the minor annoyances like you

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Post by io on Sept 8, 2024 2:39:42 GMT

Leaf-fall / Year 1 / Fall Moon

Minkwhisker pays a reluctant visit to Mallowfrost on a chilly autumn evening.
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A chilly breeze swept across SummitClan camp, making the rusty brown tom scowl and shiver in his pelt. As he returned from his evening patrol today, he thought to himself that he could not be more relieved to see the camp. During this breezy autumn evening, patrolling should have been an easy and possibly enjoyable task. However, Minkwhisker was hardly the cat to appreciate its beauty. He instead focused, pessimistically, on the little things that bothered him - Elkstar’s immaturity, the weird amount of salmon, and even the way the wind buffeted his fur.

And especially this thorn in his paw.

He walked with a slight limp, hidden so that no nosy Clanmate might judge him for his temporary weakness.

That stupid little problem had bothered him for days, but Minkwhisker was wary enough of his sister to avoid getting it checked out. Instead, the stubborn tom had walked on it for nearly three days now. He had bit and scratched and clawed at it to the best of his own ability with no relief. Only when it began to bleed and swell did he resign to his fate of consulting Mallowfrost.

“Mallowfrost?” he growled rather formally as he approached the cascade of vines concealing the medicine cat’s den. The thick scent of herbs made him wrinkle his nose in disgust. Did his sister even know what she was doing with these strange plants? Annoyance was written plainly across the russet tabby’s face, and if Mallowfrost was to appear, she certainly wouldn’t be greeted pleasantly.

- - can't wash our hands of this
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Last Edit: Sept 8, 2024 5:26:54 GMT by io
Roxanne 🍂 Avatar

Roxanne 🍂

Post by Roxanne 🍂 on Sept 8, 2024 3:11:07 GMT


[attr="class","roxclass"]The air had begun the transition from hot and sticky Greenleaf nights, to a chillier tone. It wasn't a horrible transition but a welcome one for the longhaired feline, whose body had struggled more throughout the hot Greenleaf weather. Paws worked tirelessly on organizing the storage for the upcoming Leafbare. With the chill happening so soon, it would not surprise her if the first snow fell during the Leaf-Fall moons. Whiskers twitching with anticipation of the snow, she found herself worrying over things she could not control.

The sound of paw-steps alerted her to the arrival of another. She did not suspect it to be her apprentice - no she had sent Asterpaw on a mission to gather more moss for the coming chilly moons. She did wonder if the apprentice had perhaps struggled to find a warrior to accompany them. Instead, as she kept her head buried in her stocks, she heard the voice of her brother. A very low hiss escaped her lips as she realized it was not a brother she would have enjoyed the company of. She peeled herself away from the storages, her eyes narrowing as she spied the pelt of her brother from beyond the vines. He must have been truly injured to come to her domain.

The annoyed look washed from her face all at once. She had an act to keep up, she could pretend to like her brother in case another came in. She also could not poison the fox brain, it would be to obvious. Lips curling into a pleasantly sweet smile, it didn't quite reach her eyes like all her other sweet and fake smiles usually did. 'His presence repulses me to much.' She thought, as she strode to the center of the large cavern, sitting beneath the natural lighting. "Minkwhisker, you may enter." Her voice was sickly sweet, overly so. It would be obvious to all that she was simply putting on pleasantries. When he entered she would flash that sickly sweet smile his way, and her voice seemed like a sweeten poison.

"You must be ailing brother, if you've come to my domain.

with minkwhisker

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𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𓆏 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊
∙ ᨒ mallowfrost ∙ ᨒ cariboucall ∙
∙ ⸙ owlfeather ∙ ⸙ sedgepaw ∙
∙ ༄ elm of silvershark ∙ ༄ lavender of windguard ∙
io Avatar


Post by io on Sept 8, 2024 5:42:48 GMT

Minkwhisker scowled at the first sound of his sister's voice. Tufted ears abruptly pressed themselves against his head. This was one of those sounds that he could never get used to. From the day they were born in the nursery, his sister's sweet little voice had charmed the Clan. She wasn't born with a genuine bone in her, in Minkwhisker's opinion. She had, in this manipulative manner, commanded attention despite his stronger achievements. No matter how sweetly she called his name, he knew that she had not an ounce of affection for him.

"Don't give me that nasty look," he snarled at her without hesitation or deceit.

Unlike his sister, Minkwhisker was a straightforward tom. His intentions were always made clear, and he cared not to lie about them even when they were malevolent. He cared not about coming off as rude or mean, and pleasantries weren't something he needed to entertain with Mallowfrost.

The callous tom lifted his right hind paw slightly. In front of Mallowfrost, he eagerly downplayed how much the little thorn had bothered him over the past few days. "I can't get it out myself. You do this often enough, do you not?"

- - you've got a lot of nerve don't you baby

Last Edit: Sept 8, 2024 5:49:33 GMT by io