Bramblingfire of TimberClan

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Post by cosmic on Sept 4, 2024 21:05:30 GMT

B R a m b l i n g F I R E
timberclan ∙ warrior ∙ she/her ∙ 38 moons

A long-furred brown and white she-cat with sharp caramel-hued eyes

B R A M B L I N G: for her caramel brown pelt, the binds of the scrambling vines in a wild shrub of the forest. Named after an ancestor on her mother's, Sparkpelt's, side of the family.
F I R E: her intense, ravenous, power-hungry personality. 

She could never have been a contender against her sister. Flamesong had a lustrous, soft coat that always shined against the sun peaking through the trees. Her deep-orange fur seemed to cause the forest to sing as she bounded around the territory, always a spectacle for those that were near by to watch.  
Unlike her sister, Bramblingfire was, frankly, a more-than-average looking cat. She had no weird proportions, nothing that made her stand out against the competition of her kin. The she-cat resembled the likeness of her family tree, lean and slender to weave her way along the pines trees of the territory. Despite her average stature and features, she tries her best to keep herself in top shape. 
The she-cat's coat color is a warm caramel color, reminiscent of the inside of a pine tree once it has fallen or been cut by Twolegs. White markings trail from her snout to her underbelly, which she works tirelessly to keep clean as an aftereffect of wanting it to try to outshine even her sister's pelt. Bramblingfire take great pride in the care of her appearance and religiously keeps herself pristine and clean. Her eyes share the same hues as her pelt, an non-captivating brown being present around her pupils. Often, she wears a resting bitch face as a regular emotion. Her voice is commanding, sly, having to weave her way through conversations to keep herself from drowning in her littermate's fame. She is not afraid to demand what she wants, resulting in an "all-bite-no-bark" rasp in her voice. 

+ Determined | +/- high-spirited | - Selfish

It's always been an uphill battle for Bramblingfire, after the treatment of her "perfect" sister pushed her out of the limelight of those around her. However, despite the odds of never being able to catch up with Flamesong, she still made, and currently makes, every effort to try to become something. From her apprenticeship, she became a very determined she-cat as she worked relentlessly to become a great cat of her clan. Some may call her a "workaholic", as she tries to volunteer as much as she can to try to help her status. 
Often, though, due to the events that had transpired moons prior with her ex-lover and sister, trust is something that comes hard for the she-cat to find in others. When she isn't working, Bramblingfire tends to self-isolate, other than being an overbearing mother to her son, Pricklepaw. Often, she is regarded as having a bitter attitude or a disrespectful undertone to her voice. Cats tend to see her actions as selfish for the way that she keeps Pricklepaw sheltered and the unfair treatment toward Emberpaw, but she is more than willing to give her side of the story if someone stays around long enough. All she needs is herself, and that's all she is ever going to focus on.
However, if a cat somehow is able to get close enough to Bramblingfire, they will find a fiercely loyal and devout she-cat. Those that are able to peel away her layers of insecurity and vulnerability are able to truly see the cat that she aspires and drives herself to be from sunrise to sunset. All she wants is to be able to have the attention of others to regard her as a valuable and noble member of the clan. Just like her late sister was.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: (Lean) warrior
SP: 4

•  Tracking
• Manipulation
•  Defensive Combat
•  Ambush
•  Offensive Combat

Plotting, History, & Relations

While Bramblingfire is a loyal cat to her clan, and will serve it as such, she tends to keep to herself and doesn't form her own opinions about the political climate unless prodded. Her main focus is to make sure that she has a legacy that she can leave behind without her sister outshining her, while being there for her son.

Mother(s): Sparkpelt ♰ and Smallthorn
Sister: Flamesong ♰
Niece(s): Emberpaw [ufa] and Windkit ♰
Ex-Lover/Brother-In-Law: Squirreldawn [ufa]
Child: Pricklepaw [ufa]

Family Tree Link: link

Mentor: Cindersplash
Apprentice(s): Ottercry
Friends: catname, catname, catname
Enemies: Squirreldawn, catname, catname 

(tw: overt favoritism of a child, sibling rivalry, implied relationship infidelity, book-canon depictions of cat/kitten death)
"One learns to respect the brambles, for they are so very serious about protecting what they nurture." 

[kithood - 0 moons to 6 moons]
Sparkpelt and Smallthorn welcomed the only litter they would ever have. Using a surrogate clan tom to father the litter, it took a toll on Smallthorn's body during pregnancy. The medicine cat warned that this should be the only litter that they had, and they would follow that advice.

Two, healthy she-kits were born. The mothers were star-struck over the most beautiful kit, whom they decided to name Flamekit. Her bright-gray pelt mixed with hues of blue seemed to bring new light into the den, while the other kit, a light-tawny she-kit, seemed to be pushed to the side. It took the two mothers longer to name their second daughter Bramblingkit, deciding to name her after an ancestor on Sparkpelt's side of the family.

The love for the perfect daughter only grew.

Before they were old enough to leave the nursery, the other queens would often coddle over the ember kit, expressing their admiration and inspiration for the kit to grow up and become an amazing clan member. Though, Bramblingkit seemed to not get as much attention, even from her parents. When Flamekit began to walk, all the queens squealed with excitement. When Bramblingkit began to walk, the roar was much, much quieter.

No one knew, but Bramblingkit noticed. As they continued to grow, Bramblingkit kept to herself. With a personality that was the complete opposite of her littermate, it was no wonder that Flamekit was the first one to keep making friends and being active around the camp. The flame-furred kit was bubbly, ambitious, and outgoing. Everything that Bramblingkit was not. Is that why her mothers loved Flamekit more than her? It was Bramblingkit that was the last chosen, the last taken care of. They never resented her, but the bias was too obvious for even the small kit to not see.

"Can I please join you and the other kits? I promise I won't destroy the moss ball this time," Bramblingkit mewed, rising to her feet.
"Yeah, sure," Flamekit would always reply as she never looked back toward her littermate.

Never "yes", never "of course"... just "sure".
That's what everyone said to her.

[apprenticeship - 6 moons to 12 moons]
"Cindersplash, you are ready to take another apprentice. You were taught well from your mentor in Juniperbelly, and you proved to be a great teacher to your previous apprentices, Stripedpatch and the late Fallingleaf. You will be the mentor of Bramblingpaw, and I expect you to pass on all that you know to this apprentice."

While her nose touched against her mentor and the roar of the clan calling her new name echoed in her ears, she felt nothing but a pitfall in her belly. All the kits that had an apprentice ceremony stayed up the night before. They all threw around conspiracies and theories on who was being paired with who. But something was clear. Not all mentors were treated the same. There were mentors who were highly regarded whether they were able to teach cats to be the best warriors or were the best warriors themselves. And, then there were the "other warriors". The other warriors that weren't the best, even despite being a senior warrior or a teacher of many. Cindersplash was one of these "other" warriors.

Flamepaw was named after her, and the disappointment that crawled across Bramblingpaw's mouth was apparent to all when her sibling's mentor was announced. Wisptooth. Wisptooth was arguably the best teacher in the clan, a remarkable fighter and offensive strategist of the clan. Blood boiled to Brambling's ears further when she remembered what she saw the night before their ceremony. After the kit's chat about possible mentors, Bramblingkit went to go get a drink of water when she saw Wisptooth and Sparkpelt having a very focused and deep conversation. Was it possible that Sparkpelt bribed Wisptooth to take the "better" daughter as his apprentice somehow?

But Bramblingpaw was determined to become the best. Finally, after so long of having to follow and step in her sister's footsteps, she was away from their mother's supervision and could become better than she was perceived to be. She takes an affinity to fishing and water combat, thanks to her mentor's specialties in those areas. But, no matter what, Flamepaw was one step ahead of her.

Training had concluded one evening after Flamepaw had managed to pin Bramblingpaw down in a spar. The training clearing was empty with only the sisters. Flamepaw tried to make a compliment, but it fell flat. Not long after, the two began arguing.
"You know, maybe if our moms didn't treat you like their only child, maybe I would have been able to beat you," Bramblingpaw snarked.
"I beat you fair and square. I don't need you always trying to beat me and be better than me," Flamepaw snarled back, going toe-to-toe with her littermate.
"You are always the one that wants to win, and I just want a sister!" Bramblingpaw cried back, before her tail swiped across Flamepaw's legs when she bounded away.

The bitterness continued to rise between the two of the siblings, with Flamepaw always coming out in the lead over her forgotten sister. Tensions between the two competing siblings caused outbreaks of fights, often seeing Bramblingpaw's actions resulting in punishment more than Flamepaw.

One fight was particularly bad when the littermates were 11 moons, in which Bramblingpaw shredded Flamepaw's left ear. The punishment was banishment from attending the next Gathering alongside other duties. Bramblingpaw was stationed to guard the entrance with another senior warrior and his apprentice, Squirreldawn, who had just received his warrior name a moon prior. Squirreldawn and her had many pleasant conversations, making the punishment seem less like a punishment.

[warriorship - 12 moons to present]
Despite their hardships, Bramblingpaw and Flamepaw were named together as warriors. Both of their names denoted the polar opposites of the sisters. Flamesong was named for her gregarious, well-mannered behaviors. Bramblingfire was named for her spit-fire personality, with an intensity that comes to a shock to anyone who doesn't know her well.

After the ceremony, she made sure to spend the night of Starwatching away from her egotistical sister, a gesture that was peculiar to those that didn't understand the terrible relationship of the sisters. But, Bramblingfire was able to have a better night than her sister, seeking the advice of Squirreldawn to know of a weave of branches that gave a comfortable spot to look at the stars while guarding the camp. 

After becoming a warrior, it was easy for Bramblingfire to start avoiding Flamesong more often, as she often volunteered for border patrols, while her sister was more excellent at hunting. As she often took the morning patrols, she had the rest of the day to spend with Squirreldawn, who quickly became her close friend. Which, Bramblingfire loved, as she knew that Flamesong had been fond of the tom since they were kits.

Bramblingfire also was trusted with her first apprentice during this time. Just like her, Otterpaw had a tenacity for aquatics, being proficient in both water combat and fishing. They were given the warrior name Ottercry when they graduated.

Around 27 moons old, Bramblingfire and Squirreldawn became mates, though they never officially announced anything to the clan. They truly were in love, from what Bramblingfire thought. Everything was heavenly. But, every once in a while, she saw her sister not staring at her with jealous eyes, but at Squirreldawn with... what was that, longing?

At around 30 moons, Squirreldawn, for unknown reasons, decided to break things off with Bramblingfire. There was not real reason that he gave, as he would dodge any of her questions while she plead-cried to him to give her answers. All her life she never had answers to why she was not the one that cats would choose. 

As if she predicted it, she started to see Squirreldawn and Flamesong with one another. The truth about obvious infidelity came right in front of Bramblingfire's eyes.

A sharp pain came over her stomach one morning. Sort of like she ate a bad vole. As she went to the medicine cat den, the last thing she expected was Flamesong to be there as well. Twigleaf confirmed that both she-cats were due with kits, and with her sister's eyes, Bramblingfire knew exactly what was happening.

They were both pregnant with Squirreldawn's kits.

As the two moon went on with both of their pregnancies, and with the rumors and gossip exploding in the quiet camp, Flamesong was trying her to best to rectify the situation.
"I really didn't mean for any of this to happen. I thought that I'd be able to tell you once things got serious, but-"
"But, you didn't," Bramblingfire snarled, with her sister lowering her ears to her skull in guilt. "You act like you would have done the right thing, but I know you. You would have never told me. You just think that you would have because we both got played by the same tom." The brown she-cat then turned away.

Bramblingfire had her litter first, at 32 moons, though it was only a tom kit that looked exactly like she did, white markings and all. She thanked StarClan for the blessing, as she knew in that instant that this kit would be the only thing that she cared about from now on. His name was Pricklekit, cementing that she and her son would always have each others back, pricking others who came too close to them.

Not long after, Flamesong had her two kits, one of which was stillborn, but she was horribly weak after, losing too much blood. The only family in the nursery who could even begin to comfort her was Bramblingfire. Everything in her was fighting to not show sympathy, but Bramblingfire found herself curled behind Flamesong as her breaths began heavier. "Bramblingfire, please take my only kit. She depends on you. I hope she can treat you better than I could have." With that, Flamesong was gone.

At first, Bramblingfire wasn't going to take the kit. There were plenty of other queens that could adopt the kit, but with the insistent pleading of Squirreldawn, she took the kit in her care. Without having been given a name, Bramblingfire named the she-kit Emberkit, as a reminder of the burning pain from the entire situation between her, Flamesong, and Squirreldawn. A constant reminder to never give too much of herself to a cat ever again. Always smoldering.

As Pricklekit and Emberkit grew up, the treatment of Pricklekit was much better than Emberkit. Often, Pricklekit would join in with Bramblingfire with the taunts and rude remarks she would make to her niece. Unknown to Bramblingfire, she was just repeating the cycle that she was once a victim to. When Pricklekit was old enough, she made it very clear about what happened to Squirreldawn, and why they no longer speak to him.

Pricklepaw and Emberpaw became apprentices, which meant she could finally return to her own duties. She kept a tight leash on Pricklepaw, however, becoming an overbearing mother to the only cat that she truly trusted. Bramblingfire no longer interacts with Emberpaw and ignores her, never wanting to be reminded of her mistakes. Squirreldawn, now that she was out of the nursery, also began to try to make amends to all three of the cats that he hurt. However, Bramblingfire put up the most fight, sheltering Pricklepaw from the temptation to become civil with his biological father. 

Now, she is doing everything in her power to make a name for herself again. Since, theoretically, she can no longer be compared to Flamesong, she will do whatever she can to prove herself as the best in the forest, alongside her son. 

Other Notes
Up to staff.
Sexuality/Gender Identity: AFAB cis she-cat. Closeted bisexual, with a masc-lean.
Face Claim Info: CsillaTheForestCat on Instagram. Permission image link is here.
Voice: link
Playlist: link
Pinterest Board: link

Last Edit: Sept 12, 2024 0:06:58 GMT by cosmic