cottonpaw of summitclan

solstice Avatar


Post by solstice on Aug 31, 2024 17:44:16 GMT

summitclan ∙ apprentice ∙ he/him ∙ 7 moons old


If Elkstar was simply lighter in color, you'd have Cottonpaw. In build, he's identical to his father: lean, graceful, and well-muscled, though this hides behind layers of cascading, feathery fur. He has large ears and an elegant appearance overall. He's close to average in size, though tends more towards being on the smaller side of average. His tail is plumy and long, often brushing against the forest floor. Despite the length of his fur, he keeps it meticulously clean. It often has a shimmer to it as he moves. Cottonpaw's fawn pelt appears mostly solid, but sports a hint of stripes around his head and tail. Long white whiskers sprout from his head, cheeks, and muzzle. His eyes are a vibrant golden-green that often appear more gold in sunlight, though always seem to remain calm and cool despite their bright color. He has reddish paw pads, and a matching reddish nose.


In terms of curiosity and a propensity for accidental trouble, Cottonpaw stands out against other cats of his age. It's easy to point at Cottonpaw's intellect and curiosity as the typical catalysts for the things he typically gets himself into, but they're just as good at getting him out of trouble as into it. Cottonpaw's unique solutions to problems often work, however driven on by pressure they may be. Perhaps it's a downside that things typically work out for him, as the apprentice tends to assume he'll figure it out rather than taking measures to plan or prevent himself from getting into situations. And unfortunately, he's usually right. Cottonpaw is often sneaky enough to make his rebellions work without consequence.

Despite this, Cottonpaw's curiosity also makes him a very open cat, often interested in what others around him are up to. While he isn't the most social cat you've ever seen, he's someone who loves to ask questions and learn more regardless of someone's creed. This includes cats from other groups, who he's far more likely to talk with than fight. Why bother fighting when you can focus on learning more?

Though his views are very different, Cottonpaw at his core shares some similarities with his father. Often capricious and impulsive, Cottonpaw's mood is often a matter of which way the wind blows on any day. It's difficult to predict how he'll be feeling, but he'll make it blatantly obvious as soon as you begin talking to him. However, these moods are often subject to change, as the smallest positive or negative interaction can seemingly change Cottonpaw's outlook on his entire day. Impulsivity is a core tenet of Cottonpaw's being, often pushing him into situations he otherwise wouldn't get into. While he rarely dabbles in violence, one might not be surprised to see Cottonpaw punished for an accidentally disrespectful comment, or deciding now is the time for him to hunt, even if he wasn't directed to do so.

Cottonpaw holds similar abilities to Elkstar in terms of speaking and strategy. Cottonpaw's a good speaker, quick with words and often good at negotiation, at least for an apprentice. As he ages, it's clear he'll only improve, potentially becoming a good cat to go to for advice in any given situation.

When it comes to religiousness, he somewhat mirrors his father's beliefs. StarClan is a framework, but why do they allow rebellion to go unpunished? If they were truly all-powerful and omniscient, they wouldn't allow him to do such things. Yet, they do, and thus, they must simply like watching. He respects his ancestors, but ultimately believes the Warrior Code is mutable, especially since he doesn't necessarily agree with some of the rules...

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Lean apprentice
SP: 3

•  Tree Climbing
•  Swimming
•  Speaking
•  Sneaking
•  N/A
•  N/A

Plotting, History, & Relations

Cottonpaw inherited his rebellious nature from his father, but in a very different way. Where Elkstar is aggressive and closed-off to outsiders, Cottonpaw's open curiosity and desire to know more about the world around him often gets him into trouble. He's more of a talker than a fighter, so why risk conflict with others when they can simply talk it out? While his values contrast those of his father, he still idolizes Elkstar, and wishes to be like him as a warrior. Will he be able to make his father proud and follow in his pawsteps? Or will his curiosity and desire to learn ultimately betray his loyalty to SummitClan?

Elkstar, a ginger leader of SummitClan with blue-green eyes and scarred shoulders. Brave, unpredictable, and bloodthirsty. Played by .
Blackcreek, a smokey black warrior of SummitClan with blue eyes. Flirtatious, lazy, and coolheaded. (UFA)

adoptive mother

Cougarblossom, a tan-furred warrior of SummitClan with green eyes. Sister of Elkstar. Tolerant, noncommittal, and excitable. (NPC)

siblings —

Applepaw, apprentice of SummitClan. A ginger cat. (NPC) 
Darkpaw, apprentice of SummitClan. A dark-furred cat. (NPC)

adoptive siblings/cousins
Asterpaw, a long, lanky blue-grey medicine cat apprentice of SummitClan with sharp amber eyes. Talented, assertive, and angry. Played by .
Oatpaw, apprentice of SummitClan. (NPC)
Harepaw, apprentice of SummitClan. (NPC)

uncles and aunts —
Ryewing, a golden-furred warrior of SummitClan with amber eyes. Sibling of Elkstar. Funny, adaptable, and rude. (NPC)
Valerianshine, a silver-furred warrior of SummitClan with blue eyes. Sibling of Elkstar. Logical, sharp-tongued, and confident. (NPC)
Siskinfang, a ginger warrior of SummitClan with blue-green eyes. Twin of Elkstar. Outrageous, fearless, and cruel. (NPC)

Eveningpool, a dark-furred warrior of SummitClan with yellow eyes. Littermate of Elkstar. Calm, manipulative, and respectful. (NPC)
Dawnkit, warrior of SummitClan, littermate of Elkstar. They passed away at 3 moons. (NPC)
Lavenderkit, warrior of SummitClan, littermate of Elkstar. They passed away at 3 moons. (NPC)

Cottonkit's birth was a bit of a surprise for the rest of the clan, who didn't know that Elkstar was even expecting kits at the time. Cottonpaw doesn't remember a time Elkstar was permanently in the nursery, as the tom quickly went back to his warrior duties after the birth, leaving Cottonkit, Applekit, and Darkkit with his elder sibling, Cougarblossom, to care for.

So, Cottonkit grew up alongside his older cousins, Asterkit, Oatkit, and Harekit. Having additional kits to play with was fun, though Cottonkit often found himself gravitating more towards the older cats, asking about stories and training. It seemed Cottonkit had a new fixation every week, jumping between collecting beetle shells, asking to learn how to stalk, becoming Elktalon's shadow for a few days, or any number of things. He never stuck on one thing, instead wanting to know everything about, well, everything.

The only consistent thing about the kit was his desire for stories. He'd sit for hours listening to Cougarblossom tell him stories of his father, of the clan's past, and of faraway lands. He found himself mystified with it all, hoping to become a storyteller and experience as much as his ancestors experienced throughout their lives.

When Elktalon became deputy, Cottonkit's interest in his position only seemed to grow. The kit already clearly idolized his father, but he only shadowed him more upon his promotion. And when Goldenstar passed only a short time afterward, Cottonkit was beyond proud of his father, hoping to follow in his pawsteps as an incredible leader... At least in his eyes.

As he entered his apprenticeship, that curiosity of his only grew, and his entire worldview shifted. There's so much land in the territory, so many cats to meet, and he felt limited to only a corner of the forest. Every time he goes on border patrols, he stares out across the lands, wondering what he'll find out there.

Other Notes
Adopt out!
Transgender tom. Dubiously polyamorous and gay.
I'm adopting Cottonpaw from !

Last Edit: Sept 12, 2024 23:05:50 GMT by solstice
summitclan apprentice • he/him • 7 moons
"i've come back changed, i can feel it in my bones"