to his older siblings, and enjoyed being a part of something greater than himself. It gave him room to grow and explore before the harsh reality of wilderness life began.


Thunder had always looked up to older sisters Blizzard and Lightning. When Blizzard passed from illness not long after giving birth, Thunder could hardly process the news. To make matters worse, the wallowing excuse of a mate Hemlock turned his back on the kittens. Thunder had never felt rage the way he did when he looked at Hemlock (and he would never look at cats of such a lowly namesake the same ever again). If the rest of the family hadn't stopped him, Thunder would have beat Hemlock into a pulp long ago.

Funny uncle Thunder would raise the kittens alongside his more responsible sister Lightning. He discovered that he absolutely loved them. He could be as goofy and as silly as he wanted, and the kittens loved it! He knew his nephews and nieces as if they were his own children: Storm was a proud one. Rain was a quiet one. Aurora was bold and adventurous. Puddle was his favorite - a funny and warm-hearted boy just like himself - kept everyone together.

Not long after the litter became Squires, news reached the camp that Puddle had an accident. Thunder didn’t take it seriously at first - "He will be fine. C’mon. I fell from a cliff and was fine! He just fell from a tree."

These were words spoken far too soon as Puddle’s lifeless body was brought back to camp.


The sibling relationships between Rain, Storm, and Aurora would shatter after this accident. Grief and guilt were pains that Thunder had been unfamiliar with - having had a relatively peaceful life. He found himself squashing his emotions and trying to find new cats to connect with. He felt pressure to be better - to build a life for himself.

At the annual Blooming festivities, he presented himself for the first time as an eligible bachelor only to be way too emotionally immature for dating. No lady was good enough for him - not for Thunder. Burdened by the fragmentation of his family and his own tumultuous attitude, Thunder became obsessed with keeping his namesake - his pride and reputation - alive.

It was no wonder the she-cats ran from this big red flag. He was demanding, arrogant, and impatient - showing his bully side at first impression. He became wrapped up with finding the perfect mate… having the perfect career… making some perfect kits… maybe even training some Squires to perfection…

Until Tempest threw a big clump of moss at him. It hit him in the head and Thunder looked back at his silly brother with a smile. Well - some things never have to change.

Other Notes
Return to who I adopted from.
Faceclaim is Nero from cat_meets_leopard !
Adopted from !
Last Edit: Sept 16, 2024 2:20:56 GMT by blue