
maple Avatar


Post by maple on Aug 14, 2024 2:35:25 GMT

Timberclan ∙ Medicine Cat ∙ She/Her ∙ 18 Moons

A small grey-brown tabby she-cat with a long tail and green eyes

At first glance,  Sprucetail's size is often taken note of when other cats are first meeting her. She's a bit smaller than the average for cats her age - not unhealthily so, but enough that she'll still receive a few curious looks at times. Her soft green eyes and long tail are likely her most distinctive features, though.  Her eyes always seem to have an inquisitive gleam in them as she soaks up any and all knowledge given to her, and her long tail seems to contrast a bit to the smaller size of her body.  She has short, grey-brown tabby fur with no other unusual markings apart from having a white muzzle, whiskers, and a peach-pink nose.

+ Quick study | +/- impersonal| - sharp-tongued

Sprucetail has a few layers to her and can oftentimes  give off the impression of giving the cold shoulder to individuals sometimes when in reality it's usually not intentional. She's quite studious and loves learning. Even when technically her training is finished. She'll often forget that breaks exist, and that it's important to be a bit more social as well.  She tries to approach every problem with an impersonal headspace, and depending on the situation - this may make her appear to be less empathetic, but the intent to help her clanmates the best that she can has and always will be there. She loves her clan quite a bit, and her dedication to her studies is driven by her loyalty to them.  She's patient, but also still young. Most of the time, she's decent at being keeping a cool-head - but she still has a sharp-tongue on her if she's pushed to her limit, or if someone pokes at a sore spot too much. She's not particularly fond of being being underestimated due to her smaller size.

Title & Abilities
Current Title: Medicine cat 
SP: 4


•  Kit Delivery

•  Memorization
•  Wounds
•  Organization
• Foraging


•  Improvising 
• Illnesses

Plotting, History, & Relations


Sprucetail always was drawn to knowledge and learning herbs. Even as a kit, she found herself wandering in close to the medicine cat den  to listen in while other kits were out exploring and tussling. Eventually, her curiosity paid off and she found herself walking towards the path that led her to be the medicine cat of TimberClan. Sprucetail has always been very dedicated and devoted to her studies and duties throughout her apprenticeship. She's been called stand-offish and unsocial because of her tendency to get wrapped up in her work, but in reality she's always been a tad bit lonely and has always  genuinely cared about her clan.


Hawkfeather - Father - Alive (Adoptable)
Rainwhisker - Mother - Deceased
Robinkit - Sister - Deceased
Quailbreeze - Foster Mother - Alive (Adoptable)
Bark-- - Foster Brother - Alive (Adoptable, Quailbreeze's kit)


Sprucetail's story started  with her mother, Rainwhisker, and her father, Hawkfeather. Her parents fell in love at a relatively young age, and after they both decided to become mates, they'd agreed that they'd like to have kits one day.  It was a few moons after they'd decided to become official that Rainwhisker found out that she was going to have kits, and the young couple were overjoyed and excited to welcome their kits into the world. Sprucetail and her sister, Robinkit, were eventually born. It was a difficult birth, one that left Rainwhisker quite exhausted and feeling unwell, and Robinkit was born sickly as well. Unfortunately, Robinkit succumbed to her sickness only a few days after her birth, leaving Rainwhisker and Hawkfeather heartbroken at the loss. The heart break seemed to only worsen Rainwhisker's state, and her declined health lead her to catch a more serious illness that lead to her death as well.

Hawkfeather always attempted to be a good father to Sprucetail, but as a young father, he didn't have the experience to raise a kit by himself. He approached Quailbreeze, a friend of Rainwhisker's, and asked her if Sprucetail could be raised alongside of Quailbreeze's kit. Quailbreeze happily agreed, wanting to help out her late friend's kin as much as she possibly could. Sprucetail was too young at the time to realize that Quailbreeze wasn't her actual mother, but she eventually found out about it when she overheard Bark-- whispering about it to Quailbreeze.

Sprucetail's relationship with her foster brother  has always been a bit complicated.  Bark-- is  a moon older than her, and there's always been a bit of separation between him and her. He's civil enough to her to her face, but Sprucetail is aware that he resented her to some extent when they were younger for taking  Quailbreeze's attention away from him. She half believes that Bark-- had known that she'd been eavesdropping when he had "let it slip" that Quailbreeze wasn't actually her mother.  She's never dared to speak of that suspicion, however, due to her gratefulness towards Quailbreeze for taking her under her wing.

Hawkfeather continued to try his best to remain a figure in her life as well, and Sprucetail has always had  a decent relationship with him. It  was actually him her nudged her forward and encouraged her to pursue the path of becoming a medicine cat, and that encouragement was the last bit of convincing that Sprucetail needed to make the first step towards that path.

Other Notes

Feel free to either have her death happen or adopt her out. Whatever is best and makes sense for the current ongoing plot at the time.





Last Edit: Sept 15, 2024 3:42:16 GMT by maple