Asterpaw (Asterpool)

Asteiri Avatar


Post by Asteiri on Aug 11, 2024 18:32:53 GMT

summitclan ∙ medicine cat apprentice ∙ he/him ∙ 11 moons


Asterpaw's most noticeable feature is his long body. While the tom is thin and lithe, he is rather long, which is apparent when he stretches to his full length. His legs are also noticeably long, making him a bit taller than some of his kin and clanmates. His pelt is a deep blueish-grey, quite dark, with a few darker grey stripes on his head and back. His face, neck, chest, and stomach are a light cream colour --- contrasting the rest of his pelt greatly. His tail is long, with matching stripes like those on his head. His fur is thick, coarse, and keeps him warm during the cool moons in Summitclan. He has sharp amber eyes, long white whiskers, and a very expressive face that never properly hides his emotions towards events or his clanmates.


Asterpaw feels like the ideal fit for a medicine cat apprentice in terms of skill. He's talented, well-versed, and intelligent in the field. He holds respect for the position and feels the fear and wrath of Starclan in his bones --- being extremely devoted to them and his position. Being a heavy believer in Starclan, he upholds ALL their teachings and holds the code very close to his heart. He's a very traditional medicine cat in this regard, believing he should be celibate and that cross-clan relations should be frowned upon. He believes Elkstar's word is absolute, trusting him as both his leader and as his uncle.

However... Asterpaw's bedside manner is certainly lacking. He's angry, short-tempered, and a bit of a prick --- for lack of a better word. He is disillusioned by his mentor, holding an air of apathy towards certain aspects of the position and towards her. He believes healing his clan should come with no cost, but as his mentor is a bit stingier, he has grown to resent some of her thoughts and opinions on the practice of being a medicine cat and allowing cats the herbs they need. He respects his mentor to the degree the code dictates, but overall, he does not like Mallowfrost as a cat, and he seems to take his distaste towards her out on the cats he treats.

Asterpaw has a lot of problems being told he's wrong, he is assertive and aggressive in his opinions, and he trusts his judgment above all else --- especially if he feels like Starclan gave him a sign that lead him towards this opinion. If he thinks he knows something, even if he is wrong... no one is going to tell him that. He will die on his own hill. He is far too proud of a tom to admit his own faults.

Title & Abilities
SP: 3

•  Battle Skills
•  Foraging
•  Kit Delivery
•  Healing

Plotting, History, & Relations

Asterpaw is a devout Starclan follower and is fairly typical for the more conservative views of his clan. He has dreamed of being a medicine cat apprentice since he was a kit after Mallowfrost healed an eye infection he suffered. However, he's become disillusioned with his mentor and has soured a bit on the position due to her attitudes and practices.
Cougarblossom - Mother, 32 moon old queen
Periwinklesong - Father, 35 moon old warrior

Ryewing -  32 moon old warrior
Valerianshine - 32 moon old warrior
Elkstar, 25 moon old warrior/leader
Siskinfang - 25 moon old warrior
Eveningpool - 25 moon old warrior

Harepaw - 11 moon old apprentice [ADOPTABLE]
Oatpaw - 11 moon old apprentice [ADOPTABLE]

Applepaw - 7 moon old apprentice
Darkpaw - 7 moon old apprentice
Cottonpaw - 7 moon old apprentice

Cougarblossom had always wanted to have lots of kits, she adored the idea of being a permanent queen and gravitated from one mate to another. Her first successful litter was with Periwinklesong --- a handsome Russian Blue who simply wanted to mate and avoid fatherly responsibilities. Cougarblossom was all for this, and bore her first litter of kits. Asterkit, Harekit, and Oatkit. 

Asterkit, a sickly kit, was prone to infections and illness. As such, he was prone to visits by Mallowfrost, the medicine cat. He was enamoured by her prowess as a healer, especially after his first severe eye infection. At the tender age of 4 moons, he was already set on his path remarking to his uncle, Elktalon about how he wanted to become a medicine cat. Shortly after this meeting, Elktalon also bore a litter of kits but he was set in his warrior ways. Cougarblossom gladly took them in, and Asterkit had three more siblings to play with.

At six moons, Asterkit was granted his apprenticeship, and he was given his wish. The young tom was given Mallowfrost as a mentor, and while at first he was proud to be a medicine cat apprentice and proud to be working with the she-cat that healed him... he slowly became apathetic towards it. As he grew and watched his mentor's manipulative tactics, he felt a stain of remorse and anger towards her, growing bitter with her and debating what it truly meant to be a medicine cat. He began to look to Starclan for guidance, growing more and more devoted to them as he grew more comfortable and talented in his position.

Asterpaw is now considered competent in most aspects of his position, looking forward to the day that he makes the trek to the holy lands with his mentor to be given his fully fledged medicine cat name. Although, in a spiteful way, he also cannot wait for the day that Mallowfrost croaks --- granting him full reign over the Medicine Cat position.

Other Notes
Kill him.
Elkstar is 's character

Last Edit: Sept 1, 2024 12:28:08 GMT by Asteiri
ᨒ Asterpaw . Ravenwatcher ᨒ
↟ Oriolebloom . Shinepaw ↟
༄ Chicory of Rosebristle . Stag of Irontooth ༄
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