Knight Lavender of Windguard

Roxanne 🍂 Avatar

Roxanne 🍂

Post by Roxanne 🍂 on Sept 8, 2024 15:31:57 GMT

clan ∙ rank ∙ pronouns ∙ age in moons

a stocky longhair chocolate point, blue eyes

This is where you can describe your character's appearance in more detail. Please have at least 100 words in this section. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sed neque dolores ut accusamus autem ut nemo omnis et praesentium omnis et enim cupiditate sed sunt ducimus ut alias pariatur. Ut asperiores vitae ut explicabo soluta qui ipsam voluptatibus ut rerum repellendus aut consequatur voluptatem sed voluptatibus porro. Et ducimus inventore non ratione possimus sed sint itaque.

+ Positive Trait | +/- Neutral Trait | - Negative Trait

Please go into further detail about your character's personality. Please have at least 100 words in this section. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. Sed neque dolores ut accusamus autem ut nemo omnis et praesentium omnis et enim cupiditate sed sunt ducimus ut alias pariatur. Ut asperiores vitae ut explicabo soluta qui ipsam voluptatibus ut rerum repellendus aut consequatur voluptatem sed voluptatibus porro. Et ducimus inventore non ratione possimus sed sint itaque.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: SENIOR knight
SP: 6

•  Hunting
•  Negotiating
•  Teaching*
•  Defensive Attacks
• Climbing
•  Strategizing 
•  Offensive Attacks

Plotting, History, & Relations

Describe any way your character has been integrated into the plot before it's creation. This should include your character's current world view in comparison to that of their group.
Lavender's Family Tree

THE NAMESAKE • Windguard; established 350 moons before role-play.
• It begins with the tale of two orphaned siblings, Ferret and Weasel. Sister and Brother had been abandoned on the border at only a few days old, and had been taken into the Court out of pity. Hailed, 'of the Spire', they watched as other namesakes held importance. They wanted to be important. They trained hard, focused on their training, and yet nothing out of the ordinary stuck out, expect for their odd obsession with the beauty of the fogs that would roll in. Moons passed, they aged, they trained others and then the time came. A dense fog rolled into the territory for nearly a moon - and while many learned to travel the dense fog, many found it masked the smell of things not wanted.

A mated pair of foxes would move into the territory, and it took their foster brother dying, for the siblings to vow revenge. Ferret, a Ranger, used her nose to track through the dense fog - while her brother Weasel, a Knight, brought up the rear with a patrol of Knights. The siblings would successfully bring down the female fox, and when the patrol would move to leave - Ferret would yowl that there was another with them. The male fox lunged, taking a younger Knight by the scruff. Ferret would launch herself into the air, alongside her brother and attack the fox together. The patrol tried to land blows between the screeching and howls of Ferret, Weasel, and the male fox, but the fog grew denser. 

A final cry could be heard before the silence fell. As if the ancestors realized it was time, the fog began to subside, and standing with a paw each on the fox, stood Ferret and Weasel, their pelts more red then white. When they returned to camp, they hailed them Fogchaser - not only for the fight with the fox, and the driving out of the fog - but for their love to chase the fog. When the siblings became Sages, they would tell the story of how a good Fogchaser would find comfort in the dense Fog - and use it to conceal their true intentions. 

-10 Moons . Briar of Fogchaser and Weasel of Windguard meet in the clearing, however, instead of fighting for their namesake, Briar bows to her mate - claiming that while she may lose her namesake, their children will be named in her family's styling, cementing the union. Weasel agrees and the two cats touch noses. 

-02 Moons . Briar approaches Weasel, her news is joyful, as she purrs - she tells him that he will be a father. The tom, now nearing 40, yelps and leaps into the air - much like a kitten. Those around murmur with laughter at the excitement the father displays, and how embarrassed Briar seems to be. But the mother grins to herself, and calms her mate - gushing over names. 

00 Moons . After hours of laboring, three kittens lay nestled into the mother's belly. She names her eldest, and only son after her father - Lavender. Her two twin daughters are named Hyacinth and Iris respectfully. The mother and father spend much of their time whispering tales of each of their lines respectfully, but Weasel explains it is their duty to perform and live up to the Windguard namesake.

03 Moons . Lavender and Hyacinth begin to sneak around the Spire, finding all odds of fun things to bring back to their nest. Their mother lectures them for sneaking out - reminding them of the Virtues of Grace and pointing out they are misbehaving and need to be more like Iris. Their little sister's smirk from behind their mother's leg tells them all they need to know, she's a tattletale. 

06 Moons . Days before their ceremony, their father approaches them - explaining how it has been tradition that all toms in their namesake take the role of Knight, and the molly's take the role of Ranger. Hyacinth laughs at her father, claiming she'll be the greatest Knight ever. When the ceremony is performed, Lavender can see his youngest sister hesitant, and with a shared look to Hyacinth, both brother and sister rush forth, pushing even their sister off the Spire. Their yowls of excitement are swallowed the water, and soon the three of them are swimming to shore. Each of them receives their worn white cloth, and they stare proudly into the crowd. 

07 Moons . After following the paths laid before them, Iris lives up to their father's wishes and becomes a Ranger. However, Hyacinth and Lavender both find their strengths in the Knight role. They strive to prove their loyalty and strength in this transition. Their lives are shaped by these moments, and Lavender and Hyacinth grow closer. 

9 moons - iris is a snitch, screw her.

12 moons - yo we're our official ranks now, like hell yeah.

16 moons - ew, hyacinth, stop mooning over boys. no, no i don't have a crush!

20 moons - okay, like i don't need to see you kissing iris, can you please take your crush out of my face before i kick his arse.

26 moons - ouo i have a squire? what. oh and he likes me better than iris, haha f you sis.

30 moons - trainings good, where is hyacinth sneaking off too?

33 moons - oh god, she's sleeping with the enemy... i have to tell her to stop! ooh my squire graduated

35 moons - the fall out is bad, but we're healing - and no one knows but us... right?

40 moons - oh god, iris is breathing down our necks, what the heck does she want? oh.. oh god she knows.

41 moons - mom dies of natural causes. father follows of a broken heart.

43 moons - no one knows of hyacinth's betrayal still, mayeb iris can be trusted?

49 moons - we're mending the bridges, but our sister says she never would tattle on something like this, because she values family - something we don't.

55 moons - current

Other Notes
Kill off, or adopt out. 

Last Edit: Sept 15, 2024 16:26:32 GMT by Roxanne 🍂
𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
∙ ᨒ mallowfrost ∙ ᨒ cariboucall ∙
∙ ⸙ owlfeather ∙ ⸙ sedgepaw ∙
∙ ༄ elm of silvershark ∙ ༄ lavender of windguard ∙