Honeybee of SummitClan

Artemis Avatar


Post by Artemis on Sept 7, 2024 4:17:13 GMT

SummitClan βˆ™ Warrior βˆ™ She/Her βˆ™ 28 Moons

A small ginger and white she-cat with pale gold eyes

Honeybee is quite small, the youngest and the runt of her litter. Physically, her body never quite caught up to her siblings in stature. Being small never phased her, though. She often uses the advantages given to her that come with being in a smaller body, such as being quiet as a whisper when she moves. Her pelt is predominantly white on the body, save for the ginger splotches on her head, face, tail and haunches. Within the ginger markings she has are soft tabby stripes, a few shades darker than the splotches. The tabby stripes are most noticeable near her face, where they are slightly darker than the rest. Her pelt is somewhere between short and long, it has enough length to give her a whispy pelt but not so long that it gets matted easily. Her eyes are a deep golden honey shade, hinting towards amber. Honeybee keeps her pelt well maintained, and can often be found grooming once her duties have been fulfilled for the day.

+ Patient | +/- Whimsical | - Absentminded

Honeykit was the youngest and smallest in her litter, and she learned quickly that her voice wasn't loud enough to compete with her siblings. She simply did not possess the required volume. Her own voice was naturally soft, and often times she would keep her words to herself. Even now, Honeybee typically prefers to observe the situations as they happen, rather than give comment too rashly, if at all. A she-cat of few words. After-all with all of the noise in the realm already, who needed extra words floating around causing more cacophony?

Honeykit soon was apprenticed into Honeypaw, and her soft and quiet demeanour followed her through this chapter of her life. A slightly frustrating partnership for her mentor, no doubt, as they would often have to keep her head out of the clouds. Keeping Honeypaw focused on training was a whole other battle of its own. When she really tried at it, though, she was an excellent hunter. Throughout apprenticeship, she did not form too many bonds. She was labelled 'shy', and it wasn't a priority for most of the clan to try to strike up conversation with her, knowing they probably wouldn't get a ton of dialect back.

Honeypaw was given her Warrior name, Honeybee, in her thirteenth moon. The new name suited her well, as it encompassed her small size, her tendency to be 'bumbling' around the camp, lost in her own thoughts. She often seemed to be daydreaming, perhaps coming across harebrained to those around her. To those that really get to know her, they would know she is genuine, sweet, and extremely patient.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Lean Warrior
SP: 4

β€’ Swimming
β€’ Climbing
β€’ Defending
β€’ Observing
β€’ Hunting

(Staff note - check out CATS system for help with a title in the Guidebook, under "Gameplay" section. You may remove this line when posting your biography)

Plotting, History, & Relations

Honeybee is very much a peaceful she-cat. She doesn't like the tension at the borders, however, she would never openly disagree or state her opinions to her clanmates - lest of all, her leader or deputy. Anything but a gossip, Honeybee is a she-cat of few words, unless they have been well thought out. Personally, she would have a difficult time fighting at the borders if it came to it. She is hoping Elkstar's rule is one of peace and stability.
Mother: Whitefur (npc)
Father: Gingertuft (deceased)
Siblings: Rowanfang (brother, adoptable) and Poppystep (sister, adoptable)
As a kit, Honeykit was doted on by her parents. She was small and seemingly fragile at birth, and of course, given extra attention for it. She always wondered if her siblings felt disdain towards her for this. Although she never asked for the extra attention, it was always shoved upon her. Rowankit and Poppykit often mewled louder, and were often vying with one another for their parents attention. Honeykit was perfectly happy to stay in the nursery den, enjoying the soft warm scents and peaceful quietness. She enjoyed being wrapped around her mother and her siblings, nestled in close. Warm. Safe. Comfortable. Quiet.

Moving out of the nursery den was not an experience that Honeykit felt particularly interested in. She knew she couldn't stay there forever, but she also felt it difficult to be excited when her apprentice ceremony rolled around, and she finally touched noses with her mentor. She was lost in thought her entire ceremony, and found herself stumbling through it like she was in a daydream. Her siblings, however, glowed. They were eager to become apprentices, and soon Warriors. They were ready to carve out their slice of eternity. Rowanpaw was always destined to be the brawn, whereas Poppypaw, well, she was the gall. And Honeypaw was the dreamer.

It wasn't long into her apprenticeship that Gingertuft was injured on a patrol. He had been scouting on a steep edge, following an unfamiliar scent. He lost his footing, and slipped down the rock slope - his soul left his body very quickly. Although Honeypaw wasn't there to witness it, stories had spread. She could imagine quite easily how Gingertuft had felt in his final hours, and the thought chilled her to her very core. She was close to both of her parents, perhaps her mother more so, but nevertheless the loss of her father struck her very hard.

In her thirteenth moon, Honeypaw was given her full Warrior name. Honeybee. To any who knew her, or knew of her - they knew this name was very suitable. At the present time, Honeybee works to be a good Warrior. She would likely be happy to become a queen as soon as she is able, missing the soft sweet scents of the nursery. She isn't fully sure what direction her paws will be taken in, but she will follow it and make the best of any situation.

Other Notes
Death, the most dramatic and amazing way possible, if it is the will of the keepers.
Purchased on iStock.
Nothing to add at present.
Last Edit: Sept 8, 2024 23:38:30 GMT by Artemis
🌲 πšƒπš’πš–πš‹πšŽπš›π™²πš•πšŠπš— β€’ Nettleheart
πŸ—» πš‚πšžπš–πš–πš’πšπ™²πš•πšŠπš— β€’ Honeybee
🌊 π™²πš˜πšžπš›πš 𝚘𝚏 πšπš‘πšŽ πš‚πš™πš’πš›πšŽπšœ β€’ Squire Aurora of Skyborn