forest of talking trees (private)

Artemis Avatar


Post by Artemis on Sept 5, 2024 5:08:16 GMT

Thread description: This thread takes place in the present day, Nettleheart has a day free of duties and is alone in Staghorn Copse, where he will run into Fireflicker.
Participant(s): | Content warning(s): none | Realm events: none | Skip rate: n/a

[newclass=.iwbtr-contain]--iwbtr-accent:#639e7b; --iwbtr-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","iwbtr-ly-1"]have some patience for
[break]the part of me that's



The forest ground was carpeted with soft, springy moss. At this time of the year, the moss absorbed the moisture of the forest - the dampness adding a bit of chill to each step that was familiar with leaf-fall temperatures beginning to fall. Before long, the leafs would all fall and leave the trees empty which would mark the start of leaf-bare. Nettleheart felt his pelt ripple in a slight chill despite himself, thinking of leaf-bare. It was often a difficult time for the cats who lived in their realm, usually rampant with sickness and leaving bellies hungry and wanting for more. [break][break]

Today he didn’t have any specific responsibilities to tend to around camp. He wasn’t scheduled to be on any dawn patrols, hunting patrols, or tasked with anything else by Goosestar or Cherrydawn. It was rare to have a day to himself without any real structure to speak of, but he eagerly took advantage of having the spare time and before long his paws had brought him to Staghorn Copse. He did his best thinking here, in the Copse. Everything was coated in a soft green blanket, and it was so quiet here. Peaceful. A good spot to be alone with your thoughts.[break][break]

Nettleheart’s ears flickered as he heard the soft whisper of wind among tree branches. He closed his honey coloured eyes, his bushy tail sweeping from side to side as he concentrated on the sounds of the forest. He tried to separate all of the individual sounds, listening for something that may indicate prey. Perhaps since he had some time free he could at least bring a piece of freshkill back to camp with him. Among other things, Nettleheart was always eager to prove himself and his strength as a Warrior for the clan.



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Last Edit: Sept 5, 2024 5:09:27 GMT by Artemis
🌲 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚗 • Nettleheart
🗻 𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚝𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚗 • Honeybee
🌊 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜 • Squire Aurora of Skyborn
Cadmium Avatar


Post by Cadmium on Sept 7, 2024 17:44:29 GMT

I found brimstone in my garden

I found roses set on fire

Her first night back in the warriors’ den brought Fireflicker no rest when all she could think about was Shinepaw. Was his nest comfortable? Had some bully put a thorn in it? What did his mentor say to him during his ceremony? Her fussing allowed her no more than a few moments of sleep at a time and the next morning the patrols took one look at her dragging gait and half-lidded eyes and passed her over. The wordless rejection, though not personal, scraped against the raw wound of Shinepaw’s apprenticeship and left Fireflicker standing forlornly under the Paletree as the camp slowly emptied.

Cherrydawn wasn’t in sight, either gone off with a patrol or on his own to escape the busy morning. She couldn’t see Shinepaw either, probably out with his new mentor. If they were both gone, then the place she was needed was out in the territory. Leafbare was coming and TimberClan needed her as much as her kind did.

She took a meandering path through the territory. Every so often she could hear a distant hunting patrol moving through the ungrowth or she caught the scent scent of a border patrol where the brushed along the ferns on their way out, but she didn’t feel drawn to join either. She’d only just settled on a solo hunting patrol for the morning when she caught a fresh, familiar scent on the leafy ferns of Staghorn Copse: Nettleheart!

For all the doubts and shame she carried about her past, Fireflicker held her former apprentice apart as an uncontested point of pride. When Goosestar became leader it would have been fair for Nettleheart to consider himself a strong candidate for deputy, but he showed no ill will when Cherydawn rose to the title instead. His reaction only deepend her affection and when she caught sight of him she called his name with purring lilt. He was nearly her height at his apprentice ceremony and now she had to look up at him as she approached. “What are you up to out here?”


Notes: My first post! Still finding my voice but here's the first step.
Artemis Avatar


Post by Artemis on Sept 8, 2024 4:22:29 GMT

[newclass=.iwbtr-contain]--iwbtr-accent:#639e7b; --iwbtr-img:url("");[/newclass]


[attr="class","iwbtr-ly-1"]have some patience for
[break]the part of me that's


Fur tufted tabby ears flickered back as he heard the soft scuffle on moss that might indicate prey. Perhaps a mouse, or squirrel making its way through the damp green undergrowth. His stomach all but growled at the thought. Leaffall had just begun, but the freshkill pile was certainly lacking the usual variety that newleaf or greenleaf might allow. His jaws watered a little as he thought about a warm, fresh mouse. Trying to clear the thoughts from his mind, he was about to drop down into a hunter’s crouch to assess further, but a new sound stopped him.[break][break]

Pawsteps were approaching behind him, he wasn’t alone anymore. His jaws parted to taste the air, and the familiar scent rushed over him, almost like a warm breeze. Fireflicker. He had warm memories of his time being mentored by the ginger she-cat. It always struck him how similar yet different she was to Cherrydawn, her brother - and the deputy of TimberClan. As she approached, her words were a cheerful purr, the sound was welcome to his ears. Nettleheart turned and dipped his head in a polite greeting. He would always be respectful of the mentor who taught him so much.[break][break]

The large tabby tom blinked his eyes at Fireflicker, and raised his tail straight up in a stance to indicate he was happy to have her company. He thought about his response for a moment, and realized he wasn’t quite sure what exactly had possessed his paws to bring him here this morning. The quiet thinking spot was probably the main reason. He was sure that his mentor knew him well enough to know how pensive he could be, despite the air of bravado he tried to coat himself in. Beyond Hareleap, Fireflicker might be the only other cat in the clan that knew him so well.[break][break]

“I had the morning free, for a change,” He mewed cheerfully. “I wasn’t too sure what to do with my time today. But I figured that perhaps I could go for a stroll, maybe even manage to frighten a squirrel into my paws at the same time!” His mew turned to a chuckle. He was a decent hunter, despite his size, and he certainly owed a portion of that skill to the ginger she-cat standing before him now. Without her moulding him into the Warrior he was today, he wasn’t sure that he would be half as skilled as he was. “What brings you out here?” He asked, his honey coloured eyes warm as he watched Fireflicker before him.



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🌲 𝚃𝚒𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚗 • Nettleheart
🗻 𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚒𝚝𝙲𝚕𝚊𝚗 • Honeybee
🌊 𝙲𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚝 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜 • Squire Aurora of Skyborn