Senior Knight Stag of Irontooth

Asteiri Avatar


Post by Asteiri on Sept 6, 2024 0:33:27 GMT

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Senior Knight Stag of irontooth
court of the spires ∙ knight ∙ he/him ∙ 99 moons

a massive, imposing white and brown fluffy tom with broad shoulders

Stag is a frightening looking tom. Large, broad shouldered, and baring many scars from his years of battle -- it's clear that he fights first and asks questions later. He's fluffy, but beneath all that fur is a toned and battle capable tom with strong legs and thick experienced claws. He towers over many of the kits and apprentices, so much so that he's earned the nickname "Giant Stag" much to his disappointment. In terms of his coat, Stag is primarily a white tom with brown and black patches across his legs, flank, and tail. His head is more tabby in nature, bearing the typical pattern one would expect. Despite him getting up in age, he's still quite spry, and outside of the crooked or missing whiskers --- one would never really know his age. His eyes seem to always be glaring, a crisp amber that looks through you rather than at you.

+ motivated | +/- quiet | - aggressive

Will of Iron and Bite even greater, Stag of Irontooth lives up to his namesake. While many could argue that those with fierce names are more bark than bite, Stag unfortunately has both. The wit and sarcasm of sharpened iron, and the bite of it too. Fierce in battle, Stag is willing to lay waste to all those that oppose the court --- and he's been known to get into his share of "friendly" scraps over court disagreements as well. He's the type of tom that acts first and asks his questions later, relying on his brawn over his brain.

Stag was a respected member of the Court for many years... the keyword here being "was". His first official apprentice (squire) went terribly, with that cat telling stories about how terrible and ruthless his mentor was. Since then, Stag has grown distant from the rest of the court in terms of friendships. He knows how many view him, especially the family of his former squire. Despite this, he is diligent in his duties, ensuring that the Irontooth name stands tall with him as it's only representative.

Stag dislikes much of the politics within the Court, especially as he bares a much newer family name than many of the Knights or Rangers. Those with historic names seem to put themselves on a pedestal, which Stag thinks is foolish --- especially considering he could cut most of them down.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: senior stocky knight
SP: 6

•  Teaching
•  Sneaking
•  Strategizing
•  Tracking
•  Tree Climbing
•  Close Combat

Plotting, History, & Relations
Part of the Irontooth family, a newer name within the Court's history. While not historic in the sense of the Ravenspells, Wolfsbanes, or Skyborns, Stag holds a lot of pride in his name --- especially as he's currently the last beacon of the name since his sister lost her spar against her mate. Now, Stag is a senior knight within the court, Stag is known as a tom of few words, many don't want to get on his bad side and he's been deemed as a loose cannon after the training of his first and only Squire, Hornet.
Knight Mantis of Irontooth, Long Deceased

Bobcat - Mother, Deceased (Formerly of Rosebristle)
Beetle - Father, Deceased

Knight Badger of Harespeed - 99 moon old Knight [insert link]

Knight Hornet of Wolfsbane - 44 moon old Knight [insert link]

Irontooth, a name that was given to a cat who found himself on the shores of the spire. While initially claimed as "of the Spire", his prowess for battle and sharp tongue presented him with a name that befit him and his future kin. Or at least, that's the story that Beetle told his children about their namesake. No one currently alive in the Court remembers Mantis, so Stag has never been able to validate the story... but it is something he has always held close to his heart when trying to adhere to his family name.

Badger and Stag were born to Beetle and Bobcat, with Beetle carrying on his family name after a successful win to continue his lineage. A relief that he disguised with arrogance, as the Irontooth name would have died with him had this not been the case. Beetle himself was arrogant, brash, and had a habit of being rough on his children to "prepare them" for the trials ahead. Badger distanced herself as soon as she became a Squire, but Stag was engrossed by it all --- wanting to be a true Irontooth and go down in a blaze of glory, dragging all those who opposed him down with him.

During Stag's Knight Squire training, both his parents had succumbed to the illness that was plaguing the territories. While Stag held vigil, this is when he really began to shift, wanting to honour and pass on the Irontooth name in any way he could.

Badger and Stag were both given Knight status, as despite Badger's best efforts, she was seen to have battle prowess. Both of the Irontooth children were seen as pillars of the court, respectful knights that adhered to all aspects of the Virtues of Grace. However, while the siblings were initially close, this all changed when Badger began courting Muddy of Harespeed. The Tournament of Names took place... and Badger lost, and her new family name was blessed. While the court honoured her with the woven cord, Stag did not. Stag lost his only other family member that day.

Shortly thereafter, Stag was given his first Squire: Hornet of Wolfsbane. Hornet was a bright-eyed tom, a bit nervous but excited to finally do his squire training. However, what awaited him was ruthless, gruelling. Stag expected greatness, and he punished the tom when he was unable to provide it. He treated Hornet the way his father had treated him, and in turn the Wolfsbane family turned on him the moment Hornet was away from his grasp. After Hornet became a full knight, much of the Court turned on Stag. Complaints were made to the current Sovereign, Kestrel, to ensure that Stag was never permitted a Squire again.

However, two members of the Court, Ranger Vixen of Ravenspell and her adoptive father Ranger Cobra of Ravenspell knew power when they saw it. Despite all the odds (and initial grumpiness at trusting Rangers), the trio became well acquainted, allies of sorts. While the rest of the court seems convinced he was wrong, they understand him... and that's something he can respect.

Currently, Stag is one of the most senior knights of the court... but his past treatment of Hornet still follows him. He doesn't regret his actions, though, as it made Hornet into the cat he is today. The rest of the Court is just too foolish and wrapped up in their cozy idleism that they don't realize how much good Stag actually did for them.

Other Notes
Abnormal Cat Size - big boy, 16"

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Last Edit: Sept 10, 2024 23:11:11 GMT by Asteiri
ᨒ Asterpaw . Ravenwatcher ᨒ
↟ Oriolebloom . Shinepaw ↟
༄ Chicory of Rosebristle . Stag of Irontooth ༄
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