once i was, now i will be

luna Avatar


Post by luna on Sept 15, 2024 1:16:21 GMT

synopsis: geraniumclaw trains her apprentice, harepaw

content warnings: none

realm events: yes, but nothing too major


geraniumclaw had been a bit astonished when she was assigned an apprentice. but she trusted that she was ready for the position, after all it was elkstar's decision, and geraniumclaw was never one to question their leader.

and so every so often she had to take the younger cat with her on her adventures. she kept her nose to the ground as she considered the scent that she had picked up. geraniumclaw had to lead by example--she knew no other way for the young apprentice to learn.

suddenly, geraniumclaw stopped so quickly that harepaw might have bumped into her if she wasn't paying attention. geraniumclaw's tail flicked lazily as she prepared to administer a test to her apprentice.

"there are three scents here." geraniumclaw declared, "one to the right, one to the left, and one that leads straight ahead."

as she spoke, geraniumclaw gestured with her head. hopefully harepaw had that much figured out already. the real question came next: "which way leads us to the most prey, and which leads to the most danger?"

the answers, geraniumclaw thought to herself, were somewhat simple. to the left was the vague scent of something avian, a bird  or perhaps some birds that might make easy prey for a skilled hunter. or perhaps even an apprentice.

however, it seemed if they continued straight ahead there might be some danger: geraniumclaw thought she smelled a fox. she would rather not have to deal with leading an apprentice through that particular encounter, and so had already decided what must be done if harepaw decided that was the correct direction