the day to day grind (OPEN)

maple Avatar


Post by maple on Sept 6, 2024 16:25:28 GMT

A soft sigh escaped the she-cat as her gaze flicked over to the pile of herbs that were still waiting to be sorted. As her gaze settles on them, one of the leaves of the plants lifts and flutters in the faint, cool breeze, almost appearing as if it was taunting her before she uses her paw to nudge the leaf closer to the pile once more. It had taken her most of the morning to sort the herbs back into neat piles once more, and do inventory of them, and still the den appeared to be slightly messy as she took in her surroundings. The she-cat's tail twitched slightly in annoyance, but she pushed the feeling aside. At the very least, sorting through the herbs had made her aware of what was getting low in stock, so things being a bit messy had slightly been useful. She wasn't going to admit that, though, of course.

She began tackling the next pile of herbs, sorting the pile into smaller ones based on if they should remain dry, or if they need to be placed further in the den where its cooler. Once the piles are all sorted and tucked away, she moves on to cleaning the den, clearing dust away as she goes, and replacing the dried up bedding with fresh, soft moss for the nests of potential patients before moving on to her own nest to replace their bedding as well. Already, the den smells fresher, and she gives it an overall satisfied look before moving on to other parts of the den to clear a bit more dust away, checking along the way to see if she missed any herbs tucked away in any corners.

Her attention seems to be entirely on the task in front of her, her ears seldom flicking towards the entrance of the den as she gathers up some loose herbs in her mouth to carrying over to her sorting piles, and eventually she finds herself sitting in her corner again doing a bit more inventory.


WORDS: 347 

TAGS: --

NOTES: Timberclan mca
Last Edit: Sept 15, 2024 4:03:15 GMT by maple